They used to want to work. I’ve hired a couple a few times over in the last few years cause I had some projects I never could get the time to do. I looked for Americans and was willing to pay. Here is what I found, they either didn’t want to work or did not have the skills for the job. Or, they wanted 5x what the job was worth. I’m willing to pay good money, within reason. I did hire some Americans to do some smaller jobs and they fucked those up. Hired some guys from Bolivia that were perfect the first few times then some years go by and I get them back out here and they had gotten fat and their work turned to shit. So, I can’t say even the wetbacks want to work anymore.
To make matters worse, I’ve been told by people in the education system that even when they know people are illegal, they can’t turn them in. And the real fucked up part is, if you are American, you got to show all your vax records and all this bullshit proving who you are but apparently that doesn’t apply to the illegals. Now this is just what I’m told by people in the system. I have not researched or verified this but nothing would surprise me these days.
Tell me you have never worked a job like that in any capacity without telling me you’ve never worked a job like that. There are some skilled people that work those jobs at times and they will run the dog shit out of you. And yes it’s much harder than you don’t get me wrong, they do have some stupid lazy ass people as well but there are also good people in those companies that work their ass off. But you have to assume that it kills morale when those good hard working people look around and see the fat lazy ass ignorant people doing nothing getting just a wee bit less than they do. I can also say that HD is a company that will compensate you well if you bring something to the table. There are people on the floor making $60+ an hour in some cases and it goes up depending on location. Hell the guys that stack the damn lumber in a lot of stores were pulling $33 an hour 25 years ago.