Good Guys With Guns

A move like this politically kills.

On the left you have people blocking traffic, disrupting food shoppers and burning cars....

compared to.....

people buying school stuff for children.

Very powerful.

If this were to gain traction the left will be screwed.

One side stamps its feet and disrupts like the petulant children they are and the other side does good works to make their point.

I hope it wasnt out of line but sent a message to the NRA requesting they come to the provided link which will take them here and have them see the potential of this program.

Im sure they will likely drop the ball and not do anything with it, ask us for donations, and offer to send us a "Made in China" hat.

If they have any brains they would put out a press release concerning why the Country needs Good Guy with Guns.

Did I type that out loud for the NRA to read?
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I hope it wasnt out of line but sent a message to the NRA requesting they come to the provided link which will take them here and have them see the potential of this program.

Im sure they will likely drop the ball and not do anything with it, ask us for donations, and offer to send us a "Made in China" hat.

If they have any brains they would put out a press release concerning why the Country needs Good Guy with Guns.

Did I type that out loud for the NRA to read?

Good job, why would that be out of line? I do expect youre correct that they will drop the ball...lets see, maybe it well become a national program with T301 at the head. He can hire me to be his gopher as I need a job..

I think schools are a good early focus...what better way to achieve our purpose than to 'counter indoctrinate' the kids with the truth.
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To: Jim Wallace <[email protected]>​
Hi Jim,​
Please read below. This came from a friend whom I shoot with at Ft. Devens Rifle and Pistol Club. It seems like a great idea to spread to both the GOAL members and other organizations that you communicate with. Maybe it will spread to a national movement shedding a much more positive light on gun owners than the main stream media portrays.​
The goal for the teacher was reached and she seemed to truly appreciate the effort by SnipersHide.​
A gun website I frequent has begun a small effort to promote the shooting sports and in my opinion powerfully juxtapose the mentality of law abiding gun owners vs the anti second Amendment mob.​
The effort is based on choosing a suitable crowd funding charitable effort than making a donation with the message its from a "Good Guy with a Gun".​
Yesterday we quickly funded a small project being sought by a grade school teacher.​
Compare that effort to David Hogg and his ilk disrupting busy people trying to do their food shopping in order to make his point.​
Donations to these projects can be minimal but the message is it came from a "Good Guy with a Gun"​
View our effort here...​
Please feel free to promote this with other orgs (GOAL, etc) or enthusiasts.​
Phil M​
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I hope it wasnt out of line but sent a message to the NRA requesting they come to the provided link which will take them here and have them see the potential of this program.

Im sure they will likely drop the ball and not do anything with it, ask us for donations, and offer to send us a "Made in China" hat.

If they have any brains they would put out a press release concerning why the Country needs Good Guy with Guns.

Did I type that out loud for the NRA to read?
Good effort pmclaine, but if I know our wonderful advocates at the NRA, they won’t do a god damn thing other than place you on a call list. Those fuckers one time called me every other day for months until one day I answered the phone and just started screaming “fuck you stop calling!!”
Heres the response I got from Quantico Shooting Club. I didnt take credit for the idea.

Quantico Shooting Club Sorry about taking so long to answer but just saw this posted.Great idea Howard Swayne .Worst thing is since we're non profit organization we don't have a ton of money. Of course $5-$10 donations can't hurt that bad. I'll see that this suggestion gets in front of the board. Do you by any chance have a list that y'all donate to? Might do good if a couple or more org's of Good Guys With Guns contributed to the same ones?? We're having a meeting in a couple weeks to discuss things for next year and I'll make sure this topic comes up.
Even $10 per month would give 20-30 million.

Which is why I say even if you recieve 100 percent of your "income" from the government a basic tax should be collected to

A) contribute to the country

B) give you skin in the game as a taxpayer so it will matter to you and you will have to think about it when your local politician requests a tax hike to study the mating rituals of praying mantis's.
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I hope it wasnt out of line but sent a message to the NRA requesting they come to the provided link which will take them here and have them see the potential of this program.

Im sure they will likely drop the ball and not do anything with it, ask us for donations, and offer to send us a "Made in China" hat.

If they have any brains they would put out a press release concerning why the Country needs Good Guy with Guns.

Did I type that out loud for the NRA to read?

