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Guy from Illinois looking for Advice.


Someone or some group hates you and everything you stand for. They want to hang you. You are offered an out. If you just put your head in the noose to show your compliance and law abiding good will, you can avoid hanging.

They still hate you and everything you stand for, but now they have your head in a noose. How is this going to end for you? Figure it out. If you do not come up with the correct answer, you deserve to live for a while with your head in a noose until they decide to hang you for past offenses. Or, you might continue to "live" due to being such a gutless piece of shit that you are not worth hanging.
This is a choice many of us will have to contemplate in the coming years. You just need to decide if having your guns if worth fighting for. This means pointing the barrel of your gun at the govt and firing it. If not, then sell everything except what not is banned and enjoy retirement.

If moving is feasible, then I would seriously consider it. Coming up with the right game plan is going to be hard....as the clock is ticking for you. If you want to live free, then moving to another state may work. But remember none of those northern states will be red forever. Staying where your at involves selling the banned weapons if it passes, which it should if the dems control everything.

I would not count on the .3%ers either. While I do not agree with everything that went on in Oregon, I would stand with the people, against the govt. Their balls turned into raisins.
I'm also considering (highly considering) moving across the river into Iowa and just renting the home I own in Illinois as I work in Iowa anyway.....or I could store my guns with friends/family in Iowa *but* I'd still have to give up my Social Media accounts and passwords to be searched by the Illinois State Police to keep my FOID card without which I cannot possess any guns nor ammo.

I think you already have the solution to your problem right there.

If you already work in Iowa, then unless you have to stay in IL for some reason, get a house in Iowa and move over there.
Think of it as giving you time to prepare your retirement in a smooth fashion. I'm guessing you are not wanting to stay in IL with the communists long term.
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"The assault weapon bill, SB107, was introduced Jan. 23 by State Sen. Julie Morrison, D-Deerfield, and sent to the Judiciary Committee on Jan. 30.

As submitted it would ban large numbers of semi-automatic rifles and some handguns and shotguns; some specifically by name and others using various criteria including the presence of pistol grips, large capacity magazines, folding or collapsible stocks, barrel shrouds and other attachments.

Owners of existing weapons would be allowed to keep them but the weapons would have to be registered, and the bill would be severely limited in who they could be transferred to. Failure to register would be a felony.

Other bills would, among other things, require Firearm Owner’s Identification Card applicants to provide a list of their social media accounts to the Illinois State Police, revoke FOID cards for those reporting losses or thefts of firearms in three separate incidents within a two-year period, and place restrictions on ammunition."

I'm 63 , own my home, and need to work at least 7 more years to retire. I *really* wanna not comply with this if it passes but that's a felony and would mean that when I get out of here I won't be able to keep my guns anywhere being a felon. I'm also considering (highly considering) moving across the river into Iowa and just renting the home I own in Illinois as I work in Iowa anyway.....or I could store my guns with friends/family in Iowa *but* I'd still have to give up my Social Media accounts and passwords to be searched by the Illinois State Police to keep my FOID card without which I cannot possess any guns nor ammo.

Illinois now has a super majority of Democrats in the House, Senate, and the Governor is a Democrat. Literally, they do not need a single Republican vote to ram this up our asses and I'm 50% certain this bill (or most of it) is a done deal.

I need advice and perspective guys - My initial response is "Hell No!" I'm not going to comply. But that makes me a felon and unable to possess guns when/if I get out of jail and pay my fines. Literally, they wanna break us and make us criminals in Illinois.

What would you do?


