HELP-Atlas QD Bipod


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Aug 5, 2012
Scottsdale, Arizona
I went to mount my Atlas QD bipod on a new rifle and it's a little. I can't see a way to tighten it. Have not had that problem on my other rifles. Is the rail too small (modular system)? Your thoughts please. Thanks
You can adjust it, there is a nut on the opposite side of the lever. All my rifles had different size rails so I said fuck adjusting it every time and bought one for each rifle lol
You can adjust the tension a bit. I need to do this when switching from my bolt rifle to AR. Not a big thing but a bit of a PITA as it only takes a little adjustment to really tighten up.
Not sure if you are saying your rail isn't long enough to accommodate the mounting surface needed for the QD mount or if it just won't tighten down. If it won't tighten with just the lever...see the link below. The ADM mounts (all of them) were made to work with both in-spec and out-of-spec rails. Here's a link to ADM's PDF file on the installation/adjustment:


Good luck!