In fairness, they did something like this in an offer to protect schools along the lines of good guys with guns. Wouldn’t it be cool if your idea takes off?
To: Jim Wallace <[email protected]>​
Hi Jim,​
Please read below. This came from a friend whom I shoot with at Ft. Devens Rifle and Pistol Club. It seems like a great idea to spread to both the GOAL members and other organizations that you communicate with. Maybe it will spread to a national movement shedding a much more positive light on gun owners than the main stream media portrays.​
The goal for the teacher was reached and she seemed to truly appreciate the effort by SnipersHide.​
A gun website I frequent has begun a small effort to promote the shooting sports and in my opinion powerfully juxtapose the mentality of law abiding gun owners vs the anti second Amendment mob.​
The effort is based on choosing a suitable crowd funding charitable effort than making a donation with the message its from a "Good Guy with a Gun".​
Yesterday we quickly funded a small project being sought by a grade school teacher.​
Compare that effort to David Hogg and his ilk disrupting busy people trying to do their food shopping in order to make his point.​
Donations to these projects can be minimal but the message is it came from a "Good Guy with a Gun"​
View our effort here...​
Please feel free to promote this with other orgs (GOAL, etc) or enthusiasts.​
Phil M​

Sweet! Nice job amigo. Vibe’n some synergy?
From Facebook a few minutes ago.
We're onto something here, boys! Amazing work!


Probably a stupid question but how do you put this in a “Hide Wide” PM to all members to solicit their support? Also, would it be worth a PM to Frank and ask him to mention it in The Everyday Sniper? We are pretty damn deep ourselves and it’s pretty easy to blaze over a thread. We are not handing out religion, we are proactively defending our 2A.
So I was thinking on the way to and from work today about an idea that could carry this over to a large audience...

It's based on the fact that Tucker did some cool shit and found a local thing that needed some money, brought it to our attention, and we did what we could.

Some assumptions on my part were made when I first hit this thread:
1.) This is a legitimate thing considering the source (e.g., this isn't PPB-tier charity donation, the money is most likely going to the things enumerated in the listing)
2.) I may be directly and voluntarily funding communism (I don't view SOL favorably) but it's cool because it's Good Guys With Guns doing it. That's the point.

Well... I know of a couple of similar situations in my own AO, but they don't know about this donorschoose thing and (after talking with them about it) had no idea anyone but themselves would ever want to help provide classroom materials. Being Texas and all, there's a pride component and possibly some concern about the gun community bankrolling crayons and textbooks with respect to their superiors and possible consequences stemming from that. We'll see if I can really switch from programmer to salesman (is it still sales if I'm trying to pay them?).

I figure there are thousands and thousands of things out there where we can make a difference, but the kicker has already been mentioned a time or two. Even by the chief instigator. 'I did not know this was even going on'

So, my initial offering on how to solve that is a specific section on SH where the flow is basically this:
1.) Take me for example (assuming I can get a 23 year old 8th grade teacher with a questionable stance on firearms to get on-board with this) -- I know a teacher that needs some money for supplies and shit.
2.) I head to this special section of SH where I can submit this objective, and it'll be reviewed *somehow to ensure it's not a scammalammascamolagrande.
3.) Review checks out, it's now published in a list of other shit people can throw money at, complete with instructions on how to donate, what the donation window is, what the goal is, what the current status is, and maybe some other shit.
4.) Someone else, A1j04 for example, can go to this special section of SH and see that some teacher in Pasadena needs $150 for school supplies for her special ed students that tend to fuck everything up each year and replacements come out of her paycheck, he sees the how and where to donate, and he can choose to do so.
5.) He does, and adds GGWG tag to whatever else he was going to say.
6.) Repeat ad-nauseam for all kinds of shit.

It's not fully fleshed out. My main concern was minimizing the possibility for fraud, and also how to get lots of unlisted shit listed, as well as slightly more visible things like what Tucker brought originally.

Feedback is appreciated, obviously.
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So I was thinking on the way to and from work today about an idea that could carry this over to a large audience...

It's based on the fact that Tucker did some cool shit and found a local thing that needed some money, brought it to our attention, and we did what we could.