Cross the river to MO. We have great gun laws! And When the war starts we’re going to blow the bridges
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What you don't want is a felony conviction. I wouldn't bury anything on the outside chance some disgruntled individual would rat you out. Consider gifting them to a trusted friend out of state, you can always get them back. I personally would move myself. I, in fact, did move just so I could shoot anytime on my slightly rural property 15 minutes from town. I'm not a "throw in the towel" person, Illinois, like California and New York are just too big of state to move in the right direction in your time horizon. I like the southern 2/3 of the state, just the folks in Chicago have ruined it all.
I have to agree with what a lot of others are saying, FIGHT IT. The politicians are freakin idiots who know nothing about guns. They have no right to make laws that break the constitution, their job is to make laws that keep this country safe and serve the people of this country, and they are doing that by taking guns away from the people that need them. If they start trying to make laws that are in outright violation of the constitution, it is treason and they need to be executed. Everyone has the right to there own opinion but if it violates the constitution LEAVE don’t try and change the constitution to suit you.

I think that if they try prosecuting anyone for breaking their new laws it could be fought in court, especially now that Trump has chosen two new Supreme Court justices.
once your rights are taken away getting them back will never happen ever ... i wish you luck if you stay in that state.. id say vote republican, but if you already have that bill passes it sounds a bit too late to start.
I love the sentiment of fighting but did you ever hear the "you can't fight city hall" line? I have written my reps ( they don't care) and given money to fight this legislation but in the end I will abide by the law and find a way out of this State.

I'm not gonna start a gunfight with the State Police....guess I'm a pussy.

For now I'll do the best I can and actively seek a way out of Illinois where I can shoot and live. We'll see if this passes. If it does I'll rent my house to pay for a residence in another State and Illinois will be minus one more law abiding, hard working tax payer.

I'm not going to jail for possessing weapons of choice.

you must not comply. You wont be shooting it out with them they will be shooting it out with you..if they and your politicians are that fucking stupid, dont roll over,,, just dont comply...

Move out of that state and take all your shit with you,
I was wondering the same thing, but I got harassed by a couple of game wardens a few years ago. Long story short they seized my guns and threw enough charges at me to lose my hunting rights for 2 years. Since charges were in my county, had to appear at local courthouse. States attorney realized that he didn’t have a winnable case and charges were bogus so he threw them out. Warden threw a fit wanting prosecution (mainly because I told him what a piece of shit he was, to his face). States attorney demanded he give my guns back (which he “stored” at his house, a precision 22-250 with a pmII on top of it was one of them) You can imagine the shit eating grin I had when warden brought guns to courthouse to return to my possession.

So my point is if you are charged in your locality, I think the decisions of your local court will stick.
Game wardens being lying shit bags? Cops getting angry when they're told the truth about their character? No way
It's just another nail in the coffin for me. I'm not sure why I have stayed in illinois as long as I have, but I'm out within the year. The crooked fucks in shitcago and Springfield can have their gun laws, ridiculous taxes, and bull shit laws.

As I mentioned earlier I’m in MO. Home of gun lovers. As fate would have it, we have a Springfield too! And ours probably has more automatic weapons per capital than any other place in the US.
As I mentioned earlier I’m in MO. Home of gun lovers. As fate would have it, we have a Springfield too! And ours probably has more automatic weapons per capital than any other place in the US.

I wish it were that easy. See, I farm a fair amount of acres, along with owning another business that is tied to the specific land it’s on, a quarry. There’s no moving for me unless I give up the only ways I know how to make money.
I wish it were that easy. See, I farm a fair amount of acres, along with owning another business that is tied to the specific land it’s on, a quarry. There’s no moving for me unless I give up the only ways I know how to make money.

I’m pretty sure there’s a $20 a head bounty on hippies here. You got a truck to haul them to the check in?
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I’m pretty sure there’s a $20 a head bounty on hippies here. You got a truck to haul them to the check in?

