Re: Hornady or Hodgon load Data???
Any manufacturer will tell you that different bullet lots, different case lots, different powder lots, different primer lots, and different barrels will ALL cause different results.
Thus, you can't just step right up to the plate and load "max" charge. Even there, to every manufacturer, it's still an interpretation. The reported data has to represent what the "data generator" feels is the "worst case scenario".
So, that's why you'll see differences in max loads from the various data publishers. It's an interpretation. A few thousanths of an inch in one chamber to another, or 5 ten thousands of an inch in barrel diameter could cause a significant disparity between test locations.
You have to know your own gun, you have to work up your own load, you have to know how to read pressure signs if you want to "tickle the dragon's belly".
Start low, and work up slow!