GAP 10 doesn't like XM 118 LR?


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Feb 15, 2008
    Brothel Nevada
    Just in the process of breaking in a new rifle and had particularly bad results with this ammo (American Eagle 168's the exact opposite however.)

    Besides the horrible accuracy, primer material was extruding into the firing pin hole. Thank God I only fired 5 rounds. Made a 1 click down and 1 click right adjustment after the first 2 rounds. Velocities were 2643, 2605, 2655, 2640 & 2646, ES 50, SD 19. Oehler 35P data, 15 feet from muzzle. The Am Eagle 168's were giving 2640 and SD of 12 for 10 rounds, no function issues cycling and no visible issues. Known round count is now only 24, so lot's to learn here.



    Fired the first 2 rounds also with the Switchblock in the gas off position, turned it on to semi and the rifle failed on first try.


    The next two rounds cycled but the bolt failed to stay back on empty magazine. In all fairness, using some American Eagle 168 BTHP for the M1A (according to the box) the rifle was a perfect performer that easily out shot me... sub 1/2 MOA.
    I have had similar results with the lot of XM 118LR that I had as well. My MK 11 mod 0 did not care for it either. It shot much better groups with Fed GMM 168 and Hornady 178 BTHP. I also tried Black hills 175 and it was less than stellar as well.


    My GAP-10 absolutely LOVES Southwest Ammo's 118LR load. It shoots 5-round groups consistently .3MOA. It shoots so well that I can barely hold that level of accuracy with a bipod and rear bag. Give that a try.
    All my new rifles have had ejection issues on some of the first few rounds ... I added a couple more (small) drops of oil in the chamber ... and problem solved ...

    You got a primo (tight) rifle ... so it will be tightest at first!


    Accuracy issues are different problem ...
    I don't think M118LR is meant to be as accurate as everyone seems to believe. I don't know what the acceptance standard for M118LR is, but I think that's why the Navy developed the MK316 loading. M118LR became popular on the civilian side because it used to be an inexpensive alternative to factory match loadings when it could be found surplus. When the secret got out, demand went up, supply ran out and prices went way up. Gold Medal Match can be had at lower prices. That being said, I would still expect it to do better than what your group shows though.
    I've run about 140rds of XM118LR through my POF P308 over the past 4 months with zero issues and great accuracy. Maybe you got a bad batch or just you need to run some ball through your new gun to break it in. I ran 200 rds of SA ball through my POF before switching to match ammo.
    The next two rounds cycled but the bolt failed to stay back on empty magazine.

    Mine did the same thing. Mine doesn't want to stay to the rear when manually depressing the bolt catch and racking the charging handle either. I sent it back and they were supposed to fix it, but it's still doing it. It's frustrating to say the least.
    The label is the newer batches of XM118LR done by federal if you peel it off its ill stamped on the boxes. I have to say the newer batches has shot a lot better than the older batches did.
    weird, M118LR shoots great out of a Crusader I shoot. Both rifles (Crusaders and GAP 10s) use bartlien blanks, so barring some harmonic issue, the groups you are seeing don't make sense. I'd call GAP and have a chat.
    You could have two barrels made from the same lot of steel on the same day by the same person on the same machine with the same cutter, that doesn't mean both barrels will like the same bullet, powder, velocity, pressure curve or whatever.

    This barrel might not like that particular lot of 175 smk's, or whatever.
    I don't think M118lr is as barrel sensitive as the Op's group shows. There might be a problem with that lot, but I have shot loads from '11, '12, and '13 and all have shot great in two different .308 rifles (Crusader and M24 rebuild). The load's accuracy requirements (~1 moa) are not specific to a single barrel, (just as the rifle's accuracy requirement isn't specific to a tuned hand load). I've only shot around 1000 rounds of M118lr, others on this thread have quite a bit more experience with this round so take my opinion based on limited experience for what its worth.