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Healthy diet plan for good Living.

Irish Sitka

Jul 31, 2011
have been looking at this site for a while and it is giving very good advice. It is not selling anything and there are no gimmicks. Have a look and post a reply and let me know what you all think?

The web site address: www.forksoverknives.com

Dropping this documentary in here as well, a must see item if you have an interest in your good health and the food connection to it.


Have a look at this as a breakfast and snack plan and let me know what you would add or subtract please:

Pint of lukewarm water before you eat anything, flush out system.

Juice carrots, apples and pear. (Any fruit with carrots really)
You can actually get your daily requirements of fruit and veg this way. 3/4 of a pint or less.

Oatmeal made with water (1/3 cup of oats to full cup of water)
Bring to boil and let simmer for 5 minutes.
Add raisins or fruit or honey or yogurt to flavor. Slow release energy giver here. Works all day.

Pair of fried eggs on toast, rye bread if possible. Good protein food here.

That should do it for breakfast, snack on fruit and raisins during morning.

If possible stay off dairy products, processed food i.e. MacDonald's etc....
Stay off soda drinks i.e. coke etc.........
Drink gallon of water over day.
No Coffee at any time?
If this does not get you strong and healthy ? Don't know what will?
Let me know what you think of this for starters?
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

i agree with it somwhat , i do not think humans were ment to be vegitarians though.

i know for a fact (have blood test to proove it) that a diet with a moderate amount of healthy fats is good for you , fats comming from grass fed beef , wild salmon , free ranging eggs and chicken and fat from RAW milk taken from grass fed animals. Over the years we have had to "mass produce" much of our meat , this involves feeding it more grain and corn based feed than vegtible based and this results in that animals omega-6 and omega-6 fats to be out of balance which in turn transfers that unhealthy balance to humans.

the mention asians having alot lower rate of heart trouble before getting a "western diet" is this because of the meats or the processed shit?? if animal fat is so bad for you how do you explain people in polar regions whoes diet is very very high in fats and has very little vegtibles?

i personaly think it has alot to do with your heritage as to what nutrients your body will tolerate.

the human body is not desgined to take the nutrients (and use them) from vegtibles like animals like the great apes do
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

if evolution wanted us to be vegetarians we wouldn't have

1) enzymes in our digestive tract that break down fat and protein.
2) there would be no such thing as ESSENTIAL amino acids that are most abundant in meat.


3) we'd have eyes on the side of our heads...not in front like a predator (cows..elephants...goats. .your basic Grecians have eyes on the side of their heads...omnivores and carnivores have eyes up front)
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

for those of you who may be wrestling with body fat issues, especially bloated guts, and/or Metabolic Syndrome either in combination with or separately from pre-diabetes, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and/or celiac disease, there may be value to you in checking out http://www.trackyourplaque.com/blog/ and scroll down to the "Wheat Belly" thread.

This book devastates the notion that there is, at least in our country, a "healthy whole grain" the ingestion of which is necessary to sustain life. Indeed, in summary, the genetically re-engineered grain, as it is now and has been since mid-80's, bears no resemblance whatever to the "amber waves of grain" of yore.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

what jjones75 said

no better diet than one that essentially flips the govt food pyramid upside down.
you want mostly sat and other 'good' fats, protein as the basis of your diet with plenty of veggies and fruits with grains used rather sparingly or at least dramatically less than what they tell us to eat.

i havent felt better. havent been sick in years and my food is pastured/grass finished meat, milk and cream (raw when i can get it), almonds, fruits, veggies, saturated fats, coconut oils, and under 100-150 carbs a day, if that much. usually from things like ezekial bread, potatoes, etc. i dont have any meat in my freezer with a barcode.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: brutus1776</div><div class="ubbcode-body">what jjones75 said

no better diet than one that essentially flips the govt food pyramid upside down.
you want mostly sat and other 'good' fats, protein as the basis of your diet with plenty of veggies and fruits with grains used rather sparingly or at least dramatically less than what they tell us to eat.

i havent felt better. havent been sick in years and my food is pastured/grass finished meat, milk and cream (raw when i can get it), almonds, fruits, veggies, saturated fats, coconut oils, and under 100-150 carbs a day, if that much. usually from things like ezekial bread, potatoes, etc. i dont have any meat in my freezer with a barcode. </div></div>
i do the same..but a long time ago got tired of eating veges all damn day...so i juice my veges, and drink them as a side dish to all my proteins

Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

you want to get even more "cut," drop the bread and starch and substitute more fats. cf www.wheatbellyblog.com

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: brutus1776</div><div class="ubbcode-body">what jjones75 said

no better diet than one that essentially flips the govt food pyramid upside down.
you want mostly sat and other 'good' fats, protein as the basis of your diet with plenty of veggies and fruits with grains used rather sparingly or at least dramatically less than what they tell us to eat.

i havent felt better. havent been sick in years and my food is pastured/grass finished meat, milk and cream (raw when i can get it), almonds, fruits, veggies, saturated fats, coconut oils, and under 100-150 carbs a day, if that much. usually from things like ezekial bread, potatoes, etc. i dont have any meat in my freezer with a barcode. </div></div>
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

i generally follow that advice, however im not a 100% 'rigidist' and i will consume a few portions of sweet potatoes, home fries, etc a couple times a week. i try to follow the 80/20 rule on my diet. often im on the go and cant eat 100% strict all the time
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

I was given the link to the web site on top by my son and put it in the thread to see what people taught.
I agree completely with what you all said, we need to have meat and fats in our diets but in a balanced way.
Good to see people taking a real interest in their lifestyle and the type of food they eat.
Eat less, exercise more, my rule of thumb and illness and bad health are kept at bay.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

Don't eat things that make you sick unless they are cooked... i.e., potatoes, grains, beans... we were not designed to eat this stuff.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tigerbikes</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Don't eat things that make you sick unless they are cooked... i.e., potatoes, grains, beans... we were not designed to eat this stuff. </div></div>

Interesting idea Tigerbikes, have you some more info on the theory that you mention. I try to avoid wheat, milk, sugar and too much fatty foods. I do eat potatoes and beans.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Pronsaios</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tigerbikes</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Don't eat things that make you sick unless they are cooked... i.e., potatoes, grains, beans... we were not designed to eat this stuff. </div></div>

Interesting idea Tigerbikes, have you some more info on the theory that you mention. I try to avoid wheat, milk, sugar and too much fatty foods. I do eat potatoes and beans. </div></div>

that is a very neat idea that common sense puts a lot of merit into imo
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

Google the Paleolithic Diet.

The general population eats many things that would make you puke or die if they weren't cooked.

Things like potatoes, rice, and grains are a cheap source of calories, and necessary to sustain a world population in the billions, but we are not genetically built to eat them.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

There is more to it than just "grain is bad" or whatever arguments people come up with to sell their books. I do believe that paleo is probably the best solution based on human physiology, but that does not account for the fact that humans have been cultivating grains and other crops for several thousand years and are still thriving.

As a previous poster said, it has more to do with the fact that the crops we raise now bear very little resemblance to the crops that our ancestors built this world on. GMO foods are NOT something that humans have ever encountered before, and as such we are not as readily able to recognize the signs of this new poison.

Make no mistake, i'm not suggesting that non-gmo grains are safe/perfect. One need only look at the archaeological record to notice many things about the effects of agricultural plants on human wellness:

1) all plants, and in particular c4 plants like maize (corn), millet, sugar cane, and sorghum are responsible for a dramatic change in the condition of human dentition. Not in the way your teeth are designed, but rather in how long they last and how they wear. Until the very recent advent of oral hygiene care, two major interactions of plants & teeth are well represented in the fossil tooth record: A) eating of plants greatly accelerates wear of teeth B) eating of c4 plants (ie corn based societies like the Anasazi) causes increased oral disease, which also opens the door for other illness.

2) agriculture has allowed for the concentration of people in ever-growing population centers, facilitating the spread of pandemic disease. In fact, contaminated cereal grains are even suspected to be the cause or carriers of some of history's major disease outbreaks. Reliance on these grains has been the impetus for countless famines, wars, and hardships.

