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GunsAmerica supports TR law suit against the Hide

I've been trying to figure out why an American company would behave as tacticalrifles.net has. All common sense explanations have been ruled out... and the reason eluded me.

Then I realized Dave Rooney is british.

At that point, I realized I've never met a british person that I could trust. They all had this manner of snobbish elitism about them. This all makes perfect sense really. Anyone know if Rooney is even a citizen?

You just won 'Dumbass of the Thread' and given that Veer's posted here that's a real achievement. Now fuck off to a Holiday Inn.
Apologies for the brief derail, but to echo Redmanss and EventHorizon, Brit-bashing just leads me to believe you've never worked with them, served with them, or crawled out of a pub with them.
1. Brits are good to go in my book. Saved my bacon when nothing in it for guys who did it. Great Warriors. Honorable folks.

2. Frank. This lawsuit is just dumb in my opinion. I have read most of what has been said about Tacticalrifles.nets work on here. Then I examined my friends Tacticalrifles.net rifle and found my opinion was very similar to those posted on here. The work I see does not represent the price charged.
3. Please tell me that photo above is not really the writer of what in my opinion is a one side article.

ORKAN, you are a salesman, if anything this whole TR fiasco should teach you, it's that being an ass on a forum full of your potential customers is about the dumbest thing you could do. How many potential customers are you turning off with this one? Like I've told you before, you need to take a class in public relations, you discredit your company daily. Perception is everything, just like TR and GA are learning.

The guy is going out of his way to lie about the situation.

He knows where the video came from and who the customer is, the email is part of his evidence in the case. The email is from HIS customer who gives him his name. The video is included in that email. He is blatantly lying by trying to say I had a hand in it, absolutely false and he knows it.

He next it telling is limited circle of supporters we "Vehemently" promoted the video... Another blatant lie, we did nothing of the kind.

Once he has to go under oath the story is certainly gonna change because he knows, this is bullshit. We have less than a handful of threads about him, and threads that ran the exact same course can be found in other places on the net... his bullshit is well documented online and this will come out in court.

Wait until we get his "Ex" employees in depositions and court... then we'll see how he can blame everyone else.

The guy is going out of his way to lie about the situation.

He knows where the video came from and who the customer is, the email is part of his evidence in the case. The email is from HIS customer who gives him his name. The video is included in that email. He is blatantly lying by trying to say I had a hand in it, absolutely false and he knows it.

He next it telling is limited circle of supporters we "Vehemently" promoted the video... Another blatant lie, we did nothing of the kind.

Once he has to go under oath the story is certainly gonna change because he knows, this is bullshit. We have less than a handful of threads about him, and threads that ran the exact same course can be found in other places on the net... his bullshit is well documented online and this will come out in court.

Wait until we get his "Ex" employees in depositions and court... then we'll see how he can blame everyone else.

ORKAN, you are a salesman, if anything this whole TR fiasco should teach you, it's that being an ass on a forum full of your potential customers is about the dumbest thing you could do. How many potential customers are you turning off with this one? Like I've told you before, you need to take a class in public relations, you discredit your company daily. Perception is everything, just like TR and GA are learning.
I'll take your class in public relations if you take my class in lightening up. The day we can't have some light-hearted ribbing on this site, it will be a sad day.

You tell me... why is everyone so ANGRY on here all the time? I think it would be good for people to just relax a bit, don't you think? ;)
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I agree, this has been a great experience and seeing the members step up has helped me mellow out towards the community as a whole
Well thank heavenly Jesus for that shit! Things have been getting progressively more hostile on here for quite a while. We could do with some civility amongst our ranks. Focus the hostility toward those deserving of it.

On that note, everyone have a drink on me... Piers Morgan got his show cancelled. :) Another british gets what deserves, and it makes me happy. Maybe he and rooney can hang out together on a plane or boat ride back across the ocean?
ORKAN: Probably because a lot of the guys on here are grumpy ex and serving soldiers. Notice how all the rebuttals and offense to what you said dealt with guys serving with the British. You bash the British guys, and all of us who served, sweat, and bled with them get pissed. Maybe you don't understand the military brother hood, but when you start bagging on the Brits, the first thing I think about is the 2nd Lancs recce guys I served with. Sure they serve beans with breakfast, but that can be overlooked. Does that make sense?

