Hey guys! Well I guess my account is still consider new, but I been lurking and need some help!


Mar 20, 2023
Not sure what's going on, but I get been getting the "This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors." Any reason why I am getting this?

Hi to everyone though, I guess I didn't leave a introduce when I made this account last year. Wishing grateful things to now being on the hide to have some interesting chats!
There is a problem with scammers, all new accounts go thru this phase to try and prevent the fraud. It's not just a time grace period, it is also a post count level. If you are legitimate, will moderate interaction, you will blow by them both.

Participate in threads outside of the PX. Post relevant and meaningful replies or questions and you'll bump over the threshold fairly quickly.

You'll build comradery with other members and you will get answers to your questions.