I've repeated your story, OP, several times last week.
I wear a suit and tie everyday, work in an office, and live in close suburbs. I haven't owned a pickup truck for 20 years (much lamented).
I was over at my mom's this weekend adding a circuit, and building a wall and door casement to turn create a separate laundry room and furnace room. These are easy carpentry/electrician operations that don't make me special or anything (though I am meticulous and do very good work), but these things in the face of changing a tire are like building my own rocket and landing my dog on the moon.
We all have to specialize. That's the world we live in, but to pretend that because of that we have to become ignorant, half-men, who can't be self sufficient is bat-shit crazy. I embrace technology, I'm no Ludite, but I don't go bushwhacking without a non electronic compass, or make passage without a sextant. You have to be self sufficient and think about how you will operate when shit breaks and fails, and you're on your own. I honestly can't imagine any other way to be, or how shameful it would be for me to do it differently. If I don't know I ask, but I am where I am from a lifetime of doing that. When I don't know what's wrong with something I just grab the tool box and start taking it apart till I get to something that looks broken. I just don't get it, and I especially don't get being proud of being a man-child, but I suppose it's the same thing as their pride in being totally ignorant of guns. It's some sort of mental disorder...