Case 2022CF000518
Document 2
Filed 08-01-2022 Page 1 of 9
8/1/2022 at 1:00 P.M. ST. CROIX COUNTY
Circuit Court
St. Croix County, WI
Honorable R. Michael Waterman
Branch 4
For Official Use
5945 Hidden Oaks Circle SE Prior Lake, MN 55372
DOB: 12/11/1969
Sex/Race: M/W
DA Case #: 2022SC001955 Assigned DA/ADA: Karl E. Anderson Agency Case No.: SO202206400
The undersigned Complainant, being first duly sworn, states that:
The above-named defendant on or about Saturday, July 30, 2022, in the Town of Somerset, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, did cause the death of ~VICTIM 1~, with intent to kill that person, contrary to sec. 940.01(1)(a), 939.50(3)(a) Wis. Stats., a Class A Felony, and upon conviction shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life.
The above-named defendant on or about Saturday, July 30, 2022, in the Town of Somerset, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, attempted to cause the death of ~VICTIM 4~, with intent to kill that person, contrary to sec. 940.01(1)(a), 939.50(3)(a), 939.32 Wis. Stats., a Class B Felony, and upon conviction may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) years.
The above-named defendant on or about Saturday, July 30, 2022, in the Town of Somerset, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, attempted to cause the death of ~VICTIM 3~, with intent to kill that person, contrary to sec. 940.01(1)(a), 939.50(3)(a), 939.32 Wis. Stats., a Class B Felony, and upon conviction may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) years.
The above-named defendant on or about Saturday, July 30, 2022, in the Town of Somerset, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, attempted to cause the death of ~VICTIM 2~, with intent to kill that person, contrary to sec. 940.01(1)(a), 939.50(3)(a), 939.32 Wis. Stats., a Class B Felony, and upon conviction may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) years.
The above-named defendant on or about Saturday, July 30, 2022, in the Town of Somerset, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, attempted to cause the death of ~VICTIM 5~, with intent to kill that person, contrary to sec. 940.01(1)(a), 939.50(3)(a), 939.32 Wis. Stats., a Class B Felony, and upon conviction may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) years.
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Your complainant is a Law Enforcement Officer with the St. Croix County Sheriff's Department who in that capacity has read and reviewed the official law enforcement agency reports of Deputy Mitchell Schaeppi and Lieutenant Brandie Hart of the St. Croix County Sheriff’s Office, required by law to be made and kept and proved to be true, accurate and reliable in the past as concerns the individual Nicolae Miu and which reports indicate as follows:
Supplemental Narrative By Mitchell Schaeppi, 07/31/22 17:50
On July 30th, 2022, at 1547 hours St. Croix County emergency communication center started to receive 911 calls about a stabbing that had occurred on the Apple River near the sunrise bridge in the Town of Somerset, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Later reports from 911 calls indicated that there were potentially 4-5 victims with wounds to the mid to upper body. Reports indicated one victims’ intestine were hanging from their body. Upon arrival of initial responding Deputies one victim (~VICTIM 1~) was found without vital signs, and with a puncture wound in the upper abdomen near his left breast. Deputies started to perform life saving measures on ~VICTIM 1~ prior to being passed along to EMS, ~VICTIM 1~ was later pronounced deceased at Lakeview Hospital in Stillwater Minnesota. Other victims were (~VICTIM 2~) who had a slash wound to his abdomen that was exposing internal organs from the inside of his body, (~VICTIM 3~) who had a stab wound to his lower left abdomen, (~VICTIM 4~) who had a laceration on his stomach, and a puncture wound to his upper left torso, and (~VICTIM 5~) who had a stab wound to the upper left side abdomen.
Responding Deputies on scene learned of a suspect description as an older male with gray hair, weighing approximately 250 lbs, wearing a chain style necklace, and described as “Russian looking”. Information was the suspect had ran back upriver and entered the woods on the western bank of the river. Responding Deputies established a perimeter of the area.
At approximately 1645 hours St. Croix County emergency communications center received reports from citizen witnesses of a possible sighting of the suspect down river at the exit point (prospect park). I, along with multiple other Law Enforcement officer converged on Village Park in the Village of Somerset. Upon arrival Citizens and Staff from Rivers Edge campground pointed to male who was wearing a camouflage shirt, and shorts. The male did have a gray beard, that male was detained, and later confirmed to be the person of interest through photographs. The male’s name was Nicolae Miu DOB 12/11/1969. Nicolae was detained and in the back of a squad car. Nicolae was with a group of friends to include is wife (Sondra Dee Miu DOB: 6/26/1961).