Some assumptions on my part were made when I first hit this thread:
1.) This is a legitimate thing considering the source (e.g., this isn't PPB-tier charity donation, the money is most likely going to the things enumerated in the listing)
2.) I may be directly and voluntarily funding communism (I don't view SOL favorably) but it's cool because it's Good Guys With Guns doing it. That's the point.

Well... I know of a couple of similar situations in my own AO, but they don't know about this donorschoose thing and (after talking with them about it) had no idea anyone but themselves would ever want to help provide classroom materials. Being Texas and all, there's a pride component and possibly some concern about the gun community bankrolling crayons and textbooks with respect to their superiors and possible consequences stemming from that. We'll see if I can really switch from programmer to salesman (is it still sales if I'm trying to pay them?).

I figure there are thousands and thousands of things out there where we can make a difference, but the kicker has already been mentioned a time or two. Even by the chief instigator. 'I did not know this was even going on'

So, my initial offering on how to solve that is a specific section on SH where the flow is basically this:
1.) Take me for example (assuming I can get a 23 year old 8th grade teacher with a questionable stance on firearms to get on-board with this) -- I know a teacher that needs some money for supplies and shit.
2.) I head to this special section of SH where I can submit this objective, and it'll be reviewed *somehow to ensure it's not a scammalammascamolagrande.
3.) Review checks out, it's now published in a list of other shit people can throw money at, complete with instructions on how to donate, what the donation window is, what the goal is, what the current status is, and maybe some other shit.
4.) Someone else, A1j04 for example, can go to this special section of SH and see that some teacher in Pasadena needs $150 for school supplies for her special ed students that tend to fuck everything up each year and replacements come out of her paycheck, he sees the how and where to donate, and he can choose to do so.
5.) He does, and adds GGWG tag to whatever else he was going to say.
6.) Repeat ad-nauseam for all kinds of shit.

It's not fully fleshed out. My main concern was minimizing the possibility for fraud, and also how to get lots of unlisted shit listed, as well as slightly more visible things like what Tucker brought originally.

Feedback is appreciated, obviously.

KISS this thing hard so dumb asses like me don’t F’ it up or get discouraged with a non-user friendly system for giving a donation. This project was simple to donate to which is critical. The fraud thing is huge as we will most likely become a target for 2A haters as this thing grows legs?
KISS this thing hard so dumb asses like me don’t F’ it up or get discouraged with a non-user friendly system for giving a donation. This project was simple to donate to which is critical. The fraud thing is huge as we will most likely become a target for 2A haters as this thing grows legs?

That's a good point on how to donate. I figure the spectrum ranges from just people you know (.e.g, they have a bank account and can cash checks, but don't know shit about donor platforms like donorschoose, or even stuff like gofundme) to people that are on the latest and greatest where they accept everything from debit cards to crypto.

Ideally, we'd have a good solution for all of them, but I ain't that guy yet. I'm not sure what the best way to get actual money from point A to point B is, and it's not likely something I would want to do myself in this capacity for the first time. Basically what I'm saying is, I'm not gonna build something that makes it easy to give USD to someone else on this project.

My best alternative is to convince people to sign up for something like donorschoose, or, where possible, trust someone like A1J04 to make sure it all gets to where it's going. Donorschoose is cool though because you can add a message, though my understanding of the example girl I mentioned is that she is addicted to facebook and has lots of friends that would all probably repost or reface or whatever you call it, just exactly wtf went down.

Probably good enough for the time being.

On the subject of simplicity, the thing I'm envisioning is just rows of shit you can donate to, and when you click on a thing, you see a detailed description, a set of instructions on how to donate, and all the related links you might need to click on to make it happen.
That's a good point on how to donate. I figure the spectrum ranges from just people you know (.e.g, they have a bank account and can cash checks, but don't know shit about donor platforms like donorschoose, or even stuff like gofundme) to people that are on the latest and greatest where they accept everything from debit cards to crypto.

Ideally, we'd have a good solution for all of them, but I ain't that guy yet. I'm not sure what the best way to get actual money from point A to point B is, and it's not likely something I would want to do myself in this capacity for the first time. Basically what I'm saying is, I'm not gonna build something that makes it easy to give USD to someone else on this project.