Got a couple of these bad boys, they’ll hold 60 tons of hippies, each... that would be $16k per load of hippies if they averaged 150lbs each...
I have been watching this very closely as I lived in IL until 5 years ago and still have many family and friends living there. Since the first of the year many it has really gone down hill. What is it the last three governors before Rauner all went to prison? Maybe this guy will end up there as well but that might just be wishful thinking at this point.
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I have been watching this very closely as I lived in IL until 5 years ago and still have many family and friends living there. Since the first of the year many it has really gone down hill. What is it the last three governors before Rauner all went to prison? Maybe this guy will end up there as well but that might just be wishful thinking at this point.
I'd be thinking road kill myself, but others might like BBQ. Ever watch Garbage trucks gone wild?
There is no doubt most of this States Political Leadership is corrupt to the bone...the current Governor is a buddy of the Governor who is currently in prison for trying to sell Obama's open Senate seat. This State is controlled by big money criminals and it now has a super majority of gun grabbing Democrats running the show. The Democratic Party "fixed" it's own Primary in 2016 and it's current agenda is to enact gun bans nation wide.

We can fight them, we will fight them, but in the end we are playing a money game with Billionaires who want our guns in the dirt. America is sorting itself out into US and Them . All I can do is migrate to where people of my kind are concentrated...luckily I can literally drive 2 miles and be in another State that is much less controlled (so far) by Anti Gun Sentiment. Keep my job and my present home, rent the home to pay for a new one in another State. I don't want to leave Illinois but I simply cannot allow myself to be disarmed by folks with criminal intent

Rethinking my options (and thanks to all here for perspective) I have 300 days from the time this law passes to register my guns and compy with the FOID portion. It won't take me 300 days to pull up roots and get the hell out of Illinois. It would leave me with buying an out of state CCL as I have to travel to/from Illinois daily but that's not a show stopper. My MIL lives in Iowa, my Nephew lives in Iowa and I lived there for a few years so it's not like moving to The Moon.

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I don't have one. We'll see what a few years brings in terms of National Gun Bans and how our fight to protect the 2nd Amendment goes. Is it your opinion that all States will eventually succumb to the same Politics? Or do you think that some States will align themselves and stack their populations with Pro Gun Supporters?

I don't have one. We'll see what a few years brings in terms of National Gun Bans and how our fight to protect the 2nd Amendment goes. Is it your opinion that all States will eventually succumb to the same Politics? Or do you think that some States will align themselves and stack their populations with Pro Gun Supporters?

If you're 63 then maybe you can live out your days in a gun friendly state. At my age I'm sure I'll have to move several times if I decide running is the best of the losing strategies (I won't though), but even then I can guarantee that my kids will have to stand up for the rights that I didn't. But why would they, if their father always chose the easy way out?
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I'm not going to talk openly about breaking laws on the internet, but for starters I'm going to be getting a hold of some of my local authorities (district rep and county sheriff are local to me) this week and trying to figure out where the line between 'us' amd 'them' is drawn and hear in their own words how or if they plan on enforcing new unconstitutional laws.
I'm trying to discover where the rubber hits the road as well. Our Illinois FOID and CCL are administered by the Illinois State Police...So, Id assume (dangerous) that if I am suspected of breaking the law(s) laid out by SB0107 that it would be up to the State Police to discover the illegal act and the Illinois Staes Attorney to prosecute folks for non compliance. My guess is that they'd have to get a warrant to search for possession of illegal firearms and if I am found to be in possession of unregistered arms I'd be arrested and charged by the State Police.

Same with my FOID renewal or any new purchases where they'd have legal options to research my online/public media presence including these posts to determine if I was a "risk" or they had reason to deny me an FOID based on my verbiage. I'd guess that if this passes they will begin running down folks they can "make an example of" starting with higher profile people they know they can catch. Hell, there's guys at my own NRA only Rifle Club that would rat you out if they suspected you had not registered/complied with weapons they had seen you shoot or compete with.

I'm skeptical about getting away with non compliance. I don't know if the county sheriff or local law enforcement will have the option of "looking the other way" or not enforcing new laws. Either way I'm a stand up citizen...I don't even speed, talk/text while driving, and have never engaged in criminal activity. It's not in me to break the law especially where firearms are concerned. I have an Illinois CCL, one of the toughest and most expensive licenses in the US and I carry to the letter of the law. I am not a criminal and cannot kid myself or anyone else about breaking the law.