If I was selling things, I wouldn't be using light hearted ribbing on a forum where tone and demeanor can easily be misunderstood, but you do whatever you see fit for your business. Anyway, if you want to discuss this with me further, we can do that in PM's, so as to not derail this thread.
ORKAN: Probably because a lot of the guys on here are grumpy ex and serving soldiers. Notice how all the rebuttals and offense to what you said dealt with guys serving with the British. You bash the British guys, and all of us who served, sweat, and bled with them get pissed. Maybe you don't understand the military brother hood, but when you start bagging on the Brits, the first thing I think about is the 2nd Lancs recce guys I served with. Sure they serve beans with breakfast, but that can be overlooked. Does that make sense?

If I was selling things, I wouldn't be using light hearted ribbing on a forum where tone and demeanor can easily be misunderstood, but you do whatever you see fit for your business. Anyway, if you want to discuss this with me further, we can do that in PM's, so as to not derail this thread.
See this is what I'm talking about... the few british guys I served with could take some bullshit slung their way. They dished it right back too... and usually won, due to that goddamn accent of theirs and how hilariously they curse!

So I definitely don't understand the military brotherhood the way you do. ... definitely not. Because when I was in from '97-02' we constantly screwed with everyone and tried to keep things light in the units I served in. Maybe this is because you aren't treating me like a brother... but an outsider? This doesn't need to go to a PM, because it needs said right here.

Also, people repetitively say, "If I were selling..." when telling me to shut up. Well my customers come to me BECAUSE I am outspoken. I get calls daily where customers thank me for being so direct with information. I give them solid answers and my un-filtered opinion. This is a great service in my opinion because it allows them to make the best choice possible for them. So while you may see it as a negative, I see it as a positive. For those that don't like it, we're lucky to have so many great vendors here on the hide!

Now lets get back to our regularly scheduled TR/GA truth session shall we?
Apologies for the brief derail, but to echo Redmanss and EventHorizon, Brit-bashing just leads me to believe you've never worked with them, served with them, or crawled out of a pub with them.

Yep...since fighter pilots mostly drink if they aren't flying during OIF we built a plywood bar in the desert, stocked it, and promptly got into a giant barfight with the Aussies whereupon the general brought in security forces to dismantle the whole thing.

The Brits rescued us both by inviting both groups over to their bar, "the muff", so we could drink over there the rest of the war. Awesome.

Anyway, Hopefully TR brings down GA for a double win.
What will it take for us to be friends Victory?

Friends, lol, I don’t know you; I just know the words you have written on the net. I wouldn't base whether someone is a good person or whether I would like them based off of Internet interactions. I understand things can be misunderstood on here. Every single person I have met off of this site, I have gotten along with. I can assume it would be the same with us. If I ever make to SD, I'll be sure to link up with you and have a couple of drinks. We can chat about that PR class I think you need, and you can tell me how much of a drama queen you think I am, it will be great.
See this is what I'm talking about... the few british guys I served with could take some bullshit slung their way. They dished it right back too... and usually won, due to that goddamn accent of theirs and how hilariously they curse!

So I definitely don't understand the military brotherhood the way you do. ... definitely not. Because when I was in from '97-02' we constantly screwed with everyone and tried to keep things light in the units I served in. Maybe this is because you aren't treating me like a brother... but an outsider? This doesn't need to go to a PM, because it needs said right here.

Also, people repetitively say, "If I were selling..." when telling me to shut up. Well my customers come to me BECAUSE I am outspoken. I get calls daily where customers thank me for being so direct with information. I give them solid answers and my un-filtered opinion. This is a great service in my opinion because it allows them to make the best choice possible for them. So while you may see it as a negative, I see it as a positive. For those that don't like it, we're lucky to have so many great vendors here on the hide!

Now lets get back to our regularly scheduled TR/GA truth session shall we?

If you were just taking the piss then I completely missed it. Sorry mate.

If you weren't - well, you don't sweat much for a fat lass...
Seems Helinski has changed/rewritten part of the article today. I think he may have had a little pressure on him from somewhere. The whole first half of the article has be reworked, in which he backsteps a bit, and the link to their review of the 3" at 1000yd TR rifle test has been removed.

and no new comments allowed on either, apparently.
I should have copied my post over there that had specific examples of where he was flat out lying/twisting the facts and continually reposted it until he got tired of deleting it. He will not answer a question and is clearly a shill for rooney. I hope he gets to answer those questions in court.

