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I gotta do this in Texas.

How many armadillos fo you have to toss into a yard before a neighbor moves back to Cali?

I like the way you're thinkin'! Add in some scorpions and rattle snakes.

If you are going to do this in Texas, get an electronic predator caller. Place the caller near enough to your neighbor's house so they can hear it but not too loud that it will disturb or frighten the other neighbors.

Make sure you aren't caught doing this on any surveillance cameras.

Try to find the most disturbing and terrifying sounds to play about 1:00 to 2:00 AM. My suggestion would be racoons fighting. If your e-caller will do it, maybe you could combine it with other sounds.

Then when you see the neighbors again, during the day, be extremely friendly. Ask them is they have been hearing the Chupacabras in the wee hours of the morning. Assure them that this is no myth.


Now that I've planted the seed, you know what to do.

If it were me, I'd probably combine the sound of the fighting racoons with a coyote pup distress or cat in heat.