First of all, you need to shoot the coyote before he starts wondering about your scope. Here's the deal, you don't need sniper's hide concealment when calling coyotes. Bobcat, well that's another situation, but the key thing is don't move and they won't show any interest. But, you should be shooting him by now.
Typically, I wear camo, but there are times I just wear a camo shirt and Levi type pants and it's plenty adequate. I usually use a ecaller with remote and they never look my way. If using a hand call, use a "bite call" or diaphragm so you don't have hand movements that can be seen.
If you are just dressing up and playing soldier, that's fine by me, but ghillie suits is overkill for coyotes. And, if you think I might not know what I'm talking about, there are several thousand people that would correct that impression for you. I have killed many coyotes in over 40 years, won my share of contests. You are on the wrong track, Amigo. BB