The problem we LEOs we have ran into is that they do the bidding of leftist gov all the time. In Texas, red suburbia, Plano Texas, BLM blocks intersections, and a guy that had his car blocked in starts yelling at them, he is ushered away by Plano PD while blm blocks a very busy intersection.
Portland, antifa basically has a free pass to do as they wish and the cops watch them do it. Someone on the right responds and they are quickly arrested and ushered away.
the individual cops aren’t necessarily bad, but these little events where “the chief said we had too sooo we did” are getting more frequent and are one sided.
@Bender whag I believe at
@wade2big is getting at is, you
@Bender are constantly saying “let’s get on with it” “are we starting yet” etc. but you do realize that when we do “get on with it” and decide to stop having our rights tampled on, pushing back in any way will immediately be met by the thin blue flag, which has been proven over and over. The whole law and order system is being unequally applied and that starts with the LEO as a general statement.
go start and unvaxxed lives matter protest, block intersections and chaos mayhem and see how fast everyone is arrested.