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Hoplite Arms

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Please Pm me your number so I can make sure there isn’t someone else out there that hasn’t been made whole


I’m up all night guys.

If you feel like you have a legit financial claim. As in “Theis” made some formal or informal agreement with you and you feel you are owed either an explanation or monies or both…….

PM me and we will talk tonight if you like or at the next convenient time.

The thread that got nuked had some implications and I’m noticing some overtones here.

So, don’t be bashful. We are finding out things everyday that we had no idea “Theis” had done. So I can almost promise we have no idea about your individual situation.

I’ve made this statement a few times. Zero PM’s.

So, if we are just fueling a social media fire, that’s fine and that’s life.

But if you have an actual claim or bone, let’s go!!

Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm eating a bit of Crow right now. I just got off the phone with Dave, formally known as @Dthomas3523 , now known as @Feniks Technologies . Took a bit of prodding from another good friend to make the call, but I did it. I'm not gonna go into the specifics other than I've been wrong before, and was wrong tonight to lash out in the Pit. We had a great conversation about things unsettled on my end for a friend, and I'm assured they are going to be addressed.

Nobody is happy about the shitshow that got unleashed, but I'm fairly confident the people that are trying to do spin control are doing just that. Who knows where this is going, so, let's sit back and see because it appears things are being addressed.

This entire fiasco never had to happen. Nobody will argue that!
I just had a very good conversation with @1J04

I appreciate his thoughts on the matter and agree with almost all of them.

As expected there was some info/claims/promises/agreements we were not even remotely aware of.

Thankfully we are now and we are actively working to alleviate those issues.

Again, if anyone legitimately has claims/concerns or legitimately needs to know what’s going on, I’m hear all night and most days I can make time if need be. Though it may be on a weird schedule.


Not Louis….I mean Theis, I mean…..

@TheGerman and I have done some shooting, business-ish things, and drinking together. He is a very nice, family-friendly individual who enjoys apple-cinnamon moonshine from the jar, and high end charcuterie boards. Additionally, he's more than apt to tell you your child is ugly and to go be poor somewhere else to your face if you question his firearms/equipment taste.




LOL @ very nice and family friendly

You can be honest and tell them everyone is somehow scared of me and I hate everyones children.

The rest is true tho.


Appreciate your time Dave! Got a lot off my mind that just had to be said for a guy that's not here any longer to stand up for himself. Pro move on your part for taking the call!s

I expected more expletives!

I’m actually very pleasant unless someone is a fuckhead and deserves it 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️👀👀
So you know how everyone associates fat ass women to him, because thats his thing?

Well, magically, he keeps trying to make me/think of me as fat.

Put 2 and 2 together there.
For fun I like to imagine you look like this,
Also, for those playing the home game……

TLDR……”Theis” isn’t Ukrainian, or any international man of mystery.

He’s a redneck from Louisiana. (I’m a redneck originally from Va, so settle down, I’m not insulting). Well, I am insulting Theis. But not everyone else.
Here is the short version. I’ll do my best but keep in mind I can’t speak to what the company is doing. There are lawyers and litigation and stuff and I am
Not a rep for hoplite or feniks or whatever they changed their name too which was done I’m sure because the ATF is involved

Theis is a con man. The rifle and the company are 100% real. He was embezzling money from the company. That’s all I can say cause that’s all I really know. The parties involved in litigation can speak up if they choose.

What I can say is this. When this went down, Brianf had our money 100% refunded within 7 days. Our being those of us who pre ordered a rifle system. I think there 7 or 8 not including the owners. However you may feel if it’s a scam or whatever all I can tell you is that if it was no way in hell would they have paid us back. And however you feel about Dthomas is your own feelings. They were honest and open with us and again most importantly they gave us our money back.

So am I mad? Nope. Am I bummed. Yep. Will I buy one in the future if it comes to market? Maybe but I won’t be first.

That’s it. Short and sweet. The rifle is real. It shoots. Frank shot it. Many here shot it precision rifle expo.

Theis is a piece of shit. Not even from Ukraine. He’s an inbred Cajun from LA.

That’s all I have to say. Was gonna post this in the other thread but it got nuked while I was typing.

Since when has being from Ukraine conferred any sort of legitimacy anyway.

Man LA must be some sort of fucked up when in order to gain stature you claim you are Ukrainian.

What's next "Hello, I am from Nigeria, let's do internet business."
I was never gonna be in a position to get one of these rifles over here in Aus, but always followed the thread with interest. What an insane turn of events. Ive been stung once by some cocksucker over here doing a Dillon 650 group buy, but this level of commitment to the scam is another level.

Sorry it all went to shit lads.
Huh. You missed that about him ? :unsure:

Go figger :ROFLMAO:

LOL. He wouldn’t talk to me often after a while.

But I was just a consultant at the time. Once a bigger role, we started to take a look into some shit.

But ya, he fooled like the entire internet.

Of course, here shortly when people wake up, we will get 1,000 “I knew it” posts.