I have never done it and can't believe I would start now. Perhaps in the short term I could store my Illinois Illegal weapons in an Iowa storage facility and only train with them in Iowa until we find a way to reverse it or get it under control.

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I like yer perspective. Realistically if Illinois passes this, how does one legally resist?

How do you propose we stand our ground?


You can start by getting behind like minded people and finding a local group to raise money to combat this. Next, you need to speak out as loud as you can about the issue. I’d point out for one things like you stated about yourself being s model citizen, go from there. If you can find dirt on these politicians then expose it, loudly. I suspect this one would have to be fought in the courts tho unfortunately. Heck, write Trump abd the AG a line explaining this. You never know where you might get help. In the past I’ve gotten help from the least likely of places lol.
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Just wait until the Cock Suckers pass the “ Post-Birth Abortion Bill”. Then start Aborting!

I'm waiting for the retroactive abortion bill to be passed and then I can get on board with being a "service provider" for that.
You know people who have proven they shouldn't have been born...
I wish it were that easy. See, I farm a fair amount of acres, along with owning another business that is tied to the specific land it’s on, a quarry. There’s no moving for me unless I give up the only ways I know how to make money.
Just sell and buy new ground with all those sunsidies they give greedy lazy farmers.
I'm waiting for the retroactive abortion bill to be passed and then I can get on board with being a "service provider" for that.
You know people who have proven they shouldn't have been born...
I have said for years we need dismemberment stations. Most Everyone knows who, or knows of someone that could benefit from all the spare parts that are walking around masquerading as solid an up standing none gaming or guilty human's, in this country. I have no issue with death tables being used to salvage an reuse body parts. Let us start with those that have issue with the COTUS then move into the lying politician herd. By the time we get thru with the tic's this could be a different country w/o firing a shot.
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I have said for years we need dismemberment stations. Most Everyone knows who, or knows of someone that could benefit from all the spare parts that are walking around masquerading as solid an up standing none gaming or guilty human's, in this country. I have no issue with death tables being used to salvage an reuse body parts. Let us start with those that have issue with the COTUS then move into the lying politician herd. By the time we get thru with the tic's this could be a different country w/o firing a shot.

The Chinese have that down to a fine art and pretty good business venture that nets the ruling party decent cash.

I'd suggest that most of the candidates you are thinking of probably have a lot of good parts having had the money to take good care of their bodies & pay for the best medicine.

Even if we don't happen to make a business of it, there may be lots of injured patriots that need replacement parts and a big stock of traitors that don't need their parts.
I'm trying to discover where the rubber hits the road as well. Our Illinois FOID and CCL are administered by the Illinois State Police...So, Id assume (dangerous) that if I am suspected of breaking the law(s) laid out by SB0107 that it would be up to the State Police to discover the illegal act and the Illinois Staes Attorney to prosecute folks for non compliance. My guess is that they'd have to get a warrant to search for possession of illegal firearms and if I am found to be in possession of unregistered arms I'd be arrested and charged by the State Police.

Same with my FOID renewal or any new purchases where they'd have legal options to research my online/public media presence including these posts to determine if I was a "risk" or they had reason to deny me an FOID based on my verbiage. I'd guess that if this passes they will begin running down folks they can "make an example of" starting with higher profile people they know they can catch. Hell, there's guys at my own NRA only Rifle Club that would rat you out if they suspected you had not registered/complied with weapons they had seen you shoot or compete with.

I'm skeptical about getting away with non compliance. I don't know if the county sheriff or local law enforcement will have the option of "looking the other way" or not enforcing new laws. Either way I'm a stand up citizen...I don't even speed, talk/text while driving, and have never engaged in criminal activity. It's not in me to break the law especially where firearms are concerned. I have an Illinois CCL, one of the toughest and most expensive licenses in the US and I carry to the letter of the law. I am not a criminal and cannot kid myself or anyone else about breaking the law.