If you post a comment over there copy it to a word file so you can keep resubmitting because he is not letting posts critical of his article through.
My article on Friday was meant to nip the cascade of bad press for TR in the bud, and it worked. In this case both parties mostly agree on the facts, and they are just viewing them in different ways. It is a dumb lawsuit and could have been prevented with some communication. Lawyers love egos. As many have said below, we shouldn’t be wasting our time on it, and this is where my time on it ends. -Paul Helinski@GA

HUH?!?!?!? He thinks he helped?!?!?!?! Wow. This guy can't pedal forwards... Clearly he's even worse at backpedaling.

They may have had a cascade of bad press before GA jumped on board. After... it turned into a TIDAL WAVE.
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Seems Helinski has changed/rewritten part of the article today. I think he may have had a little pressure on him from somewhere. The whole first half of the article has be reworked, in which he backsteps a bit, and the link to their review of the 3" at 1000yd TR rifle test has been removed.

and no new comments allowed on either, apparently.

He re-wrote the article and left in the part about "tapered barrel threads"! It was even pointed out to him in the comments. What a moron.
Well I already have the disgusting fat body down, just need to grow a clump of hair on my chin that looks like a goats ass and I will open my own blog and give out expert advice on "tapered" threads and playing he said she said.
Shankster found this guy with his TR Rifle today...

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/yz4841szbHo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And yes, the GA article has been "rewritten" 2x now and I have 3 copies, the original, the video edit, and the latest edit
Shankster found this guy with his TR Rifle today...

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/yz4841szbHo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And yes, the GA article has been "rewritten" 2x now and I have 3 copies, the original, the video edit, and the latest edit

Shankster found this guy with his TR Rifle today...

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/yz4841szbHo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And yes, the GA article has been "rewritten" 2x now and I have 3 copies, the original, the video edit, and the latest edit

He should win every competition... EVER
Shankster found this guy with his TR Rifle today...

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/yz4841szbHo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And yes, the GA article has been "rewritten" 2x now and I have 3 copies, the original, the video edit, and the latest edit

I wonder if he can DOPE his piss that accurately too? WTF...hahahahahaha

Wow that was the longest and most boring walk that has ever been filmed, the best part is when he steps in the puddle of BullShit, then picks a quarter out of his ass to cover up his lies.

I see a classic here, can you make this a sticky.
I think we need Wade Stuteville to make a video of himself shooting a Surgeon (or his own rifle now?) at 500 yards to show what a realistic 5 round 500 yard group looks like from an absolute top of the pack precision rifleman. And he has to keep the same firing tempo too!
posted this and it was deleted, well never actually put up, never made it past"awaiting moderation"

this whole thing is a joke. Starting from the "Article" thats a raging laughable joke, to the lawsuit claim, to these comments here by a obviously delusional "Moderator"

let me get this right, TR is suing a private web forum for negative reviews and claiming he wasnt allowed to tell his story? I get that right?

Look around, there are negative reviews of TR on almost every gun related forum on the internet! Has he claimed his side of the story on ANY of them? Is the entire internet part of a massive conglomerate conspiracy to bring down the ever so awsome awe inspiring tactical rifles? If you think so ya better tighten up the ole tinfoil hat cause it's all downhill from here.

If his product was so great then it should speak for itself and overwelm any negative feedback out there. For example, has there been any negative comments about, lets say GAP, yes there have been. The difference is how GAP took care of the issue, quickly and efficiently and ensuring the customer was satisfied. Add that customer service with the fact that they are turning out hundreds upon hundreds of beautifully built precision rifles and you get a trend, one that says you can ask any random joe on any random range and they are gonna say they have heard nothing but great things about GAP. Ask the same about TR and see what they say. Oh and look at what rifles are winning precision rifle matches, it isn't TR.

Any clown can watch that video and see that that's a rifle that was born retarded, time and bullets didnt do any of that shown on the video. To sue a smith for fixing an inferior product is comical, note he NEVER even said who built the rifle. Is the owner of the rifle being sued?

to try and blame one man and one websight for a bad reputation is a joke. Subjectively take at look at why there is that stigma. To illustrate this point lets take a field trip shall we, this is a rifle on gunbroker, right now, being sold as "like new"(granted that could be a false claim buy the seller and no fault of TR). Take a look at the crown, the banged up scope base. Ok so your not sold as those could of been done by the current owner, ok, take a look at the bolt knob to handle fit, anyone knows that for a 4500(asking price) rifle that fit looks like it was done by my buddy in his garage. I wont address other things wrong in the pics I think you get the idea, well you probably dont but most do.

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