My best alternative is to convince people to sign up for something like donorschoose, or, where possible, trust someone like A1J04 to make sure it all gets to where it's going. Donorschoose is cool though because you can add a message, though my understanding of the example girl I mentioned is that she is addicted to facebook and has lots of friends that would all probably repost or reface or whatever you call it, just exactly wtf went down.

Probably good enough for the time being.

On the subject of simplicity, the thing I'm envisioning is just rows of shit you can donate to, and when you click on a thing, you see a detailed description, a set of instructions on how to donate, and all the related links you might need to click on to make it happen.

Your doing better than me? There is a wealth of knowledge here from all walks of of the beautiful things about the Hide amigo. The know how is here, we just need to share ideas and motivate participation. The only reason that I see that Lowlight & Mike from Milehigh don’t participate is some kind of liability angle that I don’t see.
I tend to lean towards the KISS principle as well.
The NRA is a great organization for what they do, but with something like this they'd likely add overhead and diminish what funds go where.
I'd prefer for each site like ours to do their own things, but with a common and unified message of GGWG.
As far as I can tell, DonorsChoose does a good job of filtering out the scammers by using volunteers to confirm the costs of the related items wanted for the projects and insuring that the educators are legit.
It's also a perfect fit for us in the sense that it puts positive messages from the gun communities at the feet of teachers and school administrators.

I was thinking we should perhaps find a project in Lowlight's area and fund it out. Then possibly see if we can get some press coverage on it and have him interviewed about what we're doing and our message.

@Lowlight - Is that something you'd be interested pursuing, or should we exclude you for a bit until we get a few of these under our belts and suss out any unforeseen issues?
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I think t
I tend to lean towards the KISS principle as well.
The NRA is a great organization for what they do, but with something like this they'd likely add overhead and diminish what funds go where.
I'd prefer for each site like ours to do their own things, but with a common and unified message of GGWG.
As far as I can tell, DonorsChoose does a good job of filtering out the scammers by using volunteers to confirm the costs of the related items wanted for the projects and insuring that the educators are legit.
It's also a perfect fit for us in the sense that it puts positive messages from the gun communities at the feet of teachers and school administrators.

I was thinking we should perhaps find a project in Lowlight's area and fund it out. Then possibly see if we can get some press coverage on it and have him interviewed about what we're doing and our message.

@Lowlight - Is that something you'd be interested pursuing, or should we exclude you for a bit until we get a few of these under our belts and suss out any unforeseen issues?

Agreed to using the already established crowd funding sites rather than reinventing the wheel.

I was kind of impressed with the vetting process that initial project had, didn't realize there was any checking on these sites.

Pick a worthy project and start the messaging.

My gun club wants me to write up a short paragraph regarding this they can put in their news letter. Any suggestions?
Draft to my Gun Club to see if they will post it in the news letter....

Opportunity to represent the Second Amendment Community.....

Fellow members,

Recently on a shooting website I frequent one of the forum members came up with the idea of being active in presenting to the "undecided" community that gun owners are not irresponsible, uncaring people, as the anti gun side paints them to be.

It was decided to pick a small crowd funding opportunity, the type of which many websites now cater to, and make small individual donations with the message that the cause was donated to by "A Good Guy/Gal with a Gun".

Our chosen cause was supporting a teacher in her attempts to purchase some items for her classroom with a total requested value of less than $500. Through small individual donations by members of the website the requested amount of money was quickly met and the teacher responded favorably in her opinion of the community (

Hopefully the teacher will explain to the students that the new classroom materials were provided through the concerns of "Good Guys/Gals with a Gun" that care about their neighborhoods and work to solve problems instead of create conflict.

Our example is quite the contrast to the anti-Second Amendment crowd that have determined to promote their position by strident, harsh rhetoric or stunts that do nothing more than disrupt hard working people in their daily lives through walkouts, traffic disruption, boycotts and lately die ins at busy shopping markets.

The site I frequent ( may try to do a monthly event choosing small projects and members can donate what they can afford, even $1 is appreciated by the people that are seeking the money. The value of the message sent, that "Good Guys/Gals with a Gun" are being proactive to improve their communities, will far exceed the actual money anyone is able to afford to contribute to what in many cases are worthy causes.

I'm hoping to get this idea out to the broader firearms enthusiast community as a way that we can win the hearts and minds of those that may not have strong opinions in this debate but they do vote and its likely when they cast their vote they will only be able to base it on the harsh voices the media bombards them with daily.

