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Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Perhaps some say a prayer before they train…..

Its not a prayer for a miracle. Just a little help.

Or before shift, duty, Sunday AM as church security, etc.

Like this
“Please make me fast and accurate, that any attempts to perpetrate evil be destroyed and good people remain safe, that your love and peace be overwhelming in my heart and with all your people. Amen.”

Its not all movie wannabes.
Never even watched those Wick movies.
was too busy training. 😉
"Lord, make me John Wick" said every dumbass too lazy to train.

Or maybe I am just too cynical this Monday morning...

Carry on,
Lord, give me the strength to learn to shoot, move and communicate... which requires time, discipline and a shit ton of effort.

September 23, 1779: The Battle of Flamborough Head
The remains of a Franco-American squadron commanded by John Paul Jones engages a pair of British vessels under Richard Pearson off the coast of Yorkshire. Jones' squadron takes HMS
Serapis and British hired ship Countess of Scarborough as prizes, though at the cost of USS Bonhomme Richard.

Richard Paton's 1780 depiction of the action between USS Bonhomme Richard & the dismasted HMS Serapis. To the right, USS Allegiance fires on Serapis; to the left, Countess of Scarborough engages USS Pallas.
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Took me a couple of days to dig this out of my safe. Well worth the effort as I hadn't appreciated it in a little while. Stan Fujisaka knife (RIP). Mammoth Ivory Scales, Mokume bolsters, and Devon Thomas spirograph damascus. Scrimshaw by Linda Karst Stone.

Took me a couple of days to dig this out of my safe. Well worth the effort as I hadn't appreciated it in a little while. Stan Fujisaka knife (RIP). Mammoth Ivory Scales, Mokume bolsters, and Devon Thomas spirograph damascus. Scrimshaw by Linda Karst Stone.
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What type of pattern is that? I looks like a spirograph pattern but it is a little different than the ones I have seen. But I am no expert on patterns.
"Lord, make me John Wick" said every dumbass too lazy to train.

Or maybe I am just too cynical this Monday morning...

Carry on,
“Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;”
Jeremiah 51:20
What type of pattern is that? I looks like a spirograph pattern but it is a little different than the ones I have seen. But I am no expert on patterns.
Don't be too hard on yourself. You did a great job of recognizing the pattern of the Damascus. You just need to brush up on your reading skills.

I kid. Devin Thomas makes some of the best Damascus. But what makes Damascus so great is that no two billets are ever the same. Or even if they were the same, they wouldn't get utilized by the metal worker the exact same way.
Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!
Psas Ti ON !
Don't be too hard on yourself. You did a great job of recognizing the pattern of the Damascus. You just need to brush up on your reading skills.

I kid. Devin Thomas makes some of the best Damascus. But what makes Damascus so great is that no two billets are ever the same. Or even if they were the same, they wouldn't get utilized by the metal worker the exact same way.
You caught me. I skim a lot when I don't have time to read things closely. Most of the time it works for me, but this is one of the times it didn't. I like all Damascus but some much more than others. Your right even if it is the same pattern they are not the same which is why I think some finished pieces look better than others when it is the same pattern. Either way that is a nice looking pattern on your knife.
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None of the Above….

Some privates were shipped straight off to AIT. Some learned that AIT did not stand for Advanced Individual Training. In our case it stood for Advanced Infantry Training.

Now, that my life is mostly behind me, I can proudly say, I am an “Echo Lima Echo Victor Echo November - Charlie Hotel Alpha Romeo Lima India Echo”

(an member of the infantry who can do math).
Just saw a civilian owned 46 at a small airport the other day. Cool paint job. Also had a full semi fuel trailer with same paint scheme and a full size trailer with living quarters and a shop on the back part.

Friend is the airport manager and told me its a private owned fire fighting helicopter on lease to the forest service.

Not 100%, but later that same day, a fire broke out on a mountain side I had been driving past not 90 minutes before and I am guessing that chopper went into service to help fight it.
Very close to hundreds of structures with value near 500 million and right beside a major resort town here in CO. One of those deals they throw everything at in a hurry.
Good news, we got rain yesterday and cool temps and evacuations are lifted today.
My garbage trailer project is coming along. Now that the axle and rolling stock are mounted I can finish the uprights and get the tongue and expanded metal floor and sides done. Not bad for free steel, free springs/hangers and free wheels/tires. Bought the axle and hubs. Steel was formerly track in a manufacturing plant. Springs were from a buddy’s collection of random stuff and rolling stock from a fellow on a local message board.




None of the Above….

Some privates were shipped straight off to AIT. Some learned that AIT did not stand for Advanced Individual Training. In our case it stood for Advanced Infantry Training.

Now, that my life is mostly behind me, I can proudly say, I am an “Echo Lima Echo Victor Echo November - Charlie Hotel Alpha Romeo Lima India Echo”

(an member of the infantry who can do math).
And it only took 16 weeks or so to teach you that!
That was so me!!!
And I love the holes worn in the wheel.
I remember my dad replacing the wheel in mine. I was pretty little. 2 big brothers before so I think it was the second one…

Never forget my mom busting me at 3 or 4 trying to sneak up the hill around the corner to ride down it on that thing.
hill was 3 blocks long and decently fast on a bike later on.
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