Here's what I don't understand. Sciences and experiments have paved the way for technology to move forward. It gave us the cars we drive, the computers we use, and the guns/ammo/ballistic data and calculations we use. So why is it that there is such suspicion towards the medical sciences?
@MTN- I'm curious why you are so suspicious of current medical practices. Since I usually only talk with like-minded people, I would like to see where your point of view stems from. Personal experience or something along those lines? Not trying to sound like a dick but I think it's good to have conversation with people who don't have the same ideas as myself.
Here is just a few of the reasons:
First you'll have to admit that medical malpractice winds up injuring / killing a large number of people each year which means that for 100,000+ each year the doctors / nurses / hospitals got it really wrong. But usually they have just like another "protected" group a bunch of lawyers and corporations to shield them from the consequences and bully the victims / families. While the victims or their families may face a lifelong struggle due to what happened.
Now as far as "trusting doctors" blindly with some slavish religious / servitude obedience:
Just take a look at history. Doctors have been used by governments to do many horrific things to people in the name of "for the common good".
The Communists and National Socialists and Japanese in the last century were particularly starkly evil, but don't overlook what doctors in our country did. Doctors willingly lied and withheld treatment from patients so they could watch diseases progress "for the common good"
Radiation experiments done with unknowing children "for the common good"
horrible things done to people because they thought differently (Just look at what "doctors" did to Kennedy's sister because she was a bit too free and "liberated" for her families taste)
Look at Europe and read the horror stories of old people being literally killed with thirst and starvation and denial of simple medication that are actual proven cases.
Or the Actual cases of doctors killing elderly people against their will while they are screaming & begging not to be murdered....
Doctors are fine with killing unborn babies that would be perfectly healthy children if simply left unkilled for several more months
Apparently in NY the doctors can now kill them even right after they are born it seems
Doctor associations are happy to start pronouncing social order things like they should ban everyone from having guns because some people die in gun accidents (Way less however than from medical malpractice).
Medical science changes all the time and 10 years later they may be saying that what they were doing previously was the totally wrong course or that something else is a way better way to do things.
Much like the government mandated diet guidelines pretty much created a big bunch of the expensive health problems this country is facing.
Too many times Doctors and those in the Medical industrial complex wind up with literally a god complex and think they alone know what is best and people should not question them and should be forced to do what they say and then too many times they enlist the help of the "just doing their duty" types with guns to force people to do what they say they should do. Yet if it all goes wrong they can walk away and leave the victims to deal with the fallout.
In a free (as in not communist controlled) society, people must be free to make their own decisions about things affecting themselves and their own bodies if they are competent, sane and informed. As well as at the same time to a wide extent their children (Now when it comes to children it's a bit different because they do have their own rights, so while the idea is to give decent, competent, sane and well informed parents wide latitude, there are times when just like actual child abuse the state has a right to step in if the child is actually in real imminent danger of death or permanent injury from refusal of care regarding an actual critical injury or illness, when it's something that proper care is near guaranteed to fix them from. NOT hypothetical of well you may get sick or may not, so we are going to force you to do something that has a small chance of also causing permanent injury / death).
Doctors are more correctly the mechanics working on cars that they had no part in building or designing, but are pretty good at trying to figure out most problems on and working as best as can to fix those they don't understand. Simple things are easy to fix other stuff it's a guessing game and hoping things work. But the actual owners of the cars are the patients, they have the right to be properly presented with ALL the information and then decide to make an informed choice as to what they would like to do.
We don't have any problem with doctors or the idea of medical advancements or science.
What we actually want is proper individual freedom and all the information fully pulled out into the open so we can make our own decisions as free people.
What we don't want is the "doing their duty" types to be forcing us at gunpoint to do what somebody else says we must do when they don't have to take any actual personal individual responsibility for the outcome of their actions.