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Guy from Illinois looking for Advice.

Vodoun daVinci

Old Salt
Full Member
  • Dec 17, 2017
    "The assault weapon bill, SB107, was introduced Jan. 23 by State Sen. Julie Morrison, D-Deerfield, and sent to the Judiciary Committee on Jan. 30.

    As submitted it would ban large numbers of semi-automatic rifles and some handguns and shotguns; some specifically by name and others using various criteria including the presence of pistol grips, large capacity magazines, folding or collapsible stocks, barrel shrouds and other attachments.

    Owners of existing weapons would be allowed to keep them but the weapons would have to be registered, and the bill would be severely limited in who they could be transferred to. Failure to register would be a felony.

    Other bills would, among other things, require Firearm Owner’s Identification Card applicants to provide a list of their social media accounts to the Illinois State Police, revoke FOID cards for those reporting losses or thefts of firearms in three separate incidents within a two-year period, and place restrictions on ammunition."

    I'm 63 , own my home, and need to work at least 7 more years to retire. I *really* wanna not comply with this if it passes but that's a felony and would mean that when I get out of here I won't be able to keep my guns anywhere being a felon. I'm also considering (highly considering) moving across the river into Iowa and just renting the home I own in Illinois as I work in Iowa anyway.....or I could store my guns with friends/family in Iowa *but* I'd still have to give up my Social Media accounts and passwords to be searched by the Illinois State Police to keep my FOID card without which I cannot possess any guns nor ammo.

    Illinois now has a super majority of Democrats in the House, Senate, and the Governor is a Democrat. Literally, they do not need a single Republican vote to ram this up our asses and I'm 50% certain this bill (or most of it) is a done deal.

    I need advice and perspective guys - My initial response is "Hell No!" I'm not going to comply. But that makes me a felon and unable to possess guns when/if I get out of jail and pay my fines. Literally, they wanna break us and make us criminals in Illinois.

    What would you do?

    You really have no option to register anything. At that point once they know what you have, every bill they pass after this regarding storage, permit fees, mag capacity, etc you will be forced to comply.

    I’ve already had plenty on conversations locally about stuff I won’t type on a public forum. Everyone has been in agreement.
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    Don't use any 'social media'. Make a mental list of anything on the Internet that may have your personal photos attached to it. Purge those.

    If anyone asks for your "social media accounts", tell them that you don't have any.

    Seriously, who uses that shit anyway? Excluding corporate entities who have accounts to arrange meetings and remotely manage their employees of course. I ain't never used any of that crap. A cellular phone is more than enough for me and my family/friends to keep in touch. And fuck those statist pieces of shit who want to snoop on innocent citizens' businesses. They should do a bit of 'snooping' on where all the taxpayer money given to their agencies have gone.
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    Don't use any 'social media'. Make a mental list of anything on the Internet that may have your personal photos attached to it. Purge those.

    If anyone asks for your "social media accounts", tell them that you don't have any.

    Seriously, who uses that shit anyway? Excluding corporate entities who have accounts to arrange meetings and remotely manage their employees of course. I ain't never used any of that crap. A cellular phone is more than enough for me and my family/friends to keep in touch. And fuck those statist pieces of shit who want to snoop on innocent citizens' businesses. They should do a bit of 'snooping' on where all the taxpayer money given to their agencies have gone.

    Technically this forum is Social Media as are the other forums I hang on....I don't think there is anything there to keep me from getting/keeping my FOID but, like everything on The 'Net, it can be read a dozens ways.

    My job/employer requires me to use social media accounts all of which would be required to be passed on to the State Police for monitoring every time I purchase a gun or renew my FOID.

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    You are only a felon if caught, tried, and convicted.
    Understood but I'm not ready to be running from the law after decades of being a business owner, homeowner, taxpayer and all around stand up kind of Man/Citizen. The idea of breaking the law and hiding like a common criminal is...disgusting.

    But I appreciate the perspective.

