Group Buys Group Buy - Trijicon and Halo Thermals


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Jan 5, 2014
Group Buy - Trijicon Thermals

I've spoken with a trijicon platinum dealer (Sure Shot Night Vision) who is willing to give Sniper's Hide special pricing for a group buy.

Please PM for pricing.

These are the units included in the group buy:

Mk2 19mm
Mk2 35mm
Mk3 35mm
Mk3 60mm

Patrol M300W
REAPv1 35mm
REAPv2 19mm
REAPv2 35mm
REAPv3 60mm

SNIPE 35mm



The group buy will be for 4 weeks (18 July thru 15 August), so there will be four "pulses" of ordering and shipping.

Each week, I will wire the funds which I have received and which have cleared for that week, into the dealer's account.

The shipping time for Trijicon is averaging around 3 weeks. Trijicon will not drop ship, so another week for SSNV to ship unit to you.

And the time for checks, MO to clear, 1 week, so, potentially six weeks from the time a person places their order until the time their unit arrives.

Types of payment accepted:

Wires (clear within 24 hours)
Checks or Money orders (clear within 7 business days)(Personal checks ok, they just have to clear)

No PayPal
No Credit Cards



IR-Patrol M300W

Smallest unit, 1x, joystick housing, dovetail helmet mount, accessory pic rail, manual focus
3rd party accessories: Multiple battery pack/extension solutions, Multiple 2x & 3x afocal magnifiers, multiple rear filter options,
can take skeet-ir weapon mount on dove tail or ird-dloc weapon mount on accessory rail, can also mount LRF like Radius or RAPTAR on Accessory Rail
DVR solutions available

2.5x optical magnification, joystick housing, dovetail helmet mount, accessory pic rail
3rd party accessories: Multiple battery pack/extension solutions, multiple rear filter options,
can take skeet-ir weapon mount on dove tail or ird-dloc weapon mount on accessory rail, can also mount LRF like Radius or RAPTAR on Accessory Rail
DVR solutions available

1.5x, 2.5x, 4.5x optical magnification, ruggedized battery compartment, joystick housing, two accessory rails
3rd party accessories: Multiple rear filter options,
can take ird-dloc weapon mount on accessory rail, can also mount LRF like Radius or RAPTAR on Accessory Rail
DVR solutions available

1.5x, 2.5x, turret housing
3rd party accessories: Multiple battery pack/extension solutions, multiple rear filter options,
DVR solutions available
Upgrade 19mm to 35mm. Upgrade either mk2 unit to any mk3 unit

2.5x, 4.5x, turret housing
3rd party accessories: Multiple battery pack/extension solutions, multiple rear filter options,
DVR solutions available
upgrade from 35mm to 60mm

1x, multiple battery pack/extension solutions.
DVR solutions available
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What can you DO with a Trijicon Patrol (or REAPV1 or REAPV2) ???


Why, mount a range finder on it, zero the range finder aiming laser to the center of the target which the center of the reticle is aimed at, then whah lah you have a thermal range finder !!!

PM for more details on the process, if interested !
What else can you do with a Patrol ?


Clamp on a 3x (Germanium) Magnifier and gain 3-12x (3x optical, with 2x or 4x digital, up to 12x net magnification) to turn the patrol into a long distance thermal spotter.
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You can also put your patrol on your helmet, for instance on left side with 14 + COTI on right side. The 14 + COTI takes care of your snap shots while moving and the patrol gives you hands free long distance detection and intermediate distance PID while moving.


Oh and that's a mk3 60mm on the 5.56(10.3) carbine down below. Handy for even further reach on long distance scanning while stationary using hands. And I slung a barrel under that one for shots out to 300yds using critter as the reticle.

You should be able to click on all these pics to see a larger version for more detail.
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The final config of the mk3 60mm spotter scope ...


Added a Radius on the 9 o'clock. This enabled ranging out to 3,300yds typical distance at night. And detection out to 5,100yds, which is as far as I can see on the ground from my land.

