So for a bit more substance,
I have been working with Redding Type S Full length and neck sizing dies and have some thoughts on them.
Overall, I have been happy with them and found them to be quite good.
-Very adjustable, well machined
-Lowest priced set out of this group in question
-Readily available from many fine retailers
-Bushing system floats which theoretically provides more consistent neck tension as it is able to adjust and center to the exact location of the case
- Micrometer seating system quite accurate when adjusting bullet depth.
-Was not able to adjust the neck sizer down far enough to actually bump the shoulder back. - see a representative photo where a slight bit of neck is left unsized. Now I don't know the true significance of this, but it did result in me having to full length size more often in my 6.5 CM bolt gun.
-To extrapolate this point a bit more, it could theoretically overwork the brass a bit more than needed. Some have said that this small area of unsized neck is
beneficial as it can improve concentricity.
- White marks on the competition seater easily got tarnished and harder to read.
- Need to buy alternative lock rings, because the Redding lock rings are sub par.
All in all, very happy on these dies, but as I am moving to a new primary caliber, I think I am going to give the Forster or Whidden dies a go, but am open minded.