Through "Good Guys/Gals with a Gun" supporting actual projects that have positive, tangible results, not just making noise and inconvenience, our efforts will certainly give the voter something to consider when it comes time to decide on questions concerning our sport....Do they stand with the crowd that prevented them from grocery shopping or do they help the Good Guy/Gal with a Gun that provided their kids classroom with new books?

Thank you,

Phil McLaine

Subject: Re: Good Guys with Guns

Hey Phil,

I have been trying to draft a generic text for posting this concept in the weekly HSC email message. I'm not certain that I'm conveying the thought accurately. Do you think that you can draft a paragraph directed at HSC Members that might help them to consider participating in the effort?

I tend to lean towards the KISS principle as well.
The NRA is a great organization for what they do, but with something like this they'd likely add overhead and diminish what funds go where.

Yeah, no reason for a bloated bureaucracy to ever be involved in this.

I'd prefer for each site like ours to do their own things, but with a common and unified message of GGWG.
As far as I can tell, DonorsChoose does a good job of filtering out the scammers by using volunteers to confirm the costs of the related items wanted for the projects and insuring that the educators are legit.
It's also a perfect fit for us in the sense that it puts positive messages from the gun communities at the feet of teachers and school administrators.

Completely agree.

Is the intent to donate exclusively to educational things, or would we broaden our horizons at some point to something like this:

Thinking about the future, where thousands of people are involved in this thing, it can work to just have forum posts saying "Get in here to do the GGWG thing on this project", but that has some limitations that will impact participation rates.

If the post is in the bear pit/general discussion/whatever section, the people who don't visit that section won't see it unless someone PMs them about it, or by accident.

People who don't visit that forum at all won't see it unless it is shared on some other platform. (like in your situation with this project)

If the thread isn't stickied and interest wanes for whatever reason, the thread will slide off the front page (as happened repeatedly with the Scout Sniper thing LL brought up).

What I'm thinking of is basically a project aggregator with a notification system for new projects and when projects I participated in get updated/completed. A centralized location where any number of things people want me to donate to are listed, and I can get all the info I need to make a donation and keep track of how things are going without even having to browse the forum, because I get e-mail notifications when new things come up, and I get notifications when the project status changes. An extra bonus is that I can have a pretty good expectation that the project is legitimate because of a project verification phase executed when someone submits a new project.

I was thinking we should perhaps find a project in Lowlight's area and fund it out. Then possibly see if we can get some press coverage on it and have him interviewed about what we're doing and our message.

I think maybe get at least enough done so that when you search SH GGWG on Google some results show up that aren't this thread, or just let it happen organically.
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I wanted to point out ,just in case it was overlooked, the link that was provided for the classroom that Tucker put online has a button at the top to find a classroom to support in your area by inputting a zip code or city or state. I live in rural Al. and several came up when i clicked on the link. The left is using our children and the schools to work their agenda . If we stick with what has already been provided as a starting point by Tucker :IE then we will be using their own tool ( our children) against them. Fight Fire with Fire.

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
Adolf Hitler

Just something to think about our children are the ones to carry on this battle. who's side will they choose?
Father of 5 ,Foster dad to 17
Here's a possible project though they havent solicited funds. We could surprise them. The Charlottesville CSPCA (Charlottesville Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has a summer camp for kids. They get to come down to the shelter and play and work with the animals. Its $300 per kid for a week and the money goes to helping the animals. I personally am going to sponsor one child as part of my tithe but we could make it a GGWG event as well. The message would reach a lot of kids and adults if the liberals dont kill it. Im going to do it anyway. I grew up on a farm around a lot of critters and it was great.
I wanted to point out ,just in case it was overlooked, the link that was provided for the classroom that Tucker put online has a button at the top to find a classroom to support in your area by inputting a zip code or city or state. I live in rural Al. and several came up when i clicked on the link. The left is using our children and the schools to work their agenda . If we stick with what has already been provided as a starting point by Tucker :IE then we will be using their own tool ( our children) against them. Fight Fire with Fire.

