Ok, so I bought some of this stuff after hearing that it frees up stuck bolts and basically eats carbon and copper fouling. I put a small drop on a gas regulator knob and after waiting 30 seconds it feels like it spinning on ball bearings.
So, now my gun cleaning regime will change a bit. Im going to hose my gear down with gun scrub and a few scrubs with the rod/brush/patch method and then use Kroil to oil, clean, and lube my shit. Guess its about the same as Mobil 1. $9.45 for a decent sized bottle.
So, now my gun cleaning regime will change a bit. Im going to hose my gear down with gun scrub and a few scrubs with the rod/brush/patch method and then use Kroil to oil, clean, and lube my shit. Guess its about the same as Mobil 1. $9.45 for a decent sized bottle.