    Technically this forum is Social Media as are the other forums I hang on....I don;t think there is anything there to keep me from getting/keeping my FOID but, like everything on The 'Net, it can be read a dozens ways.


    Do you have any personal photos here? Or used your real name except for registration? Find those and modify them. Also, if you have another email account NOT linked to this forum, use that for your FOID applications and other clerical stuff.
    This is the problem, just about everyone wants to comply with a reasonable law and just go about your life as a responsible adult. This law turns reasonable people into the enemy of the state. Say you’re a good citizen and register everything you have to the letter of the law. Next year they pass a $100 per firearm permit fee. Maybe a $1000 FOID fee. Government mandated storage requirements. Ammunition stored offsite. Who knows. Good citizens like yourself are red flagged to make certain you complied. Chicago gangbanger doesn’t get a visit because he’s not on the good citizen list.
    Understood but I'm not ready to be running from the law after decades of being a business owner, homeowner, taxpayer and all around stand up kind of Man/Citizen. The idea of breaking the law and hiding like a common criminal is...disgusting.

    But I appreciate the perspective.


    There's tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of non-compliers in California, Colorado, New York, Massachusetts who are also businessmen, homeowners, taxpayers and all around stand up people. They are not "common criminals", they just refuse to obey unconstitutional laws. If you don't want to keep your stuff on the down low or figure out ways around their unconstitutional laws you've only got a couple of options; comply, move out of state, or move items that may be of concern out of state. It's a tough decision, but yours too make.
    My View of the Registration in Illinois is it is just another way for them to remove the guns from the honest citizens by ether making them felons or making gun ownership so difficult that they are given up. Less gun owners means less exposure of shooting to the general citizenship.

    Less gun owners is less Opposition to the gun control agenda they win ether way.
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    And yea I absolutely would not type what your plans are on here. Of course I'm going to register, pay fees and all that fairy glitter unicorn shit they deem necessary for myself to have the "right" to keep my gun.............
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    I’m in the same boat, but my county is considered a gun sanctuary county. I need to talk to the states attorney if this passes, and see how they are going to handle it. Rumors are that they are going to ignore any new laws. What that means if you get caught, idk.
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    You guys really need to start challenging this stuff. Find a good gun group, rally enough support and money and take this crap to court! I mean really you have no obligation to comply with unconstitutional laws as this is. If I was there and had money I’d be all over this, especially if I was a lawyer! These laws are getting insane. They need to quit beating around the bush and make it plain and simple, we either have the 2A or we don’t. Illinois is one of those damn states in slavery to the slum of Chicago as there are plenty of gun loving patriots outside of that terrible city that are now having to think about the same things you are. We cannot continue to allow them to go on with this nonsense unabated!! Either stand and fight, be non compliant or move. I suggest moving to South Dakota as they seem to be decent people lol.

    What I really want to say is that I think we live in rather sad times when people are open to the idea of giving the gov their social media passwords so that a panel can go look at it to determine if you should be allowed to have guns. That is so much blatant unconstitutionalness that is not even funny. Why should you allow any of that? Are you a slave? Because that’s the kind of bullshit that slaves do and we keep letting them go on with this nonsense. If I was your age, no offense, but I wouldn’t have a care in the world by then and would politely tell them to fuck off. If theybask what authority you have to say that then I would pull out the BOR and flaunt it in their face. I don’t see how in the hell we have gotten to this point. Bow down to your master dems. I don’t mean to be rude but this pisses me off. The authority has gotten out of control and if we don’t start fighting this BS our kids and grandkids will no doubt he slaves.
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    I have heard it mentioned elsewhere that even Hi-Points are on the new ban list. It doesn't matter if it is the carbine or the pistols. The intent of the laws are perfectly clear now: They want to make gun ownership as COSTLY as possible and eliminate budget priced firearms from people of lower income who may also need them for protection.

