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Hilarious: Restaurants Adding ‘Equity’ Charges to Customers’ Bills to Fight Oppression

Its an ok spin on, we raised our price 15% so we could pay more. I don't like the racist over tones but it is the virtue signal of the day. Tough to get people to do shitty restaurant work, when welfare is paying better. Welcome to the age of the professional food service worker. This is partially brought about by people not cooking at home anymore. Mickey Ds has become as integral to some people's diet, as the grocery store used to be. Gotta stay open 24 hours a day to feed the hungries.
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Absolutely 110% fuck this, pisses me off that someone even had the balls to think of it much less put it into action. My wife and I always tip heavy anywhere we go but if you tried to put some bullshit "Equity Charge" for oppression on my bill your gonna be lucky if I even pay the fuckin bill and I guarantee I'm not paying the "Equity Charge"... WTF is wrong with people :mad:
I normally tip 20%, but you try to tip yourself, which is normally under 20%, well that’s all you’ll get and I often don’t come back to those places.

My understanding is it’s hard enough to run a restaurant, why on earth would you pull a stunt like that
The restaurant justifies this by claiming “studies” have shown that customers are racist and sexist, thus necessitating the charge.

“Studies have also shown that there is inequity and built-in bias in the way consumers give tips,” the statement says. “In general, Black or Brown servers receive less tips than Caucasian servers. There is gender bias as well.”

so this restaurant is calling all of its customers racist and misogynist.....sounds like a great business model....
so this restaurant is calling all of its customers racist and misogynist.....sounds like a great business model....
The irony is there are more than enough far leftists in the neighborhood that would patronize their restaurant just for this reason.

The commodification of their own self-hatred is going to be big bucks in the future. Look at Coke Cola, they are promoting to be less white. This will become likely more accepted over time.
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The irony is there are more than enough far leftists in the neighborhood that would patronize their restaurant just for this reason.

This is exactly what will happen.

Man this is hilarious. My ex wife was a cook in that restaurant many years ago. The Broder family are typical limousine liberals. They are wealthy shitheads. They have always treated their employees like garbage. :ROFLMAO: This is nothing more than virtue signaling/free advertising because your point about it bringing in customers is spot on.
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The irony is there are more than enough far leftists in the neighborhood that would patronize their restaurant just for this reason.

The commodification of their own self-hatred is going to be big bucks in the future. Look at Coke Cola, they are promoting to be less white. This will become likely more accepted over time.
So this is all so confusing to me. I am told that I must be less white and then also told that affecting others’ color/habits/ thoughts/culture is cultural appropriation (which is ‘racist’ behavior).
Places like this make it easy for folks to go on a diet. Since going on this diet, we don't eat out any more. Haven't since the beginning of the official covid lock down. I've lost 35 lbs and the wife has lost 20 lbs. I'm reaching for another 20 lbs to be more fit for a possible pancreas/kidney transplant.

Let them charge whatever they want. It's their customers who will decide if they want to support this action. My guess is that many will fall victim of not knowing of the charge, but once it hits their wallet, they won't be back. The problem for the ownership is that once you lose a customer because of a hairbrained idea, very few will come back even if you do away with the upcharge and put everything back to normal. This will be financial suicide for most who try this. If you notice they say this isn't a gratuity, so I bet the staff won't see any of this money. It's going right to the ownership.

Next will be blacks will get a 15% discount on their meals and no tip will be required.
So this is all so confusing to me. I am told that I must be less white and then also told that affecting others’ color/habits/ thoughts/culture is cultural appropriation (which is ‘racist’ behavior).
Silence is violence, speak up and speak out. But dont say anything white voices dominate the conversation.
Kool... No tip for you then. AND I am going to take any fresh unwrapped rolls of toilet paper that I see lying around when I use your bathroom.
If it's a place I regularly go (which by definition would have good service) I usually way over-tip. However, put this bullshit on...there will be NO tip. No return visit.
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Places like this make it easy for folks to go on a diet. Since going on this diet, we don't eat out any more. Haven't since the beginning of the official covid lock down. I've lost 35 lbs and the wife has lost 20 lbs. I'm reaching for another 20 lbs to be more fit for a possible pancreas/kidney transplant.

Let them charge whatever they want. It's their customers who will decide if they want to support this action. My guess is that many will fall victim of not knowing of the charge, but once it hits their wallet, they won't be back. The problem for the ownership is that once you lose a customer because of a hairbrained idea, very few will come back even if you do away with the upcharge and put everything back to normal. This will be financial suicide for most who try this. If you notice they say this isn't a gratuity, so I bet the staff won't see any of this money. It's going right to the ownership.