I spoke with Sondra who explained to me she left her home in Prior Lake Minnesota at 0930 hours and arrived with her husband Nicolae at Rivers Edge at 1045 hours. Sondra stated that their vehicle was parked at Rivers Edge Campground, and that none of her group were camping, and only floating the river and later leaving. Sondra explained they started floating at Rivers Edge Campground and started their float at 1130 am – 1200 pm. Sondra explained during their float the only person that left the group she was with was her husband Nicolae who left to try and find a member of their parties’ phone that was lost. Sondra explained that Nicolae dawned some “scuba” gear and was in the water looking for the phone. Sondra explained Nicolae did this in the area on the river near a bridge. Sondra stated she observed a group of guys where Nicolae was looking on their tubes before returning to her briefly and Nicolae stating he was going to go back over where he was looking for the phone again. Sondra stated that the second time Nicolae went back to the group of males near where he was looking for the phone. Sondra continued by saying that a group of guys got off their tubes and started hitting Nicolae. Sondra said after seeing this she yelled and two members of their party “Ariel”, and “Ernesto” started running toward Nicolae and the fight. Sondra stated that all she heard was screaming, and that Nicolae, Ariel, and Ernesto came walking back. Sondra stated she did not see what happened. Sondra stated that Ariel and
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Ernesto were never involved in the confrontation and that by the time they had got to Nicolae he was already on his way back to Sondra’s location. I asked Sondra if Nicolae was known to carry a weapon with him. Sondra stated Nicolae had a knife in his pocket, wasn’t very big, and stated that Nicolae told her “Those guys grabbed it from him”. Sondra stated Nicolae told her that they swung the knife at him and that he grabbed it and moved it away. Sondra stated Nicolae only mentioned to her that the other group of people were calling him a pedophile and attacked him. Sondra stated that by the time the police were coming she observed what she thought was someone was getting CPR performed on him. Sondra stated that she didn’t think Nicolae was there long enough to harm anyone and estimated for about five minutes. Sondra explained that Nicolae’s knife was clipped onto his pocket. Sondra rubbed her left thigh while describing where Nicolae’s knife was located.
Through investigation interviews of witnesses, and victims indicated that a male was bothering a group of juveniles on their tubes. The group of juveniles were yelling for help from other individuals floating down the river nearby. Witness’s stated that a group of people came and stood in between Nicolae and the group of juveniles and told him to leave. Witness statements indicated that Nicolae was being spoke to in a half moon shape with a route of egress from the confrontation. Witnesses described Nicolae as punching or slapping a female that was in the group confronting him, Nicolae was then punched by a male and fell into the river. Witness’s then described Nicolae begun stabbing multiple individuals who were near him. Witness statement described the knife used as an approximate three-inch silver blade, with a silver clip, handle, and folding.
Located near where the incident took place back up stream a short distance along the west bank of the river was a knife. The knife had a black handle, silver blade, silver clip, and was in the folded closed position. The knife was recovered and turned over as evidence. Also located in the river were multiple tubes tied together, one tubed appeared to have a bloody piece of human flesh attached. That tube was also secured, along with other items believed to be from victims.
On July 31st, 2022 I reviewed a video of the incident that was obtained. Below is a summary of the video captured by Jawahn Cockfield. The device the video is recorded on indicated 3:44 PM Yesterday (July 30th, 2022)
Video starts by showing Nicolae who was shirtless and carrying goggles with a snorkel attached run up to Jawahn ‘s group and grab onto their tubes. While people in the tubing party are telling Nicolae to “get away”.
Nicolae then stands up and walks around the tubes appearing to be looking for something. Nicolae begins walking away with his back to the tubing party, the camera shows the highway 35/64 bridge in the background showing the video to be facing north. Nicolae then turns around saying something while pointing at the group.
Nicolae again turned to walk back toward bridge. The camera pans and shows more individuals converging toward Nicolae yelling for him to walk away.
Nicolae then walks toward a female in a black one-piece swimsuit with blonde hair who was walking toward the confrontation and appears to be pointing down river and telling Nicolae to go away.
