Rifle Competition Events Guardian Cameo in August?


Area Man
Full Member
  • Jul 30, 2009
    So I’ve signed up for the Guardian match at Cameo outside Grand Junction Colorado for this August. I have a feeling it’ll be hot as balls. I’ll have a young first time shooter and an older gentleman shooting with me.

    My question is, does this range or terrain lend itself to using those jogger stroller type gun carts or a wheeled cooler?

    I anticipate having to lug a shit ton of gear, and plenty of beverages etc…maybe, maybe not? Just trying to plan ahead. None of us have shot at this range before. Thanks for any input or tips.
    I've shot Guardians at two different ranges here in NC and have competed at another where a Guardian will be held this year. One was easily traversible with a cart, one you HAD to drive, and this year's event wil not be friendly to old or young trying to walk (unless they run the stages very differently than other matches I've shot there).

    BOTTOM LINE: Contact Cameo Shooting Complex whose number shows (970) 464-1339 and ask.

    Ive shot the guardian every year its been in CO

    It def can be hot. I think it broke 100 2 yrs ago but its not a horrible 100 as its very very dry heat.
    last year it was cold and we were wearing sweaters during morning briefing.

    ive saved the best for last. not only is there minimal walking, every shooter gets a side-by-side as part of their entry fee to drive from the sightin/parking area to the area where the match is. once to the shooting area you can have all your gear in the side by side and drive from stage to stage.

    This match is VERY well set up for both youth and old alike.

    Looking forward to seeing you there!

    We will have coolers with ice and water at every other stage (stages will be about 30yds apart) I make it a point to limit the amount of walking between stages. I would NOT recommend a cooler with wheels or a stroller for your rifle/gear.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone a gain!