Here's a wild idea- how about we start a thread, of all topics, on... hope?


Major Hide Member
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  • Nov 4, 2020
    Doesn't matter to me what the reason/motivation is but dang if this place doesn't need some positivity shared with the other posts... the name of the game here is a word that seems to have fallen out of favor but it's spelled "H-O-P-E". Four letters, simple word, used to be a big part of local communities.

    Like I said It doesn't matter to me what is shared whether it be-

    (1) Child/Grandchild achieved some success in scholastic or athletic pursuits.
    (2) Maybe you got a new toy that you're excited about.
    (3) Maybe you're pursuing a project/effort that will yield positive results after you finish.
    (4) Perhaps you found a new dish/flavor/style of cooking that has been fun.
    (5) Maybe you've seen something new in your life that you either always wanted to or were swept away with surprise/emotion when you first saw it.

    I don't personally care, all suggestions/comments are welcome in this thread. But keep in mind- if you don't have anything positive to share- you're likely going to rob hope from the 'other guy' that might be seeing a positive change in their life.

    As for me- 2024 has been mostly good to me after over a decade of preparing for a major life change. My interests have changed, where I put my finances have changed, how I've interacted with old friends even is different. 2024 has been a major lift from over the past 10 years I've lived. Just within the past month I've tried several dishes I never knew existed or ever would have ordered, spent more time with family than I had in years, I've re-established old friendships and more.

    So all that to say- I have hope that things will continue to be better moving forward. I feel like my best life is still ahead of me and that I passed a precipice from over a decade of preparations and struggles and am coming out on the other side to better days ahead. Current events and national politics don't have a say in my current happiness or momentum.

    Does anyone else have hope here anymore?

    Yes. There is hope. I fisted a bitch the other night. My good buddy @Threadcutter308 put me on to some good lube called Cramoline! I crammed it right in and she was happy!
    Nice! Hopefully you kicked her out of your place after turning her 'innards' into 'outards' ;) Something to look forward to there, maybe you found a solid dating app that allows you to fist local women. I'm good with that as I'm sure @Dirty D would be.

    So... If I'm doing my math right, within 20 minutes of this post we've gotten 3 responses so far from otherwise regular posters here and not a single response expressed any positive beliefs on a better future? Call me out otherwise but... fair enough but this kinda illustrates the reasoning behind the post as well.

    Tell ya what Howard
    Grab your Bible and Mathew, Mark, Luke, and Acts. Then keep reading.
    Then all of the entire book once you finish those.
    Look there for hope. Only place you will find it.

    Trying to post philosophical threads in the Pit on the Hide aint gonna get you anything but loads of answers like you already got.
    My $0.02 and worth what you paid.
    Tell ya what Howard
    Grab your Bible and Mathew, Mark, Luke, and Acts. Then keep reading.
    Then all of the entire book once you finish those.
    Look there for hope. Only place you will find it.

    Trying to post philosophical threads in the Pit on the Hide aint gonna get you anything but loads of answers like you already got.
    My $0.02 and worth what you paid.
    Who's Howard?
    Who's Howard?
    (I know, quoting myself but forgot to ask/say)- you think of all the different concentrations of shooters that exist out there. You have the usual hunters that come every OCT/NOV buy a box of ammo to confirm zero, you also have the 'competitors' likely the largest group being the trap shooters (oh boy do I have some thoughts on them but otherwise good people), high power competitors (also good people in my experience) & you also have the pistol shooters (steel challenge, falling steel, IDPA, USPSA, Outlaw, etc) and then (if not the smallest group- likely one of the smallest group but also likely amongst the most invested in their sport of choice and best represented here in a forum dedicated to that group) and your position is that there is no hope?

    Come on now, even with a grade school understanding of history surely you understand that there's always going to be a brighter day and that hope reigns eternal to advancing a community...

    great and strong idea. don't think gonna get a lot of what you seek. only source for me is kids,grands,gr. grands. and i very much hope that the world they will hopefully grow up and grow old in turns a corner. i have absolutely no belief or evidence that it will. any evidence i have is to the contrary. i have no real input into where/how they end up. have had what i hope is a + influence on their lives. i hope they make good choices. they can look at most of mine and learn what not to do. i fear that any power to have a + input is limited by factors that i nor any other individual can control.
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    great and strong idea. don't think gonna get a lot of what you seek. only source for me is kids,grands,gr. grands. and i very much hope that the world they will hopefully grow up and grow old in turns a corner. i have absolutely no belief or evidence that it will. any evidence i have is to the contrary. i have no real input into where/how they end up. have had what i hope is a + influence on their lives. i hope they make good choices. they can look at most of mine and learn what not to do. i fear that any power to have a + input is limited by factors that i nor any other individual can control.
    I'm not discussing politics, religion, or any other personal beliefs- just a concept that used to be the 'glue' of local communities- Hope. The idea that there was some personal accountability to leaving things better for the next generation. A concept that, unfortunately fell out of favor somewhere down the line. The motivation that things would continue to be better for each generation.

