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Thundberg and Trudeau.jpg
Oh yes it would! You just have to wrap it enough times. Primacord was used in VN and Borneo to clear huge trees to make LZ’s.

Cheers, Sirhr
100 grain a foot maybe on a small tree. Regular commercial det cord nope. Even using that size it would be extremely inefficient because of how many times you would have to wrap it.

I used commercial det cord to girdle juniper trees along a creek for a fisheries project. We tipped over some of them with some shearing charges. Using cast boosters. Also ANFO in the corner of plastic bags. Tried some left over Austin RockCrushers and they blew a perfect hole right through the center of the trees.
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Fuck the Forest Circus.
Won’t disagree. Just remember the ass chewing and near infamy I received on my first day sawing landing under a high lead, also with a Cat crew skidding logs to my landing (got thrown to the wolves right off the bat). I cut a tamarack at a couple preferred lengths and had a 5’ end left over. You would’ve thought I killed someone! They (kinda) shut the job down, ran me through the wringer up, down and sideways about wasting wood and all that. Everyone on the job had to repeat the ordeal to me and that weekend at the bar, a guy asked me if I was “that guy”. Stuff sticks with ya for a while.
We removed trees to clear fields of fire for a COP once. They were palm trees, but we wrapped em tight and let ‘em rip

P for plenty
Yeah Oaktrees would probably be different. I recall Det cord taking care of a lotta problems in the field… but as I said, there is usually also C4 in copious quantities.
I flipped the switch and it felt like someone poured cold water all over me. Thinking I had a leak I turned it off.......then I said screw it and turned it back on again. There was no leak it just felt like it.

Went boating with my little sister's family. I drove us home in my new truck. She sat in the front seat in her bathing suit, first ride in the truck. Charleston summer, so I turned on the electric seat cooling to show off the "cool" features of my new vehicle. Didn't tell her. After a few minutes she asked me to find a rest stop, because for some reason she had peed her pants. Thankfully it was just the cold seat! We all got a good laugh out of that.