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
Adolf Hitler

Just something to think about our children are the ones to carry on this battle. who's side will they choose?
Father of 5 ,Foster dad to 17

Foster dad to 17. What a precious thing to put on your eternal resume. There aint no emotiocon for
Hats off, brother, and bless you. Youve touched a lot of lives.
Got my gun club to promote this....

Im starting an initial test donate with them on this project....

Dont you guys bang it out.

Lets see if my club will volunteer in.

My message....

Your neighbors at the Harvard Sportsmen's Club appreciate your efforts to give a great educational experience to the kids. Please accept a small donation in the name of your neighbors at the club - Good Guys and Gals with Guns!
Which is why I say even if you recieve 100 percent of your "income" from the government a basic tax should be collected to

A) contribute to the country

B) give you skin in the game as a taxpayer so it will matter to you and you will have to think about it when your local politician requests a tax hike to study the mating rituals of praying mantis's.
Can I get an Amen
The more I hear from DonorsChoose the more I like them.

Here's an email some of received today.

Mrs. Harris and her students are about to get a special delivery, thanks to your support for their classroom project: Open the Magic With Books and Flexible Seating

To help teachers and to ensure absolute integrity, we purchase the resources for every project funded through our site. We just got word from our vendors that the materials for your project are en route to Clarksville Elementary School!

You'll receive thank-yous and photos from the classroom, but in the meantime, we can just imagine their excitement* when they open the new materials you've made possible.

Thank you for making a classroom dream come true!
- The Team
The more I hear from DonorsChoose the more I like them.

Here's an email some of received today.

Mrs. Harris and her students are about to get a special delivery, thanks to your support for their classroom project: Open the Magic With Books and Flexible Seating

To help teachers and to ensure absolute integrity, we purchase the resources for every project funded through our site. We just got word from our vendors that the materials for your project are en route to Clarksville Elementary School!

You'll receive thank-yous and photos from the classroom, but in the meantime, we can just imagine their excitement* when they open the new materials you've made possible.

Thank you for making a classroom dream come true!
- The Team

Perfect site for our intents.

They vette the requester and they audit the funding. Seems scam proof.

Than thye kind of force the recipient to acknowledge the donor which means they have to read the message and even if it goes against their beliefs, thank the donor.
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Looks like your gun club stepped up. It shows funded. Good for you guys.

On the donorschoose site it seems you could even narrow it down if you wanted to. History, civics and government, Econ, special needs or whatever you wanted. Seems like a nice option.
Looks like your gun club stepped up. It shows funded. Good for you guys.

On the donorschoose site it seems you could even narrow it down if you wanted to. History, civics and government, Econ, special needs or whatever you wanted. Seems like a nice option.

I didnt know it when I picked it but President of the club actually has kids in the class and they really like the teacher so once he learned there was a need he just paid the balance.

Cool but it watered down the effect. I think a bunch of $5 donations with the same message have more effect.

Im already the guy at the club that they feel they have to unscrew their flash suppressors or put tape over their bayonet lugs. Im sensitive to now being the guy they think wants to get in to their wallet.

Im hoping someone else will pick up the ball/

If it has life, and I think its a great idea, it will go "self aware".
Y'all ready to do another one?
I was looking at some more in my area, but the reality is that most of the people in my area are already solidly in the pro-gun camp, so perhaps we should venture out into "enemy territory" a little more?

How about this one in Washington, DC?
This project has been fully funded.

Unified message - "Hello, Ms. Marber. Thank you for your work with these special children. As a member of "Good Guys With Guns", a charitable group from the shooting community, I am proud to offer this donation to assist with your project."
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Not yet. Just checking to see if this is something we agreed to do.
I don't see why not. My contribution wouldn't be very big at the moment whilst I weather the storm, but then again the target is pretty small. I say go for it. It will certainly knock this lady for a loop to see the target hit in a few minutes since it has been over 2 months without success
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Thanks man! I just saw your donation and message!
I'm heading to bed soon, but I hope to see this done by the AM!

Lol, you posted the message with the outer quotes like it's some kinda form message with no 'raw' option so you can copy just the content, and not the outer quotation marks. Amateur hour up in here =)

If you'd PMed me that, I would have responded.

'Looks great once you get rid of the outer quotation marks.'

For real, though. 4 deep in the donations and all of 'em are SHGGWG. That's fuckin' cool.
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