    In a word, yes.
    Fair enough- I think I get where you're coming from but when it comes to 'this' thread... how about we stick to the topic at hand and stay with the concept of hope. Gallows and military tribunals have their place for sure but I haven't seen either of those come up for something like a century so, for now, let's stay with the good things in our lives.

    I hope it's understood that we started ONE thread on the topic of hope and received only ONE response on the subject while the rest were essentially monkeys throwing their crap. I suppose that's the internet but... dang, I expected better here. And for those that flinged their crap- I hope things start getting better for you so you can start to hope again...

    I hope it's understood that we started ONE thread on the topic of hope and received only ONE response on the subject while the rest were essentially monkeys throwing their crap. I suppose that's the internet but... dang, I expected better here. And for those that flinged their crap- I hope things start getting better for you so you can start to hope again...

    I haven’t read any comments yet, but I think this is a great idea. To answer your question, I don’t really have much, if any, hope left. Our lives have fallen apart in every way and despite our best efforts, nothing’s changed for the better in the past 2.5 years for us. It feels like it’s basically been a downward spiral into insanity and depression.

    So I mean this when I say that I want this thread to work. I want to see others succeed in the hopes that maybe being happy for them can help me find my own hope again. So, here’s to hoping…
    I haven’t read any comments yet, but I think this is a great idea. To answer your question, I don’t really have much, if any, hope left. Our lives have fallen apart in every way and despite our best efforts, nothing’s changed for the better in the past 2.5 years for us. It feels like it’s basically been a downward spiral into insanity and depression.

    So I mean this when I say that I want this thread to work. I want to see others succeed in the hopes that maybe being happy for them can help me find my own hope again. So, here’s to hoping…
    Thank you for the sincere comment, I'll just say- once we lose hope- we lose everything. We have to hold onto hope because if things will never get better, then why are we doing what we do?

    I hope it's understood that we started ONE thread on the topic of hope and received only ONE response on the subject while the rest were essentially monkeys throwing their crap. I suppose that's the internet but... dang, I expected better here. And for those that flinged their crap- I hope things start getting better for you so you can start to hope again...


    Well, I hope you learned your lesson.
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    I hope it's understood that we started ONE thread on the topic of hope and received only ONE response on the subject while the rest were essentially monkeys throwing their crap. I suppose that's the internet but... dang, I expected better here. And for those that flinged their crap- I hope things start getting better for you so you can start to hope again...

    For the longest time, I pegged you for another fed in a long list of feds that filter through here. Sometimes you're borderline normal.....then you start threads like this.
    You're just a square peg in a round hole type of person, regardless of your employer. Most folks here have hope and happiness in life......but that's not what the pit is for. Know your audience.
    I’ve had a great year and a rough year.

    Last month I got a 13.4% raise and I hope to get even more later. Realistically, I will be lucky to not lose what I’ve got, but I’m hoping for the best.

    Recently, I ended the romantic relationship with the mother of my children (the ones I know about, anyway). We were together over a decade and the last few years were rough. She now has her own place and we have visitation set up. I hope I don’t die of a heart attack, when I get back out there. There’s a whole new batch of college girls, now. I hope I can pace myself.
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    [snip] then why are we doing what we do?


    I ask myself that question most days. For me, being here for my wife so she doesn’t have to suffer alone, and for my dogs who wouldn’t understand why I never came home, are the main things keeping me going most of the time vs the “alternative.” I haven’t much else to drive me forward at this point in time, but I’d love to see that change someday.
    For the longest time, I pegged you for another fed in a long list of feds that filter through here. Sometimes you're borderline normal.....then you start threads like this.
    You're just a square peg in a round hole type of person, regardless of your employer. Most folks here have hope and happiness in life......but that's not what the pit is for. Know your audience. View attachment 8487830
    That's fair- I'm more of an "odd duck" than a "lucky duck" but hey- you have to work with what you've got. Appreciate your comment though- just wanted to talk about "hope" and nothing else.

    Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

    Hope is an emotion.....women are emotional, men are rational (or are supposed to be, this thread leaves me doubts).

    Hope in one hand and shit in the the saying goes.
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