IMHO, the world we live in today could not have been built without these cheap and "usually" plentiful foodstuffs, but the record is dotted with the evidence which suggests we were making all this progress at the cost of our own lives, sometimes in large quantity. In the "good times", these grains allowed humans to basically set the cruise control and continue advancing the world we live in. It's those hard times which make people stop and think about what we might do differently. IMHO, we are on the cusp of one of those times, and we need to wake up and realize that while we may not have had the perfect foodstuffs to begin with, what we have done TO it is far more sinister.

It is my opinion that if people were to go back to eating the things that people ate even a few hundred years ago, and retain our modern advanced medicine (even simple things like brushing your teeth), we'd be in for a major improvement. It should be a long-term regression of diet, perhaps with a pseudo-paleo diet as the goal. True paleo cannot sustain even a tenth of the population that's on this rock... shit, even modern agriculture is foundering in trying to do so. Really, if you break it down, it's overpopulation that's killing us. We keep trying to overcome nature to sustain more of us two legged vermin, and the advent of bad foods is just the latest iteration of man's vanity and folly.

Anyway, sorry for the digression, just thought i'd throw it out there in case someone was interested in a few scientific tidbits that come from something other than modern medical study. Search anthropology journals for some interesting reading on this and related subjects.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

thanks for the link, I do believe I recognize Mr. Sisson from his participation in some marathons my father ran in some years back. I'll have to ask if he remembers that guy.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

I find it reassuring that this topic has generated the response it has. I am happy to see so many people taking charge of their own health by looking at what they eat. Our health depends entirely on our food intake and the amount of exercise we do.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

Have a look at this as a breakfast and snack plan and let me know what you would add or subtract please:

Pint of lukewarm water before you eat anything, flush out system.

Juice carrots, apples and pear. (Any fruit with carrots really)
You can actually get your daily requirements of fruit and veg this way. 3/4 of a pint or less.

Oatmeal made with water (1/3 cup of oats to full cup of water)
Bring to boil and let simmer for 5 minutes.
Add raisins or fruit or honey or yogurt to flavor. Slow release energy giver here. Works all day.

Pair of fried eggs on toast, rye bread if possible. Good protein food here.

That should do it for breakfast, snack on fruit and raisins during morning.

If possible stay off dairy products, processed food i.e. MacDonald's etc....
Stay off soda drinks i.e. coke etc.........
Drink gallon of water over day.
No Coffee at any time?
If this does not get you strong and healthy ? Don't know what will?
Let me know what you think of this for starters?
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

A Paleo style diet has done wonders for me. I went from 2-3 doses of Zantac everyday to none in the past 10 weeks since being on it 100%. No more stomach aches/IBS type symptoms. Great energy from always being tired.

I am lactose intolerant so no dairy is easy for me. I cut out all whole grain stuff (seemed to cause the most gut issues), and anything from a box. Its meats of any kind, vegetables, fruit, nuts, water, low or no sugar type drinks (no soda at all), almond milk, and other stuff thats good. I still drink wine, beer, coffee, eat dark chocolate, and occasionally eat out. With light workouts at home I have gone from 272 to 240 in about 12 weeks.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

Rob , see if you can find some fresh RAW milk , most people's problems with dairy comes from not being able to digest the lactose (milk sugar) the raw milk has the live active enzymes that digest it.
My son is very lactose intolerant 4 ounces of milk with his cerial will have his on the toilet for the next several hrs but he can drink raw milk with no issue

We actualy drink raw goat milk now , it's easier to find and it doesn't separate like cow milk does

It's a perfect macro balance
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

I had read that somewhere. Really though, I don't miss milk. I don't eat cereal and never liked to drink it, unless I had some chocolate chip cookies of course. The almond milk is actually pretty good, especially the chocolate version.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

check out www.wheatbellyblog.com - no such thing as a "healthy whole grain" unless of course you happen to live in France.

trackyourplaque is an excellent site. Same doc does both of these sites

forgot to add: seriously, if you want to lose the shit around your belly, drop out wheat/grains in all its forms - and not just gluten free, because that's bullshit with the crap that replaces it - and you'll blow your mind with the belly fat loss.

I can attest personally to have been following my return from France this past mid-Sept at 164#s, and feeling pretty good about that weight and waist size. I dropped out ALL wheat, I am now 6 weeks or so later at 161 and two belt notches less. BTW, no wheat/grains includes no beer
and Oats is about as bad a grain as you can cook. Remember this: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HEALTHY WHOLE GRAIN. The friggin' "amber waves of grain" in the US and most of other countries, save France, is so hybridized it bears no resemblance to the days of yore.