I have never done it and can't believe I would start now. Perhaps in the short term I could store my Illinois Illegal weapons in an Iowa storage facility and only train with them in Iowa until we find a way to reverse it or get it under control.

Our side loses because we are full of stand up citizens and look with condescension upon anyone who doesn't follow everyone of the Kings decrees. What was the saying about if it doesn't pick my pocket or break my elbow. Something like that

The left wins because the fags, drug heads, mentally ill trans people don't pay attention to laws. Also the left forms a cohesive front. The right is full of back stabbers that would sacrifice your interests for a their own without a second thought.
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Our side loses because we are full of stand up citizens and look with condescension upon anyone who doesn't follow everyone of the Kings decrees. What was the saying about if it doesn't pick my pocket or break my elbow. Something like that

The left wins because the fags, drug heads, mentally ill trans people don't pay attention to laws. Also the left forms a cohesive front. The right is full of back stabbers that would sacrifice your interests for a their own without a second thought.

That bears repeating over and over.
It's also how the Communists and the Democrats control us, it's on display every day, every news report, every time there in any news about Law Enforcement.

Only one side is following every stupid evil law & being peaceable, civil & law abiding & for some reason are the ones most likely to get the full force of the government and law on them if they step out of line.

The other side cares nothing about any laws or decency and has their people in place to make sure they are never held accountable.

Clinton vs Trump..... so evident how things work.

Guess then which side is currently winning... Hint, the side without all the stupid "obey the law" backstabbing tattletales.
I do have a serious question, when you purchase a firearm in illinois, they take the rifle make model and serial number and you have to fill out there questionnaire. Does that make model and serial number they write on every other page not get registered to your name? I'm trying to figure out why you would need to register a firearm that you purchased legally in a store that I would of thought the store should of registered.
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One point is that the government is really inefficient and incompetent. In other states that have semi-auto registration the rates of compliance are estimated to be in the single digits even after five years-plus of enactment. Many of their schemes have failed simply because they are too complex to implement or enforce.

Remember the overwhelming idea is to indoctrinate the kids into thinking guns are evil, as has been done throughout the British Commonwealth. They don't have to get your guns, they just want your kids not to ever get guns. And if you have no place to legally shoot then you're going to be inhibited and it won't be worth the hassle. This is a multigenerational battle.

(((NYC))) legislators introduced a bill to prohibit any shooting sports activities in schools, including rural Upstate New York. It passed committee yesterday.
"snip" when you purchase a firearm in Illinois, they take the rifle make model and serial number and you have to fill out there questionnaire. Does that make model and serial number they write on every other page not get registered to your name? "snip"

One would have to be a fool to think otherwise. All of the AR's and potentially banned guns I possess are most certainly documented. They were transferred to me thru an FFL and legitimately purchased. I can claim I no longer have them in my possession but anyone with a brain and official connections (like the State Police) know God Damned well and good that this weapon was/is in my possession. How long do you think it will take them to come looking for it or a fee paid to register it so that they can confiscate it at the next law revision?

Really. Do we think the State Police are fucking idiots? When they come to my home at 3am with a Warrant to obtain these weapons and charge me with failure to register what am I gonna do? Dragged out at 3am in handcuffs in my underwear...start a gunfight? Stand up for my Rights? Stand and Fight is the motto. They'll gun me down and piss on my grave.

If it passes I'll have 300 days to boogie to another State. Or I'll be dead/in jail.

Sorry. I'm a Pussy. I'm running if this passes and yer Children can hate me for being a Pussy. Send 'em on over to say so at 3am. America is reconstructing itself into US and Them, Have/Have not, Republican/Democrat, etc. Fuck all you. I wanna live and shoot, If Illinois passes this law (SB 0170) I have 10 months to move to another State, comply, or die/go to jail. Easy choice for me.

