I already mentioned a case of this above. They have BEEN doing this already under the radar for at least two decades! I KNOW a guy who purchased a part from a company in Germany, a Glock auto selector. He told some other guys, I think a few of them did too. One day ATF shows up with a warrant and seized all his shit, not just the one part, ALL of his shit, and told his mother he was lucky he was in Iraq. That was the end of it. He had some nice shit too including a UMP folder.
He had relatives in Oregon, he had money, he could have registered whatever the fuck he wanted really. Just didn't know the law. Gotcha!
So expect this to happen more and more and when the other party is in control, expect it to speed up and expand.
On a good note, apparently NJ has said "Fuck you, enough is enough!" over that mag ban. Apparently the cops are still patiently waiting on the millions of mags they figured they be getting. Whatever laws passed in Canada are being largely ignored too.
I swear, these fucking people are going to push this country into a civil war. It's not gonna start with some legal papers or other bullshit, it's not gonna wait for a talking head to sanctify it, it's gonna start when unpopular legislation is enforced and the people respond with "enough!" It'll begin with MASS DISOBEDIENCE, a la NJ, and it could end like the Volstead Act, but I sorta see 'em pushing the issue until it becomes a Rights issue and then it could end like any one of the civil wars fought around the world in the last few millenia.
Isn't that how it's always worked in America?