I shit you not, gang, this protocol f'g works and it does so reliably, unless of course you have so f'd up your metabolic/hormonal response that you're in the shitter to begin with, and then, well, according to Davis, give him a read to see what he says your options are. Just my .02 and not offering medical advice. YMMV
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: copdoc</div><div class="ubbcode-body">check out www.wheatbellyblog.com - no such thing as a "healthy whole grain" unless of course you happen to live in France.

trackyourplaque is an excellent site. Same doc does both of these sites </div></div>

ah cool very nice - thanks for the link

my woman will love that it has recipes :p
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Intrepid4576</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: copdoc</div><div class="ubbcode-body">check out www.wheatbellyblog.com - no such thing as a "healthy whole grain" unless of course you happen to live in France.

trackyourplaque is an excellent site. Same doc does both of these sites </div></div>

ah cool very nice - thanks for the link

my woman will love that it has recipes :p</div></div>

Affirmative. Mine does as well.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

You are right about the new notches you will be putting in your belt soon after giving up wheat etc...
I gave up coffee as well and the relief was instant and the reduction in bloating as well.
"You are what you eat" This is such an accurate statement!
Have a look at the documentary below and see what you think?
It is an eye opener for sure.

Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

You are welcome, it is a very interesting documentary.
Health is all down to what we eat and how much we exercise.
Some very interesting comments in this thread, great that there are lots of people interested in their own health well-being. I may just post that documentary as a new thread and more and more people will see it.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

Added a documentary well worth watching if you have an interest in your health, I edited my first contribution at the top of page and put in a link to the documentary.
Have a look!
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

I was never terribly serious about either weight loss or running. I just came to a point in my academic career where I needed a really cheap hobby, so I started running. This was while delivering feed for a feed store. Basically, I was logging 25-30 miles a week on logging roads and working 40+ hours a week stacking 50 Lb sacks on and off of trucks. I read Born To Run (I know, I know....I'm one of those people) and started altering my diet in small ways. More water. NO cokes, etc. Lots of salad and beans. Vegetarian meals before dinner, limited meat with dinner. After 2 months, I had shrunk a notch off of my belt, but weighed the same (about 175). Ran a half marathon on one of the toughest mountain bike trails in the southern US in a little over two hours (13 ten minute miles back to back).

I guess to boil it all down: No processed sugar/corn syrup. Scale calories in to calories out. Eat less meat than plants, run a lot and lift a little. YMMV.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

Now simply cut out ALL the wheat, starch, grains, including beer, and watch your fat drop off. Make up the calorie deficit by eating PLENTY of meat cut so as to retain ALL the fat. Unless you're one of those folks with completely blown metabolism and hormonal response, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Yeah, I know, there's a lot of governmental/politcal/medical crap out there about "whole grains" and cholesterol and all that bullshit.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

Tigerbikes - Who told you potatoes make you sick when uncooked? As a kid, I used to dig them up and eat them in the field with a pen knife.... it was easier than walking several miles to catch lunch...and I was able to play all day. We did the same with corn, string beans and peas when in season.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: copdoc</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now simply cut out ALL the wheat, starch, grains, including beer, and watch your fat drop off. Make up the calorie deficit by eating PLENTY of meat cut so as to retain ALL the fat. Unless you're one of those folks with completely blown metabolism and hormonal response, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Yeah, I know, there's a lot of governmental/politcal/medical crap out there about "whole grains" and cholesterol and all that bullshit. </div></div>

Yes it is amazing and more so that you can consume alot more calories from meat (protein&fat) with sone fruits than you can with grains and still lose body fat and feel so much better
I recently got into a big argument with the "dietitian" at my sons school (who is about 100 pounds over weight) because they were concerned with what mysone was bringing to school with lunch , I got a call wanting a conference so I went armed with my latest labs the dietitian kept saying how my son was gonna end up obese eating as many eggs as he does , I stood up lifted my shirt and said "with eggs" and pointed to his destended gut and said "without eggs"
Re: Healthy diet plan for good health.


now that's a scene that warmed my heart; I'll bet son's dietitian (sic) had no response to that all!!
good on you, sir.