In the video you can hear people expressing that “he was looking for little girls”. A larger group of individuals converge toward the area. Multiple people were yelling at Nicolae, and it appears at least one person touched his shoulder. From the video it does appear to show people on three sides of Nicolae at different distances. The video and elapsed time shows opportunity for Nicolae to leave the confrontation.
Nicolae then appears to be being confronted by two females, a blonde in a black one-piece swimsuit, and another Caucasian female in a two-piece swimsuit with flowers. While this conversation is happening, in the video I observed the clip of the knife in Nicolae’s right cargo pocket. Nicolae’s right hand appears to be touching the knife. Soon after while in conversation Nicolae removes the knife from his pocket and opens the knife exposing the blade. Nicolae then holds the knife down at his right side.
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The camera pans away from Nicolae, while this is happening a commotion starts, and multiple people converge toward Nicolae. The camera pans back and show Nicolae falling backward into the water. Nicolae while laying the water is then slapped with an open hand on the left side of his face. While this is happening the video shows Nicolae is holding a small silver bladed knife with the blade erect. Nicolae appears to be getting back to his feet and is shoved in the back by and individual wearing yelling swimming trunks. Nicolae then begins emerging from the water with the knife in his right hand. While doing so the induvial in the yellow swimming trunks appears to be advancing to shove Nicolae again. While doing so, Nicolae stabs the individual in the yellow swimming trunks in the abdomen while being shoved back into the water on his back.
As the video is Panning Nicolae is beginning to stand up still with the knife in his right hand. The video captures briefly a female wearing a two-piece flower swimsuit moving away hold her left side. Nicolae is standing holding the knife a male touches Nicolae’s back, Nicolae turns and extends his arm in a stabbing motion. While I observed this, I observed a female in a two-piece flower swimsuit with a open wound on the left side of her torso.
Nicolae is then shoved with two hands near his neck, Nicolae then makes another stabbing motion with his right arm. As Nicolae is backing away, I observed his right hand closed around the handle of a knife, the knife was open and appeared to be party covered in blood, as well as a portion of his right hand.
The video begins to pan and shows Nicolae run off by my orientation to the southwest. The video captures a chaotic scene and I observed wounded individuals laying in the river. As the video is panning around it appears to briefly capture a male laying in the river and male matching the description of Nicolae appears to run up to him. Briefly observed is this individual that matches the description of Nicolae leaning over him as the individual is facing him and partly out of the water. There was enough blood in the river that the water turned a red tint in places.
The video continues to pan around the entirety of the scene at times turning back toward Jawahn while Jawahn questions what is happening. At the end of the video Jawahn can be heard yelling out to ~VICTIM 1~.
On July 31st, 2022 I also reviewed a cell phone video that was provided to Investigator Shilts Jr. This video in the state of my review was of limited quality due to being captured by an iPhone and sent to and Android device. The length of the video is 21 seconds long. The following is a summary or the events I observed in this video.
The video appears to start toward the end of the confrontation. The orientation appears to be from the northeast of the confrontation facing to the southwest. It appears that individuals are fleeing from one person who is standing alone and believed to be Nicolae with his right arm extended posturing toward everyone running away. In the foreground it appears the individual in the yellow swim shorts is laying in the water holding his abdomen.
The male individual that is believed to be Nicolae then runs toward the southwest in the river. Nicolae then appears to stop at an individual who was lying in the river. Nicolae’s posture during this is bent over the individual that was in the river, Nicolae appears to be holding him up out of the water by his right arm. The video then pans around and ends.
Investigator Dittmann met with Owen Lee Peloquin on July 30 th, 2022. During the interview Owen described Nicolae as looking through them and described his behavior as “disgusting” and “looking really weird and sketchily”. Owen described the knife Nicolae used during the incident as one with a silver blade about three inches in length, Owen described it as having a brownish wooden handle with a large pocket clip, and foldable. Owen expressed to investigator Dittmann that he observed this knife in Nicolae’s pocket. Owen described observing Nicolae with the knife in his hand.
Investigator Shilts Jr spoke with Madison Coen, and Quinton Carlson. While reviewing Investigator Shilts Jr. narrative of the interview I learned that what started the physical assault was Nicolae punched Madison in the
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left side of her face. I learned that Nicolae was only punched after he initially struck Madison. Madison was described as wearing a dark colored one piece swimsuit with blonde hair.
