Be careful with this. At bigger matches it’s not allowed. And even if it is, you need to remain with your squad as there are plenty of things you can be doing to help (spotting, scoring, time-keeping, policing brass, etc.) If the match is set up without a stage RO (most local matches). Finally, it is important to not be a distraction to the squad in front of you by charging in and getting in the way of the next squad (standing in front of the spotters, asking where the targets are, carrying off the stage description, chatting up your bud who is running the scoring device, etc.) while they are doing all the above activities.
At your first match, your squad may not make you shoot first on any stage and at most matches, the first shooter gets a bit more leeway on time…like I said, everyone is in the same boat when the squad gets to a stage. After a few shooters, the ”on deck” guy should be pretty much ready to go when the shooter ahead finishes.