I'm a Pussy. He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day - even in Bushido, where warriors would kill themselves rather than be captured, fleeing and regrouping to attack again, is an honorable scenario. To be captured is to be shamed. To flee to fight again another day is honorable.

One would have to be a fool to think otherwise. All of the AR's and potentially banned guns I possess are most certainly documented. They were transferred to me thru an FFL and legitimately purchased. I can claim I no longer have them in my possession but anyone with a brain and official connections (like the State Police) know God Damned well and good that this weapon was/is in my possession. How long do you think it will take them to come looking for it or a fee paid to register it so that they can confiscate it at the next law revision?

Really. Do we think the State Police are fucking idiots? When they come to my home at 3am with a Warrant to obtain these weapons and charge me with failure to register what am I gonna do? Dragged out at 3am in handcuffs in my underwear...start a gunfight? Stand up for my Rights? Stand and Fight is the motto. They'll gun me down and piss on my grave.

If it passes I'll have 300 days to boogie to another State. Or I'll be dead/in jail.

Sorry. I'm a Pussy. I'm running if this passes and yer Children can hate me for being a Pussy. Send 'em on over to say so at 3am. America is reconstructing itself into US and Them, Have/Have not, Republican/Democrat, etc. Fuck all you. I wanna live and shoot, If Illinois passes this law (SB 0170) I have 10 months to move to another State or die/go to jail. Easy choice for me.

I'm a Pussy.


Hence the reason we do not ever want a federal registration!!! Just as you mentioned it will be used for confiscation. Anyone thinking otherwise is a dumbass!
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One would have to be a fool to think otherwise. All of the AR's and potentially banned guns I possess are most certainly documented. They were transferred to me thru an FFL and legitimately purchased. I can claim I no longer have them in my possession but anyone with a brain and official connections (like the State Police) know God Damned well and good that this weapon was/is in my possession. How long do you think it will take them to come looking for it or a fee paid to register it so that they can confiscate it at the next law revision?

Really. Do we think the State Police are fucking idiots? When they come to my home at 3am with a Warrant to obtain these weapons and charge me with failure to register what am I gonna do? Dragged out at 3am in handcuffs in my underwear...start a gunfight? Stand up for my Rights? Stand and Fight is the motto. They'll gun me down and piss on my grave.

If it passes I'll have 300 days to boogie to another State. Or I'll be dead/in jail.

Sorry. I'm a Pussy. I'm running if this passes and yer Children can hate me for being a Pussy. Send 'em on over to say so at 3am. America is reconstructing itself into US and Them, Have/Have not, Republican/Democrat, etc. Fuck all you. I wanna live and shoot, If Illinois passes this law (SB 0170) I have 10 months to move to another State, comply, or die/go to jail. Easy choice for me.

I'm a Pussy. He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day - even in Bushido, where warriors would kill themselves rather than be captured, fleeing and regrouping to attack again, is an honorable scenario. To be captured is to be shamed. To flee to fight again another day is honorable.


My take away is if you are asking for advice on what to do about this on the internet in a forum where the public & all can read and is archived forever...............

So I wouldn't loose much sleep over it or worry to much.

If the rules pass and you don't wish to register all your guns for eventual confiscation, move the guns to a free state where you can eventually enjoy them. Consider moving yourself too and planning for this if you can, as things won't get better in Communist run states.

If asked by the local gestapo you can say without worry that you moved them lawfully out of state to a state not run by filthy vile communists who hate America and the constitution. If they want to lie to a judge and get a warrant, so be it, they won't find anything. If they want to say show us proof, just tell them tough, no proof was required when I moved them so it's up to you to lie and try to find proof.

Think about moving yourself to a free state if/when you can

Consider registering one cheap lower if you decide to stay in IL, so that you can have the use of it and play / use it as you want and keep it on hand, just remember that one day you'll have to turn that over to the Communists (however just turn over the stripped lower... all the other parts can be sent in the mail to any other free state at any time (unless federal law changes)).