Just like when you break up with a gf (or bf??), all of a sudden your friends never liked her.
Also, for those playing the home game……

TLDR……”Theis” isn’t Ukrainian, or any international man of mystery.

He’s a redneck from Louisiana. (I’m a redneck originally from Va, so settle down, I’m not insulting). Well, I am insulting Theis. But not everyone else.
We know his name.
We have his pictures.
We have his modus operandi.
We have some history
We have the internet and events.
We have the trolling power.

Some day, somewhere it will happen.
LOL. He wouldn’t talk to me often after a while.

But I was just a consultant at the time. Once a bigger role, we started to take a look into some shit.

But ya, he fooled like the entire internet.

Of course, here shortly when people wake up, we will get 1,000 “I knew it” posts.

Just like when you break up with a gf (or bf??), all of a sudden your friends never liked her.
Actually, I was referring to 1J.

But come to think of it, potatoe, potato I suppose...

huh. Talking about potatos reminds me of his male pattern baldness too......
Looks like there has been some comm traffic on the hide last night.

This is from my phone early EST without my glasses so excuse strange grammar.

it’s a good thing David works the late shift or more misinformation would have been solidified as truth.

It’s truly amazing what people will post with absolutely zero knowledge of the circumstances and then others believe it’s true…but it seems like several hide members who were originally contacted by myself and david jumped in with accurate info.

As can be imagined at this point in time the information and facts that I’m allowed to divulge because of litigation are minimal yet some truths have been said already.

Hoplite .. real company

R and D .. real I paid for it myself

25 or so action and rifles .. real they are in holding pattern (and they were at the expo shooting knots)

Shit hit the fan .. late November

Theis as a real name .. not so much

Theis knowledge of firearms in general .. not so much

Theis personal history/stories .. there are a few topics that he is semi-knowledgeable about but most of what was posted on this site over the past few years .. not so much, pure google searching

Theis funding hoplite .. not so much

Hoplite Bills /payables .. with in 1-2 weeks of confirmation (there were a few stragglers that I missed initially) all contacts which I was able to find contact information about were contacted verbally, informed, and refunded or paid from my personal checking account.

If there are any questions or unpaid invoices which need to be rectified please PM this account..since this account is the one writing the checks.


Conclusion of Civil litigation late spring

Criminal, cannot divulge

For future reference unless the information comes directly from David or Brian, take it for what it’s worth but don’t be annoyed when it’s not 100% correct.

Like everything else in life, hindsight is 20/20 and of course one will see red flags all over but the lengths Theis went through to conceal his real name and motive were extreme to say the least.

With that said, his ability to hide did not equal my determination to uncover, once a crack in the facade was noticed.

Rest assured that as I’m am able to divulge specifics about the history and timeline I am more than happy to.

But as you can imagine, nothing and I mean nothing will compromise the legal proceedings. If I find erroneous or possibly litigation compromising information being stated as facts, I will contact you immediately when made aware. And I will expect and demand to know the source of the information. As that person will be contacted next.

So if your thirst for knowledge and gossip needs to be fulfilled, you might be left wanting for a little while longer.

It’s just the way it has to be.

Additionally, the lawyers have been given a virtually unlimited budget to see this through.

I cannot morally let this human piece of garbage slip through my fingers and let him and his wife (yes her too), do this to someone else.

Fortunately or unfortunately I am able to absorb the loss and move forward.

Allowing him to get away and possibly do this again to a investor/partner/store owner, and that person looses their house…cannot and will not happen after my involvement.



Ps, funny coincidence is one of the lawyers (I have currently have 4, just in New Orleans firm) signs his emsil “sincerely”…ironic isn’t it
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I sort of feel bad being nosy about this, but it’s on a whole other level than the normal bs that happens around here.

If he worked as hard at legitimate business as he did lying he’d probably have way more money than whatever he has.

Really sucks someone else is literally paying for his bs
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I sort of feel bad being nosy about this, but it’s on a whole other level than the normal bs that happens around here.

If he worked as hard at legitimate business as he did lying he’d probably have way more money than whatever he has.

Its crazy story and the entertainment value is high. Trust me, @brianf has to tighten my muzzle once a week or more.

Its a story that needs telling…..when time is right.
Go be poor somewhere else.

View attachment 7791322
Not long ago I had a guy tell me serious as a heart attack “I’m going to be a billionaire soon”

Cool how’s that?

“You ever heard of Iraqi dinar?”

Oh you mean the shit people put themselves in debt buying? Good luck with that.

How much isn’t in that picture USD $20-25?
Not long ago I had a guy tell me serious as a heart attack “I’m going to be a billionaire soon”

Cool how’s that?

“You ever heard of Iraqi dinar?”

Oh you mean the shit people put themselves in debt buying? Good luck with that.

How much isn’t in that picture USD $20-25?
$27 🤣😂🤣😂


There was a shit ton of people who got scammed bybthe dinar thing when Iraq's economy crumbled.
Did this guy lie to the FBI? How did he get FFL paperwork to send/receive firearms?

