Hawks Double Mountain Shoot Out - Limited AND Unlimited ELRSO Inaugural Match will be held May 10-11 in Rotan, TX.
Books are open now!
For more info click below links:
Unlimited, May 10: LINK (all calibers larger than .338 and up to .50 Cal )
Limited, May 11: LINK (all calibers .338 (585 boltface) and smaller)
If you do not wish to join ELRSO you can still shoot the match for an additional $50 nonmember fee. If you join ELRSO within 90 days the nonmeber fee will be applied towards your membership fee.
Books are open now!
For more info click below links:
Unlimited, May 10: LINK (all calibers larger than .338 and up to .50 Cal )
Limited, May 11: LINK (all calibers .338 (585 boltface) and smaller)
If you do not wish to join ELRSO you can still shoot the match for an additional $50 nonmember fee. If you join ELRSO within 90 days the nonmeber fee will be applied towards your membership fee.