Next will be blacks will get a 15% discount on their meals and no tip will be required.
Actually, if you read the full statement from the restaurant, they state that all moneys will be used to supplement employees salaries with specific rates included. It does indeed also say that this is not a gratuity, but apparently if you also are stupid enough to pay a gratuity the staff gets that too.
Silence is violence, speak up and speak out. But dont say anything white voices dominate the conversation.
It was sarcasm. I must have forgotten my sarcasm font. 😉
JUst piss on the TP rolls, then somebody has to change that mess. Leave a little note about why.

Hmm, this reminds me of something I have witnessed

A few local larger bars and the like, it seems the urban black folks, go to use the head, plenty of empty urinals and a few stalls, the urban black guys will always go piss in a stall and never put the seat up, thus if you have to god forbid take a shit, you have piss all over the seat.

Not saying this is scientific, but I’ve witnessed this enough times it stuck in my head, what’s up with that?

I mean if there isn’t space at the urinals I’ll go flip the seat up with my foot and take a piss in the stall, but other wise I don’t use a stall unless I have to take a shit, and I can’t remember the last time I pissed in a toilet and didn’t put the seat up, culture thing??
Hmm, this reminds me of something I have witnessed

A few local larger bars and the like, it seems the urban black folks, go to use the head, plenty of empty urinals and a few stalls, the urban black guys will always go piss in a stall and never put the seat up, thus if you have to god forbid take a shit, you have piss all over the seat.

Not saying this is scientific, but I’ve witnessed this enough times it stuck in my head, what’s up with that?

I mean if there isn’t space at the urinals I’ll go flip the seat up with my foot and take a piss in the stall, but other wise I don’t use a stall unless I have to take a shit, and I can’t remember the last time I pissed in a toilet and didn’t put the seat up, culture thing??
"Sheeeeit, Dawg, ain't puttin mah hands on dat nasty thing." Doesnt care or doesnt think to use foot.
Locally, we have a restaurant, the Bizou, which has good food at reasonable prices, but.... My bill was around $16.52 and I get $3.00 change. I ask what gives and hear "We round the bill up to the nearest dollar." They probably get way with it most of the time here because the libturds which have come to infest this area, are to timid to speak up. Not Maggot, he got his change and the manager got an earful. $00.48 might not seem like much but multiply that by 200 bills per day and its a nice chunk of change going into somebody's pocket. I went back again and they tried the same thing so I loudly announce "Ill never come back here I dont deal with scammers and thieves." Took my change and left.
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I don't honestly give two shits what they do. If their locals support it, have at it. I wasn't going there anyway. I try to keep my money from supporting racist activities. I tip the hot chick the same as I tip the ugly, or the dude, I tip based on services rendered.

Crazy I hadn't thought of it in a while, but the worst waiter I ever had, I was compelled to give a nice tip anyway. On the way home we missed a nasty hail storm that contributed to a fatal head on collision on the highway. It happened 10-20 minutes ahead of us. Thank god that slow motherfucker was a slow mother fucker for us that day. He was super waiter for a table of old ladies.

People see the beard and they think no tipping hipster, as opposed to actual redneck, when I go to the city. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Im out on all this Bullshit, Im not apologizing for being white or gonna try to be less white, Im not paying an extra charge for oppression, your not taking my $0.48 without even asking... FUCK OFF people, shits ridiculous and there's something new just about everyday
It is a forced tip, so pay the semi-reasonable amount and nothing more. If the restaurant is forced to pay $15/hour, I can see giving them a little more money. Just no additional tip. If the waitresses do not like it, they can quit.
Hmm, this reminds me of something I have witnessed

A few local larger bars and the like, it seems the urban black folks, go to use the head, plenty of empty urinals and a few stalls, the urban black guys will always go piss in a stall and never put the seat up, thus if you have to god forbid take a shit, you have piss all over the seat.

Not saying this is scientific, but I’ve witnessed this enough times it stuck in my head, what’s up with that?

I mean if there isn’t space at the urinals I’ll go flip the seat up with my foot and take a piss in the stall, but other wise I don’t use a stall unless I have to take a shit, and I can’t remember the last time I pissed in a toilet and didn’t put the seat up, culture thing??
Taught to pee by their mamas...
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Your bill comes and you tell the server to apply it to the Equity Charge and simply say hey I'm not a Rockefeller and because of that I have been oppressed from not being a billionaire. Tell the chef the meal was great, thank you.
I'd rather eat at home anyway. We went out post covid to one of our former favorites for our anniversary. The service was shit, the food was shit and the attitude of the server was total shit. When the manager came by to talk, we told him as much and he could have cared less. I told him not to worry about it, we can go elsewhere or dine at home just fine.

Just tell-em you are "Pro-Choice" and you chose to go elsewhere.