This narrative is a Synopsis only, this event is still under an active investigation. Further detailed reports are forthcoming.
End of report.
Supplemental Narrative By Brandie Hart, 08/01/22 08:02
Interview with Nicolae Miu
On July 30, 2022, I went to the St. Croix County Jail to attempt an interview with Nicolae “Nic” Miu. I met with him in the interrogation room of the jail and obtained his information. Nic told me that he worked at Ritchie Engineering as a mechanical engineer and that he had two bachelor’s degrees: one in engineering and one in mathematics. Nic told me he’d never been in trouble with the law before. I read Nic his rights per Miranda and he asked me when he would be assigned an attorney and I told him probably Monday. I continued reading the rights form and Nic told me he’d like to consult with an attorney “at some point”. Nic signed the rights form as did I and I gave him the yellow copy of the form.
I told Nic that I wanted to ask him questions about his day today and he could stop the questioning at any time. Nic told me, “It was self-defense”. Nic told me there were a lot of people that came onto him that ultimately “produced two weapons”. Nic said that the people hit him and were on top of him and, “I don’t remember anything after that”. Nic said that the only thing he remembered after that was that he ran away to his group. Nic said that he recalled that there were people from his group coming toward him to see what was going on. Nic said that when his group asked him what was going on, he told them, “Nothing, nothing”. Nic told me that he was “so fearful” for his safety and wasn’t sure what the people on the river were going to do to him. Nic told me that he’d never been in a situation like this before where a group of people produced weapons and called him a “child molester”. Nic told me that as the group was calling him a “child molester”, he remembered telling the group that if he was child molester, and they were children, they shouldn’t be drinking alcohol.
Nic said that the group of individuals took his snorkel from him and threw it in the river. Nic recalled that one person grabbed his swim trunks and tried to pull his trunks down. Nic said he “grabbed onto” the kid that tried pulling his shorts down and saw that he (the kid) had a knife on him. Nic said that he also saw someone had a “longer knife” that looked like a kitchen knife. Nic told me he didn’t know what happened to either knife, but when the one kid “attacked” him, he took that knife from the individual. Nic described the knife he took as a “smaller knife”.
I asked Nic how he even came to be in contact with this group of individuals. Nic said that Ariel lost his phone, but the phone had been inside a “floater”, one of the bags provided to tubers to prevent valuables from sinking. Nic said he was helping Ariel look for the phone. Nic said he had his snorkel gear and while looking for the phone, approached a group of individuals who appeared to have located something. Nic said when he asked the group if they’d found a cell phone, the group got off of their tubes and “came at me” and were calling him names. Nic said that the group of people were “insulting” him for being in the water with snorkel gear. Nic said he told the group that all he wanted to know was if they’d found a phone, as he believed they’d located something.
Nic said that the individuals came at him and grabbed his snorkel and goggles and threw them in the river. Nic told me that the water was running so fast, the snorkel and goggles floated away. Nic said by that time, another group of individuals, mostly female, had approached the area from the other side of the river. Nic said that group of people were also yelling at him about being a “child molester”.
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Nic said he didn’t know what happened other than “they attacked me” and “I was in self-defense mode”. Nic said after that, he went over to his group of people. Nic said his group asked him what happened, but he wouldn’t tell them. Nic told me he was in shock and wouldn’t tell anyone what happened. Nic said that someone from his group motioned to the river where a large group of people had gathered and made a comment about that group of people appeared to be arguing.
I provided Nic a piece of paper and a pen and asked if he could map out for me where he was on the river when the incident took place. Nic began to map a diagram (not to scale). Nic estimated his group was about 100 feet upriver from the other two groups of people. Nic said there were actually two groups of people that attacked him: one on each side of the river. Nic explained that he’d been snorkeling back and forth between the two groups looking for the cell phone. Nic said he’d heard someone from one of the groups say something that led Nic to believe that they’d found something. Nic said that when he asked about it, the first group started calling him names and attacking him. Nic said that members of the group hit and pushed him. Nic recalled that there was a female that came up behind him from the other group and hit him twice in the back of the head. Nic said that he remembered someone grabbing the goggles right off of his face and throwing them into the river. Nic described the goggles as being clear and the snorkel as being white colored. I told Nic that I’d been informed by other investigators that the goggles and snorkel had been recovered.
