Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Learned one of my most important engineering life lessons in a Pinto wagon. Late '70s, roommate and I were out practicing drinking and driving on the back roads in the National Forest and drug the muffler and pipe off. Kinked the tail pipe into a 90. Well, being budding engineers, we could fix this. Found a couple of trees close together, wedged the tailpipe between them and began to carefully bend it back straight, the trees just spread. Found two rocks close together. Again, wedged the tailpipe between them and pushed. The rocks moved.

So, we set the tailpipe on top of one of the rocks, picked up another and pounded that damn tailpipe until we had beat it close enough to straight to work. Put it back on the Pinto and continued our practicing. Some methods are kept inside the box because they work, no need to look outside.

Thank you,