G'day fellas! From down under.


Full Member
Oct 16, 2013
Australia, Victoria, Horsham.
G'day guys,

Ben here, 32yo from Australia.

Just thought I'd make myself a member of one of the most respected shooting forums on the net! About bloody time I recon.

Our main forum in OZ got shut down about a week ago, thanks to useless owners and admin staff, allowing members to get away with defamation towards the largest dealership in Australia.
The site copped a hefty fine and had to be shut down.

I'm a very keen long range shooter, with 1200m my longest target shoot so far.
A mate of mine and myself aim to be shooting a mile asap.

I'm an engineer, fitter/turner with cert 4 aircraft engineer qualifications as well. But don't hold that against me!

I hope to soon hold a gunsmithing license, but there is a hell of a lot of red tape and bullshit that we have to go through over here, that would make you guys sick!

Anyways, enough jabber from me, I'm off to find all the threads on range finders that I'm sure will be on here somewhere...

Cheers! I'll talk to yaz soon. Ooroo!