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Maggie’s How a Hybrid really works... Cradle to grave...

In the OP the author stated each blade weighs 81,000lbs. My point was and still is that when your average person hears something like that their point of reference is their 5000lb car. They drive by these wind mills and make the comparison then google it and think they were lied to. So now they don’t believe you. They believe the TV. And now it will be even harder to convince them otherwise.

From here: https://techobservatory.com/how-long-are-wind-turbine-blades/

Take the median of 35 metric tons = 79,366 lbs

The big 107meter offshore blades are the upper end 121,000lbs per blade.

It's not that hard to google and find weights of 50,000lbs for 67M blades or 74,000lbs for 80M blades.

The average person needs a better frame of reference.

Blade below is on the turbines installed off the coast of MD & NJ. I don't think land based blades over about 88M can be transported.


Source: https://www.topsectorenergie.nl/sites/default/files/uploads/Wind op Zee/MMD2020/Lukasz-Cejrowski-LM-blade-107.pdf

Nuclear is the cleanest cheapest energy. More specifically Thorium based Nuclear.
India will be the first to put a Thorium Nuclear plant online.
The US should be leading on Nuclear power not following & for God's sakes finish the fucking Yucca mountain spent fuel storage facility.
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I’m not arguing the economical viability of wind. I agree its horse shit. Here is a more accurate article on wind mill blades. Im sure they have gotten bigger since, but nowhere near 80,000lbs.

Judging by the number of axles under the blades as they go down the highway, I'd say 80000 is a pretty close guess. Freight companies don't put extra axles under a load the fun of it.
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A lot of this shit comes in thru Galveston on german ships. These are the tower sections being loaded on trains.
I have seen many of the blades and tower sections on trucks headed north. The blades I see are around 80-100' long.
They built a huge new facility just for this.
We need to go back to riding horses. That's the best solution. Get rid of highways, use rail and airports for major logistical / supply movements. Someone to get the democrats onboard with the horse idea. ;)
It'll never happen, AOC and the squad will claim too much methane generation plus it would compete with their horse shit being generated in DC. Can't have that now, can we?
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electric vehicles are only going to be tangible and viable when they each have their own 'nuclear' plant on them. Never have to stop and refill again, not unlike how they do submarines.

Size being an issue, it might be a little bit. Nothing else to be concerned about though, just size.
Where is Tony Stark when we need him?
Hybrid cars are destroying the planet and if you drive one you are a glowie Nazi pedophile 6.5 shooter.

Carry on....

I feel i'm going to regret showing my ignorance on here....what the heck is a "glowie". I've seen it referenced a couple times, and neither of those instances was there any context to provide the clues necessary for me to figure it out on my own.

I feel i'm going to regret showing my ignorance on here....what the heck is a "glowie". I've seen it referenced a couple times, and neither of those instances was there any context to provide the clues necessary for me to figure it out on my own.

@Bender you want to take this? You have a better way with words.
I feel i'm going to regret showing my ignorance on here....what the heck is a "glowie". I've seen it referenced a couple times, and neither of those instances was there any context to provide the clues necessary for me to figure it out on my own.



Glowposting. There is another term for it as well. Dont think that term is allowed to be said here.
What progress we’ve made in 60 years.

So we proved the technical feasibility of nuclear powered merchant ships 60 years ago & yet in 2022 53,000 merchant ships are burning 5 Billion barrels of oil a year.
Makes me scratch my bald head in disbelief as to why 60 years later, still no nuclear.

From a Forbes article.

“The United States built two similarly sized aircraft carriers a few years apart, the USS John F. Kennedy [CV-67, 1,052 ft (321 m) overall] and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower [CVN-69, 1,092 feet (332.8 m overall]. The Ike is nuclear powered and the Kennedy burned oil.

USS Kennedy
The oil-powered aircraft carrier USS John F. [+]
As Gary Hoe points out, when steaming all-ahead-flank on all four screws, launching aircraft off all three steam catapults, cooking 4,500 meals for lunch, and desalinating sea water into fresh, the Kennedy got 13 inches to the gallon of marine distillate fuel oil.

That meant 1000 gallons were burned for the Kennedy just to travel its own length. Or over 125 million gallons to circumnavigate the Pacific Ocean once.

The Ike uses almost no fuel to carry out the same mission. The Ike steamed for 20 years on a chunk of uranium the size of a grapefruit, and is still active today. The Kennedy is mothballed.”
TL;DR ???

Btw, I have gas.
Not your average corner market gas, but that special green fog emanating, paint peeling, eye watering, gas.
Drinking an adult beverage whilst eating deviled eggs has a 82.47% chance of inducing such gas.
The unknown catalyst in such a makeup is based in a side dish of broccoli and almonds covered in sharp cheese the night before.
Could the garlic mashed potato's have a factor in this emanation, this is indeed the important question to raise at this juncture.
Please, allow me to reflect further and I will contemplate a full disclosure of such ramifications as to completely discredit my colleagues.
This came from a classmate who went on to get his PhD in military history. Retired Army officer. Kind of a smart guy.

He didn't write it. But sure as heck it hits the nail on the head.

The issue is… what did it take to make the prior infrastructure? …at some point the infrastructure needs to be replaced, and its a continuing cycle.
What progress we’ve made in 60 years.
View attachment 7855538
So we proved the technical feasibility of nuclear powered merchant ships 60 years ago & yet in 2022 53,000 merchant ships are burning 5 Billion barrels of oil a year.
Makes me scratch my bald head in disbelief as to why 60 years later, still no nuclear.

From a Forbes article.

“The United States built two similarly sized aircraft carriers a few years apart, the USS John F. Kennedy [CV-67, 1,052 ft (321 m) overall] and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower [CVN-69, 1,092 feet (332.8 m overall]. The Ike is nuclear powered and the Kennedy burned oil.
View attachment 7855542

The Ike steamed for 20 years on a chunk of uranium the size of a grapefruit
Not that I disagree with your position but you need to become a little more aligned with the size of nuclear cores in large ships....
EVs are here to stay. Battery advances continue to improve on Moore's law trajectories.

Not sure about turbines. They are a maintenance head ache a few years after install. And the ROI is not that good unless you are class 6 or better.

The new factory reactor series will be a game changer due to size, efficiency and safety.