Was looking at a vehicle/ruck comms transciever with a few specific features. I know enough to be dangerous, but at this point its all noise to me and all kind of looks the same and I'm not 100% sure if certain units have exactly what I'm after.
Intention was to be able to have this in a vehicle and plug it into a 'static' antenna on the vehicle while we're all out in the desert as well as be able to toss it in a ruck with its own folding whip. I know a ton of this is LoS so I've been upping my antenna game as well.
Things I was wanting it to do (and forgive how I explain this/feel free to ask questions if shit sounds retarded):
- Rx/Tx on MURS/GMRS (which all the units do)
- Be able to be programmed either directly on the unit or via a cable and something like CHIIRP
- Be able to monitor multiple channels at a time (minimum of 2; but more is better as well as an easy way to Tx on one channel and switch to Tx on another without having to fuck with menus and 14 buttons)
- Be set up as a 'mobile repeater' in that, lets say the guy next to me has a squad level radio on him which I can obviously Rx since I'm 15 feet from him, but the other squad over the hill can't. Assuming the mobile repeater I have in the ruck + antenna can reach the other squad, I am under the impression these radios can 'grab' the Tx from the guy next to me and send it to the other squad? Am I understanding this right?
The TH-8600 says 'Repeater Capable' and the KT7900 says 'Repeater Function'. Is this what I'm looking for and if so, will it work like I am describing above?
- I want the unit to also be able to actively scan channels quickly. For example, when you scan channels on a cheap Baofeng, it hits one frequency channel and sits on it for a second and then goes to the next; unless someone is Tx during that second on that specific channel it never picks up anything. I want a unit that is able to scan quickly to see if anything is Txing even for a few seconds while its looking. The only features I can see are 'channel scan' and 'priority scan' but am not sure what those actually are.
Here are the 2 units I'm looking at but leaning towards the TYT TH8600. I'm also open to suggestions as I'm not set on anything.
Intention was to be able to have this in a vehicle and plug it into a 'static' antenna on the vehicle while we're all out in the desert as well as be able to toss it in a ruck with its own folding whip. I know a ton of this is LoS so I've been upping my antenna game as well.
Things I was wanting it to do (and forgive how I explain this/feel free to ask questions if shit sounds retarded):
- Rx/Tx on MURS/GMRS (which all the units do)
- Be able to be programmed either directly on the unit or via a cable and something like CHIIRP
- Be able to monitor multiple channels at a time (minimum of 2; but more is better as well as an easy way to Tx on one channel and switch to Tx on another without having to fuck with menus and 14 buttons)
- Be set up as a 'mobile repeater' in that, lets say the guy next to me has a squad level radio on him which I can obviously Rx since I'm 15 feet from him, but the other squad over the hill can't. Assuming the mobile repeater I have in the ruck + antenna can reach the other squad, I am under the impression these radios can 'grab' the Tx from the guy next to me and send it to the other squad? Am I understanding this right?
The TH-8600 says 'Repeater Capable' and the KT7900 says 'Repeater Function'. Is this what I'm looking for and if so, will it work like I am describing above?
- I want the unit to also be able to actively scan channels quickly. For example, when you scan channels on a cheap Baofeng, it hits one frequency channel and sits on it for a second and then goes to the next; unless someone is Tx during that second on that specific channel it never picks up anything. I want a unit that is able to scan quickly to see if anything is Txing even for a few seconds while its looking. The only features I can see are 'channel scan' and 'priority scan' but am not sure what those actually are.
Here are the 2 units I'm looking at but leaning towards the TYT TH8600. I'm also open to suggestions as I'm not set on anything.

TYT TH-8600 Dual Band Mini Mobile Two Way Radio - TYT electronics
TYT TH-8600 dual band 25 watts in VHF, 20W in UHF, inside photos, tytera TH-8600 software, user manual download, tyt electronics

QYT KT-7900D - Quad band 144/220/350/440MHZ Mobile radio 25Watts
QYT KT-7900D Quad band 144/220/350/440MHZ Mobile radio 25Watts Large LCD Repeater Function, Remote Stun, Remote Activate, Download KT-7900D Software