I asked Nic if it seemed as though the two groups of people were together on the river and he said yes, he believed so. Nic told me that he’d feared for his life. Nic said that when the group started hitting him and two of the individuals pointed a smaller knife at him, “I thought that was it for me”. Nic said, “Luckily, I took it from one of the young kids”. I asked Nic what he did with the knife, and he said, “I don’t even know”. I asked Nic if the knife made contact with someone, and he said he didn’t remember. Nic said that the group of people was “so close” to him. Nic told me that one kid had the smaller knife in his hand, so Nic said he grabbed the individual’s arm, twisted it, and “I poked him with his own hand”. Nic said he then took the knife from the individual who’d been in possession of it, and then started swinging it. Nic told me he was swinging the knife all around him because, “I wanted out”. Nic said people were coming at him, punching him, hitting him, and circling around him. Nic said that the group was really close to him and pushing him in the river. Nic said he didn’t know what, if anything, the knife came into contact with. Nic said he didn’t know what happened to the other larger knife that someone had brandished. Nic said that immediately after it happened, he started running back across the river to his group. Nic said that was when his group started asking him what happened, but he wouldn’t tell them.
Nic said he didn’t want to tell his group what had happened because he didn’t want anyone roused up. Nic said he was worried his group would want to confront the kids who had attacked him. Nic said that the group of individuals who attacked him were “too drunk” and “too set on going after people”. Nic said during the attack, his group had no idea what was going on, other than at one point, Ernesto came toward him and asked if he’d found the cell phone. Nic said he told Ernesto that he believed the group had found something, but they wouldn’t tell him what it was. Nic said that Ernesto asked him if he was okay, but Nic said he didn’t want to talk about it.
Nic said that there were some women in his group who had heard that there’d been something going on with the two groups on the river, so they’d called 911. I asked Nic if he’d seen what was going on when the women decided to call 911 and he said no.
I asked Nic if he had a knife with him today and he said “No, absolutely no”. Nic said that he’d had one earlier in the day when he and Sandi arrived at River’s Edge that he’d used to cut the string that held the tubes together. Nic said he wasn’t sure what he’d done with the knife but believed he’d “gave it to one of the people” or left it in his vehicle. Nic thought it could also have been inside one of the bags that were in the Jeep. Nic explained that he’d brought tow/ratchet straps with because he didn’t want to pay for string to secure the tubes together. Nic
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said once he learned the string was free, he put the bag of straps back in his vehicle, and perhaps he’d put the knife in the bag with the straps.
I asked Nic if he had any cuts or marks on his body from being attacked. Nic said Amy had told him that he was bleeding from his left ear. Nic told me he’d washed his left ear in the river and didn’t think he was bleeding any more after that. Nic said he never saw any blood and didn’t know why he’d been bleeding from his ear.
Nic told me again that he never told his group what had happened and said, “Everything happened so fast”. Nic said he didn’t know why the group attacked him. Nic told me he didn’t know why the group took his snorkel or tried to pull his pants down and said, “I don’t know why they were being so mean”. Nic also asked, “Why did they want to scare me with a knife?”
Nic reiterated that he feared for his life while he was under attack. Nic said afterward, he was extremely shocked and couldn’t talk to anyone. Nic said he didn’t know how this happened or how he even got away from them. Nic said that he was struck on his back and one female smacked him on his right ear. Nic told me couldn’t really see what the group was doing to him because he was tripping over the rocks in the river.
Nic said he was in fear for his life. Nic said he was still fearful that the group would find out who he was, and he was afraid the group was going to look for or do something to Sandi. Nic said he’d drank a lot of beer today, however, I couldn’t smell any odor of intoxicants coming from his person. Nic said he didn’t drink hard alcohol since his quadruple bypass about a year and a half ago. Nic said part of the reason he was so afraid of the group that attacked him was because he wasn’t in the best of health. Nic showed me a scar on his left wrist from where a piece of vein was removed for the heart valve replacement. Nic told me as a result of his heart condition, he took five medications that he took in the evening. I told Nic I would contact Sandi and make arrangements to get the medications delivered to the jail.
I asked Nic if he used his cell phone at all today and he said he took a few pictures but didn’t do anything with them. Nic said he had not used his phone before or after the incident.