    Their end goal is to make criminals out of anyone who even harbor thoughts of owning a gun. I will never forget the 2008 Democratic nomination campaign when Hillary Clinton stated that she would create an 'early warning system' to keep track of anybody who applies for gun permits.

    Now, what I am TRULY curious about, is how the sheriffs and officials on the local level will react to the new Illinois laws. Will they follow the example of Klickitat, Franklin and Yakima, or will they all quietly fold? Last week, these counties in Washington State has set an example for the rest of us. THIS is how we can tell if a certain LE agency is really on the side of the people or not. If there are Three Percenters with badges in Illinois, now is your chance to rise and set an example too. The longer this shit remains unchallenged, the more the gun-banners will simply view us as too pussy to confront them.
    Yes we have no other option than to fight this. Your comment about just moving to Iowa is invalid. There is an "assault weapon" ban bill introduced there too. In all actuality every state is going to see one. It's just a matter of time. We're all stuck with that one big liberal city that has a huge impact on the rest of the state. All for one, one for all is how it's going to have to go down.
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    Sounds like I need a few new ARs to bury! I'm from illinois and this isnt going to stop here, this state is broke because of the politicians blowing there was on dumb shit. I'm sorry but chicago and st Louis are dragging us down I live 2 hrs from one and 3 hours from the other and i hate both towns. I may have to look at moving to a near by state and drive an hr to work. I started getting into firearms about 10 years ago and I cant believe this crap.
    I don't think the county had shit to say about it....my FOID and my CCL are administered by the State Police. They do my background check. They will be the ones to arrest me for non compliance.

    And don't they answer directly to the Governor?

    That is some serious shit tying the foid card availability to social media. Who decides what’s not accceptable for social media?

    They are tying up your 2nd amendment right up with 1st, thereby pretty much nullifying both in instances where you might want to say something that’s not liked.
    Is there anyway to stop them honestly? I mean they already have a bill in and illinois rifle association should be doing something about it and I would assume the NRA would be helping. I haven't researched any of this because I have been in my own world but I bet the IRA and NRA are fine with what illinois is trying to do. I have family that live in chicago, I dont visit them up there but I think they are actually in chicago, pretty sure there fine with it. Cant believe there blood honestly.
    I live in St. Louis. I don’t cross that bridge to the East unless I absolutely have to, and your ignorant if you think we’ll have dumbass AWB laws over here, because we’re going the other way, and passed Constitutional Carry not long ago. Violent crime has gone down since CCW, fact. KC Faggots and St. Louis commies are vastly outnumbered in Jefferson City, and while they propose bullshit like this it NEVER passes.
    No you are right it's the county on the east side of that bridge that helps carry the chicago counties. Its amazing to see 2 or 3 counties in illinois carry elections for the whole state. Usually there is one to three counties by chicago and one by st Louis that carry the whole state.
    If that bill requiring social media passwords doesn't get thrown out by the courts or the SCOTUS Im moving to fucking Mexico, at least there my money will buy me whatever freedoms I can afford. That bill convinces me that Democrats are having a secret contest to see who can violate the most articles of the constitution at once, like some kinda sick fucking joke.
    We live in a free part of the country because our set of scumbags in government fear reprecushions more than his set of scumbsgs. Ours want to do the same thing but fear they would be held personally accountable. Make no mistake about it.

    Best advice I can give is do not comply.

    Easier for us it say! We live in free country!
    We are already (many of us) banded together. In the long term we might prevail after years of court battles and millions spent but the Illinois State Government has a Super Majority of Democrats in The Senate, The House, and The Governor. It is my fear they will ram this thru in a heartbeat with zero opposition and leave it to us gun owners to try to get it rescinded.

    It's worked well for California so I have high hopes that we will eventually get our Rights back. o_O

    In the short term I will likely have to get rid of anything that needs registration or move it out of State while this gets sorted in courts, if it ever does. But remember - non compliance is risky - it's a fucking felony with jail time and serious fines. Those who resist thru non compliance are literally risking jail time and never being able to own a gun due to a felony conviction when we get of out jail and migrate to another State.