Not trying to stir the pot, but it seems elaborate identity masking

To be running a fraudulent FFL, with NFA items especially...

Also in the nexus of international trade/ itar doing ex/im etc?

WTF over
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It was not long after PRE that things came to light, just nothing was being said. He tried to get me involved with sourcing Ammunition components from Australia but I had a bad feeling....

Said he was going to start up an ammunition company in KSA.
Wanted to make the best ammunition on the best equipment, cost be damned.
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Okay, maybe @Feniks Technologies can answer this one, or even @brianf;

Is airing theis name, as in real legit name, off the table right now because of the criminal stuff? Or can we at least know that as a precaution?

Sorry guys no unmasking publicly.

As much I want to reveal his identity anything that can be used in his defense I will not allow.

When it’s all over, ill be more than happy to out him…guaranteed.

As Dave posted above, some of the tangents within the story are actually really funny.
Did this guy lie to the FBI? How did he get FFL paperwork to send/receive firearms?

Not trying to stir the pot, but it seems elaborate identity masking

To be running a fraudulent FFL, with NFA items especially...

Also in the nexus of international trade/ itar doing ex/im etc?

WTF over

With out getting into it... how hard is it to have you sign something legally and then reprint it with another name on it that is used for correspondence.

Not very happens all day every day…but that leaves a trail that can be uncovered if one looks hard enough.

Example: Having 2 phones…one for your wife and one for your girlfriend. Happens all the time, until the wife sees a second bill in the mail

I just happen to have the girlfriends name, and phone number as well this time around.
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With out getting into it how hard is it to have you sign something legally and then reprint it with another name on it that is used for correspondence.

Not very happens all day every day…but that leaves a trail that can be uncovered if one looks hard enough.

Example: Having 2 phones…one for your wife and one for your girlfriend. Happens all the time, until the wife sees a second bill in the mail

I just happen to have the girlfriends name, and phone number as well this time around.
This is better than Yellowstone at this point. Lol
This would make a great documentary. Honestly should start rough drafting a book. Could recoup some loss.
Tribute to you BrianF, for standing up and taking care of the innocents in the matter, and going after the perpetrator of this whole ordeal on your own dime.

Being in a similar situation whereas I was the one screwed by a businessman who has found a way to screw people with shoddy work, and conveniently close/change the name of the business about the time lawsuits start coming in and get away with it for the last 4 years that my lawyer dug into it, and I am not in a position to spend the $30k to nail his ass to the wall over a $12k raping.

I can't fathom what you are putting out on this but I am guessing it will be at least 2x what you got taken for.

I was truly enthusiastic about the whole endeavor and being able to read and see via SH everything from conception to "Send it". It is so disheartening that it had to come to this conclusion and put a stain on the product. I sincerely hope that you will be able to continue the work that has gone into this shooting system and put it to market.
This is better than Yellowstone at this point. Lol
This would make a great documentary. Honestly should start rough drafting a book. Could recoup some loss.

all joking aside when i have time i just might, we have joked about it before.

i have a warped sense of humor, so while this is trying times to say the least i do find it hilarious on a certain level.
all joking aside when i have time i just might, we have joked about it before.

i have a warped sense of humor, so while this is trying times to say the least i do find it hilarious on a certain level.

Just make sure you don't let the Hollywood fucks screw you on the movie rights!
Tribute to you BrianF, for standing up and taking care of the innocents in the matter, and going after the perpetrator of this whole ordeal on your own dime.

Being in a similar situation whereas I was the one screwed by a businessman who has found a way to screw people with shoddy work, and conveniently close/change the name of the business about the time lawsuits start coming in and get away with it for the last 4 years that my lawyer dug into it, and I am not in a position to spend the $30k to nail his ass to the wall over a $12k raping.

I can't fathom what you are putting out on this but I am guessing it will be at least 2x what you got taken for.

I was truly enthusiastic about the whole endeavor and being able to read and see via SH everything from conception to "Send it". It is so disheartening that it had to come to this conclusion and put a stain on the product. I sincerely hope that you will be able to continue the work that has gone into this shooting system and put it to market.


its amazing how many poeple like this are out there, and get over on unsuspecting civilians every day

at this point in time the money means nothing, in addition to my own wanting of revenge (yes im petty as well), my personal name was attached

when dealing with certain aspect of society, you know going into litigation that funds/monies will never be recovered

so in thoery its good money after bad, but thats irrelvant to me

once the customer, many of which thought of Theis as a friend has been taken care of by returing funds even though they were spent/ siphoned, this has to be deliverd with a bow on top

althouygh im far from perfect, i lead my life with a certain amount of respect to myself, my family, and to others in general

this poison will not besmirch my last name forever on the internet nor will it poison someone else if i can stop it

when the time is right, i fully plan to put these rifles to market

the effort it took to bring these weapon systems to their current status, along with the performance and workmanship, id be proud to have customers put their hands on and go to the range.
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