Put's me in mind of a young woman who was "diagnosed" as pre-diabetic subsequent to which the "registered dietitian" put her on the standard pre-diabetic food protocol, with heavy emphasis on ensuring that she had enough (read: too much) whole grain based carbs, and was told to eliminate as much fat as she could in her diet, supplementing the calorie loss with fruits and fruit juice.

Where her pre-diabetic condition was based upon lab values just barely beyond the cut-off for condition, after three months of that diet regimen, she presented for re-evaluation, and, lo and behold, she was now a "fully blown" Type II diabetic and was of course prescribed a regimen of metformin, which did of course nothing whatever to reverse the process, so at the subsequent 3 month follow-up she was given the additional drug "janeuvia" (sp).

Across this 6 month period of time she gained fully 55#s, all belly fat, and her parents were told that she must be "cheating on her diet." LOL She is now in worse shape that when she started this whole process. William Davis MD's blog, www.wheatbellyblog, has similar tragic stories.

anyway, glad for your son that he has you!!
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

If we were to eat meat twice a week, fish three times a week and a vegetarian meal twice a week combined with fresh fruit and veg and a daily exercise routine it would introduce a good balance in our general health.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

This is an excellent thread, I find myself trying to eat healthier than the average human with every meal. However it looks like i've been doing it wrong.

I'll have to cut grains out, and add more quality meats for sure.

I have been eating a lot of oatmeal lately. I add walnuts, ground up(by me)flax seed, dried cranberries, honey and all natural cane sugar. I call it the nectar of life. Is oatmeal really not that healthy?
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

Yes, it is REALLY NOT healthy; walnuts, okay; flax seed, great; cranberries, honey and "natural cane sugar," BAD NEWS, each of which is simply sugar in another form. So, unless you want to keep your blood sugar high or spiked 2 hours post meal, leading to the need to "graze" on a snack of sorts, drop 'em out of your diet.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

Personally I would have no problem with oatmeal, I would reduce the amount of sugar, ie. put a little honey or cane sugar but not both. As many fruits as you like, I usually put in what is in season.
It is interesting the amount of people contributing to this thread, the more the merrier and more and more ideas will be shared.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

One of my biggest struggles is sodas. I love them but they tend to open my appetite. If I stay away from them I eat more sensible. I now keep cold water (which I love too - just not as much as sodas) and go to that. I've also started (for the up-teen'd time) back on the stationary bike.

Reading this topic here has encouraged me, so I've placed it on my Watched Topics List. I hope I can stick with it.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

The food industry in America are desperate for you to consume three products:
1. Salt
2. Sugar
3. Fat
If you are consuming any or all of the above you are eating "processed food" and they are making profit!
Every soda you drink and burger you eat you make them rich at the cost to your own health.
It does take discipline but when you put your own health top of the list and evaluate the effects on your health of what you eat you will soon leave the sodas and processed crap behind you.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: copdoc</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Be careful about the "fat" reference; good fats should be consumed in large quantities
I kid you not. </div></div>

Very true , most of my fat comes from grass fed beef , free range egg yolks and raw goat milk , totaling 200-250g a day

Good fats and natural cholesterol are your friend
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DerMeister</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is an excellent thread, I find myself trying to eat healthier than the average human with every meal. However it looks like i've been doing it wrong.

I'll have to cut grains out, and add more quality meats for sure.

I have been eating a lot of oatmeal lately. I add walnuts, ground up(by me)flax seed, dried cranberries, honey and all natural cane sugar. I call it the nectar of life. Is oatmeal really not that healthy? </div></div>

When I want to eat some oatmeal, this is what I have:

1. 1 scoop of oatmeal.
2. Almond Milk or organic milk.
Heat them up in the microwave for 45 seconds. Stir and re-heat for 30 more seconds. Then mix in:
1. I tbsp of Almond butter.
2. 1 scoop of protein powder.
3. 1 banana. Sometimes I just put in 1/2 of a banana. Use a fork to mash up the banana and mix it all up.

You don't need anything else. This comes out very sweet and freaking delicious.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: paulosantos</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DerMeister</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is an excellent thread, I find myself trying to eat healthier than the average human with every meal. However it looks like i've been doing it wrong.