I showed Nic the image that had been disseminated and he confirmed that it was of him. I asked Nic what was happening at the time the image was taken, and he said, “They were fighting me” and that both boys had pointed the knives at him. Nic said he didn’t notice anyone taking his photo and described himself as “very, very scared”. Nic said he didn’t know what was going to happen next. Nic said it all started when people from both groups kept calling him a “child molester” and wanted to beat him up. Nic said the individuals in the groups did not look old enough to legally consume alcohol.
Nic repeated that he’d taken the knife from one of the individuals and waved it at the group around him. Nic said he wasn’t sure if he’d struck the female that hit him twice or not.
I asked Nic if he would consent to providing me a DNA sample and he asked if he should wait and ask a lawyer. I told Nic that a colleague of mine was in the process of applying for a search warrant, so I would obtain his DNA either by consent or by warrant. Nic consented to providing me a DNA sample. I told Nic I would also like a nurse to examine his body for injuries and look at his ears since he’d reported having been struck and possibly bleeding from them. Nic wondered if he should consult with an attorney. I told him again that I had a colleague in the process of applying for a search warrant for an examination of his body. Nic consented to an examination of his body.
Nic told me that after the women in his group called 911, they waited there for a long time. Nic said he saw law enforcement on the other side of the river. Nic said when he got back to his group, it looked like a bunch of people from the two groups were fighting with one another. Nic said that he wanted to wait there in the event
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that police needed to talk to him about what happened with the two groups. Nic said that his group eventually decided to leave and head back down the river. Nic stated again that he was quiet on the way down the river and didn’t know what to say. Nic said he’d just gotten his “ass kicked” by a bunch of kids on the river so what was he supposed to say.
Nic said he didn’t know what happened and asked if I could tell him. I told Nic that four individuals sustained injuries and one person died. Nic said, “Oh no” and asked if the individuals sustained injuries because they were fighting with each other, and I said I didn’t know. Nic then put his head in his hands and said, “Oh my god”. Nic said his whole life was “down the tubes”. Nic said he was sorry for how this ended up.
I put on rubber gloves and removed two swabs from the sealed, sterile packaging. I rubbed the swabs along Nic’s lower gumline and inner cheek. I put the swabs into a white cardboard box with the case number and Nic’s name on it. I placed the box in a paper evidence bag with Nic’s name on it and sealed it in front of him. I later logged them into evidence at the sheriff’s office.
I also put Nic’s name on the diagram he drew and put the case number on it. I left the interview room and notified jail staff that Nic needed to use the restroom. I contacted the SART nurse who had been dispatched for the physical exam and briefed her of the situation. When she arrived in the jail, jail staff escorted Nic to the booking area. I asked Nic again if he consented to the exam and he said he did. Jail staff and the nurse brought Nic into the nurse’s office for the exam.
I went back to the sheriff’s office to log the items I’d collected. At approximately 2230 hours, I went back to the jail and collected the SART kit and paperwork from Ashley Price, RN. I placed the kit into evidence at the sheriff’s office.
I also contacted Inv. Dittman who was in Minnesota conducting interviews. I asked Inv. Dittman to go to the Miu residence and speak with Sandi about getting Nic’s medications. I also told Inv. Dittman that Nic had reported that he’d left the knife in the Jeep after he’d cut the string on the tubes and asked that he (Inv. Dittman) check the vehicle for the knife. I then called Sandi and let her know that Inv. Dittman would be stopping by the house for Nic’s medications and to look for the knife.
On July 31, 2022, I was notified that Nic wanted to speak to an investigator. I went to the jail and Nic told me that he was in in pain in the abdomen and lower back from being attacked on the river. Nic told me that he received Tylenol for the pain but wanted me to document it.
I have no further information at this time. This case remains under investigation.
This is on information and belief of the undersigned Complainant based on information given to him/her by the following reliable informants: Jawahn Cockfield, citizen witness, and Deputy Mitchell Schaeppi and Lieutenant Brandie Hart of the St. Croix County Sheriff’s Office.
Subscribed and sworn to before me on 08/01/22 Electronically Signed By:
Erica T. Ellenwood
Deputy District Attorney
State Bar #: 1085879
Electronically Signed By: Sgt. Johnson 8250 Complainant
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