    Hence my honest and open request for advice and perspective. it's nice to contemplate flying The Bird and hiding my shit/burying it *but* there are neighbors on my street who would turn me in. I have as much righteous bravado as the next guy but going to jail at 63 and losing my home and future has me as concerned as losing my gun rights.

    I need to be cautious about how I proceed...All of us in Illinois need to think about this before we act.

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    You’ve been given the correct advice. 20” PVC pipe, 20” caps, and PVC glue. Do not forget to lube them up before you seal it, and always add a fine mesh bag full of rice to eliminate any residual moisture. Bury it wherever nobody is going to find it at least 36” deep.

    It’s also a good idea to put a dozen or so full magazines i there with it in case you need to use it immediately upon retrieval...
    I don't think the county had shit to say about it....my FOID and my CCL are administered by the State Police. They do my background check. They will be the ones to arrest me for non compliance.

    And don't they answer directly to the Governor?


    I was wondering the same thing, but I got harassed by a couple of game wardens a few years ago. Long story short they seized my guns and threw enough charges at me to lose my hunting rights for 2 years. Since charges were in my county, had to appear at local courthouse. States attorney realized that he didn’t have a winnable case and charges were bogus so he threw them out. Warden threw a fit wanting prosecution (mainly because I told him what a piece of shit he was, to his face). States attorney demanded he give my guns back (which he “stored” at his house, a precision 22-250 with a pmII on top of it was one of them) You can imagine the shit eating grin I had when warden brought guns to courthouse to return to my possession.

    So my point is if you are charged in your locality, I think the decisions of your local court will stick.
    I agree with the previous remarks about not openly laying out your game plan...these threads will be used as evidence one day.

    Run scared and reap what you sow! If you are that scared of this then go ahead and turn your stuff over as you are likely to fall in line to slavery anyways.
    We are already (many of us) banded together. In the long term we might prevail after years of court battles and millions spent but the Illinois State Government has a Super Majority of Democrats in The Senate, The House, and The Governor. It is my fear they will ram this thru in a heartbeat with zero opposition and leave it to us gun owners to try to get it rescinded.

    It's worked well for California so I have high hopes that we will eventually get our Rights back. o_O

    In the short term I will likely have to get rid of anything that needs registration or move it out of State while this gets sorted in courts, if it ever does. But remember - non compliance is risky - it's a fucking felony with jail time and serious fines. Those who resist thru non compliance are literally risking jail time and never being able to own a gun due to a felony conviction when we get of out jail and migrate to another State.

    Hence my honest and open request for advice and perspective. it's nice to contemplate flying The Bird and hiding my shit/burying it *but* there are neighbors on my street who would turn me in. I have as much righteous bravado as the next guy but going to jail at 63 and losing my home and future has me as concerned as losing my gun rights.

    I need to be cautious about how I proceed...All of us in Illinois need to think about this before we act.


    Give me liberty or give me death. The decision is yours. Moving is just one of a thousand cuts to the death of your 2A freedoms. Eventually you won’t have anywhere to run to. Do as you wish. Let your kids or someone else fight your battles.
    I was wondering the same thing, but I got harassed by a couple of game wardens a few years ago. Long story short they seized my guns and threw enough charges at me to lose my hunting rights for 2 years. Since charges were in my county, had to appear at local courthouse. States attorney realized that he didn’t have a winnable case and charges were bogus so he threw them out. Warden threw a fit wanting prosecution (mainly because I told him what a piece of shit he was, to his face). States attorney demanded he give my guns back (which he “stored” at his house, a precision 22-250 with a pmII on top of it was one of them) You can imagine the shit eating grin I had when warden brought guns to courthouse to return to my possession.

    So my point is if you are charged in your locality, I think the decisions of your local court will stick.

    Seems to me that the warden should have been charged with theft of property for storing Said items at his house. When has it become acceptable to store evidence at ones house?