I'll have to cut grains out, and add more quality meats for sure.

I have been eating a lot of oatmeal lately. I add walnuts, ground up(by me)flax seed, dried cranberries, honey and all natural cane sugar. I call it the nectar of life. Is oatmeal really not that healthy? </div></div>

When I want to eat some oatmeal, this is what I have:

1. 1 scoop of oatmeal.
2. Almond Milk or organic milk.
Heat them up in the microwave for 45 seconds. Stir and re-heat for 30 more seconds. Then mix in:
1. I tbsp of Almond butter.
2. 1 scoop of protein powder.
3. 1 banana. Sometimes I just put in 1/2 of a banana. Use a fork to mash up the banana and mix it all up.

You don't need anything else. This comes out very sweet and freaking delicious. </div></div>

That sounds like a delicious breakfast cereal.
All the flavors in the oatmeal has my mouth watering.
Its up to your own imagination to add what you like to the oatmeal, fruit in season and anything else that takes your fancy. I slice banana into oatmeal all the time as well.
A small spoon of organic hones is also nice.

I will put in some salad ideas soon.
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

Patrick Holford (famous for the Optimum Nutrition Bible) wrote a cookbook with Judy Ridgway called The Optimum Nutrition Cookbook. In all honesty, it doesn’t do much for me as a cookbook, but what I loved about the book is the introductory section which simplifies his ideas about valuable foods, why and how we should eat them.

I had never understood the value of certain food groups, how even the colour of foods is a good guide to what we should eat!

A food that I decided to start eating after reading the introductory section is called Quinoa (pronounced Keenwa)!

He describes Quinoa as :
“Not technically a grain, but rather a fruit. Nutritionally it is quite unique, containing more protein than a grain, and more essential fat than a fruit. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals, providing almost four times as much calcium as wheat, plus extra iron, B vitamins, and vitamin E. Quinoa is also low in fat and the majority of its oil is polyunsaturated, providing essential fatty acids. As such, quinoa is about as close to a perfect food as you can get.”

An easy recipe for Quinoa came from our local healthfood store:

– Recipe for Quinoa Salad

Quantities as for 4 as a light main course:
1 large cup Quinoa
1.5 cups water
I handful each pumpkin and sunflower seeds and a little soya sauce

Dressing: A simple vinaigrette made from cider vinegar, olive oil, honey, lemon juice, zest, minced garlic, salt, pepper.

To mix with the Quinoa 3-4 cups of a selection of the following:
Chopped cherry tomatoes, diced cucumber, peppers, fennel, radishes, carrots, grated courgette, finely chopped onions, thinly sliced mangetout peas, green beans, roasted hazelnuts, dried cranberries, crumbled feta or cubes of mature sheep’s or goat’s cheese, and most importantly herbs – as many as you like – parsley, mint, chives, basil, coriander and even dill and fennel are lovely.

Quinoa is easy to cook, just remember to rinse it in a sieve first to get rid of the slightly bitter coating, add the water and cook on a medium heat with a lid on for 15 to 20 minutes, adding a little more water if needed towards the end.

Allow the quinoa to cool in a bowl before adding the rest of the ingredients.

While the quinoa is cooking, toast the seeds in a dry pan until popping, then put them in a bowl with a little soya sauce and mix well. Make the salad dressing and allow flavours to mingle; and chop the vegetables, herbs and cheese you have chosen.

Mix everything together, dress to taste and serve.
I have made this meal myself many times over the last month – it is really easy to adapt to whatever you have in your fridge, I used chopped ripe avocado, cherry tomatoes, peppers, and goat’s cheese and grated raw courgette the last time I made it, and you only need 3 or 4 tasty colourful foods to mix with the quinoa to make a lovely looking salad which works as a stand alone main meal, or an accompaniment to fish or chicken or venison!
Re: Healthy diet plan for good Living.

Below is an article on the dangers of consuming too much sugar.
It states in the article that the average American has 40 tea spoons of sugar a day, that amounts to 131 lbs per year!!! That must ring warning bells in peoples heads!! Read the article to see the links to Diabetes, Liver disease and Obesity.

Read on........
