And that's just it, everyone gives the 1911 a pass with its external safety, but if someone carries a Beretta or a Sig with a safety on it, all the sudden they're looked upon as if they're ignoring their personal safety or otherwise have no business in carrying a firearm.
What makes the 1911 special and given the case of "Safeties are stupid and hazardous to your life, unless you carry a century plus old handgun."
Shit, I think I'll start carrying a Colt SAA or better yet, a Walker, no safeties and even more of a classic, plus I get a smoke screen for concealment.
mostly because a real 1911 is a single action only and must be carried cocked and locked, otherwise you'd either have to rock the slide or thumb the hammer.
The time it would take to rack the slide is wasted motion IMO. Hope I’d be alert/trained enough to work the safety of a 1911 ! Kinda like racking a shell in a pump shotgun hoping the sound would scare someone away

Wouldn’t want to leave the hammer down on a empty cylinder on a SAA either...5 rounds versus 6 ! No bueno