Definitely one of the best spotter scopes we can buy !
Way back in early 2016 when my mk3 60mm was a brand new mk2 35mm :D


One of the benefits of the mk2/3 series is that you can upgrade them to "higher" level units.

mk2 19mm to mk3 35mm or mk3 60mm

mk2 35mm to mk3 35mm or mk3 60mm

mk3 35mm to mk3 60mm

These upgrades are done by Trijicon. You have to send your unit in. It takes about a month. Let me know if interested in any details of this process. I've been through it twice.
SNIPE in front of xtr2 1.5-8x cq-mil ... and good scope for use with the SNIPE. It was pretty clear up to 6x-7x though 8x was getting a bit fuzzy. But I could still hit the heated steel targets ...
That's 5.56(18).

SNIPE in front of xtr2 1.5-8x cq-mil ... and good scope for use with the SNIPE. It was pretty clear up to 6x-7x though 8x was getting a bit fuzzy. But I could still hit the heated steel targets ...
That's 5.56(18).


Have you used it with any other scopes? Sounds like it's better suited for low mag stuff versus higher mag? I've always been curious how they did as a clip on. Problem is the only clip on thermal I've looked through to compare is an INOD... And we both know what that means... LOL
Got word from Trijon that upgrades within the v2 line of REAPs are also possible.


REAPv2 19mm to REAPv2 35mm
REAPv2 19mm to REAPv2 60mm
REAPv2 35mm to REAPv2 60mm

Similar to the upgrades available for the mk2/mk3 series.
I had never heard about these REAPv2 upgrades, but I happened to ask Trijicon and they said YES !!


So this opens up more flexibility for existing REAPv2 owners.
First pic of mk2 35mm 3.5 years ago ... back in the "black" days ... black mk18-ish ... black mk2 ...


Ran the mk2 35mm for a year as my primary coop defense, patrol style system (walkin and stalkin).
Then in Jan 2017 upgraded to mk3 35mm ... as I was afraid to go to 60mm, didn't want to give up the FOV, since a lot of coop defense happens inside 150yds.
But then a year later in Jan 2018 decided to upgrade to 60mm after all to use as a spotter for the UTC-x on a rifle and the 60mm is very good in the spotter role. I kept it on a mk18-ish, so it could be shot.
North Texas in February. Wind ~25mph ... temp ~15F ... we of three:

Team Mate #1
Helion, I think it was about a 3x, as a handheld spotter
Trail, xp50 on 6.5G(16)

Team Mate #2
Patrol as a spotter on helmet (and pvs-14 as well)
Apex, XD50 on 5.56(10.5)
Bushy arc elite range finder in pouch

Mk3 60mm as a spotter on 5.56(10.3)


We were working a bunch of large fields ... averaging maybe 1-2 miles long by half a mile wide. The main critters in these fields were yotes, deer and hogs. We were going after the hogs.

The wind really messed with the thermal images. When they were in multi-sounder groups, picking out the pigs from the deer or yotes was pretty easy, but lone boars in a group of deer at 500yds + wasn't so easy ... and differentiating yotes and deer wasn't either. I was getting calls to "put the 60 on it" during the night. And the mk3 60mm seemed to be able to get PID done when the other two spotters couldn't. Most of these PID were over 500yds. Then based on the PID, we would decide to stalk in (or not).

We were actually stalking in on some pigs, when this yote darted across our front. The guy with the patrol started whispering the distances every now and then. The ground was completely flat and open. The distances were around 250yds and closing. For some reason, after this yote detected us, she decided to go to ground facing us, hoping we couldn't see her. I got a range of 205yds from team mate. I knew my hold at 200yds was 6 inches up. I knelt down, held 6 inches above the center of the neck and fired and the yote slowly feel over to the side. I called the yote dead. My buddies asked if I was sure, because they couldn't see her. I said yes, so we walked in. The hit was center of neck about 2 inches below the ear.

I'm usually the one taking the pics, but someone else took this one because that's me in the pic with the mk3 60mm. It did a great job as a long distance spotter on this night ... long distance PIDing in poor thermal conditions. To me, that's the use case for the 60mm trijicons.
Sure they are ... I've shown pics in the GB thread of both radius and raptar mounted. Can work on patrol, reapv1 and reapv2.

And if you put a RAPTAR on there, you've got a pointing ir-laser as well.

Hecque, scroll up in this very thread and see the Radius so mounted !! :)

But more pics in the Group Buy thread ...
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