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Maggie’s I saw "Avatar" last night!

Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

Let me put it to you this way, seeing it normal 2D style, I spent the first 30 minutes going "how the fuck did they do that?" and I've worked in Hollywood for a number of years doing the same kind of stuff. To see it in 3D makes it SO much more immersive. But adding IMAX's 80ft high peripheral filling screen takes it to a whole other level. The only bad part is that in IMAX 3D sometimes the quick motion of the action can be a bit..."busy."
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

I got my 16 year old daughter talked in to seeing it with me as long as we go early on sunday so we don't bump into any of her friends.
It is very un cool to be seen with your dad at a movie, don't ya know.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 264shooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I got my 16 year old daughter talked in to seeing it with me as long as we go early on sunday so we don't bump into any of her friends.
It is very un cool to be seen with your dad at a movie, don't ya know. </div></div>

Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bushmaster7</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hear a lot about the special effects, but what is the message? They usually come with one. </div></div>

America bad. Third-world natural living people and hippies are good. Save the earth and the animals.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

What really sucks for those of us who work in the visual effects industry is that while we have now became an integral key part of most big budget films (and lower budget ones too), we have zero clout within the industry and are pretty much being run out of business by the studios. When the Visual Effects Society started about 9 years ago, there was a chance to create a guild of sorts a la SAG and DGA with the ability to go to the studios and say "we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore." Instead it has turned out be a powerless visual effects club.

18 of the 20 top grossing films of all times are easily classified as visual effects films - yet every year it gets harder and harder to make it in the industry. Yes, in many ways its our own fault, but sadly the success of "Avatar" will likely hurt us further. I expect to see the majority of visual effects work leave CA in the next ten years (like Aerospace did) without a major change. There's a certain point where the model of "we want it better, faster, and cheaper" just can't be sustained.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

Dogtown, you remind me of a South Park episode where the kids struggle to be competitive making an animation video for their town, but wind up finding it made more economic sense to have the actual work done in Korea. Hopefully you can avoid that endgame.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Cartman</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bushmaster7</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hear a lot about the special effects, but what is the message? They usually come with one. </div></div>

America bad. Third-world natural living people and hippies are good. Save the earth and the animals. </div></div>

I somewhat agree Cartman... I for one think it had nothing to do with America, that could only be correlated due to the fact the mercs were English speaking, which to me, was more b/c it was an American film. If you notice, the mercs seemed to be a collection of the best of the battle from around the world.

Also, while it was very tree huggerish, I think it did a good job of pushing more of a "corporate greed" type message than an anti-American message. Hell, the hero was a Marine, which I thought was a good gesture towards not making this into an "our military are just killers for hire" flick.

A message will be interpreted into every movie, but I think when you try to hard to decipher the hidden meaning of a film, you loose a lot of it's entertainment value.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

It cracks me up that people get so bent out of shape about these story lines, huffing and puffing about liberals/socialists/communists/elitists in Hollywood. Too many people in our country need to relax or just stay the fuck away from TV and the movies - and books for that matter.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

I remember when San Diego had ALL of the Aerospace industry. One by one Rohr, General Dynamics, Convair all left e'freakin' normous parking lots as they left the county.

As to having a union, well I have never really been in favor of the unions but in my industry the pay structure is horrible when a hack can make as much money as a real tech and both don't make shit, you work outside, chemical exposure, asbestos for us older guys, heat, cold, working in some dangerous conditions for the money. Oh well gotta' die sometime right? I think if Mechanics were to get together and go union it would most likely shut the country down the same as if growers did.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What really sucks for those of us who work in the visual effects industry is that while we have now became an integral key part of most big budget films (and lower budget ones too), we have zero clout within the industry and are pretty much being run out of business by the studios. When the Visual Effects Society started about 9 years ago, there was a chance to create a guild of sorts a la SAG and DGA with the ability to go to the studios and say "we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore." Instead it has turned out be a powerless visual effects club.

18 of the 20 top grossing films of all times are easily classified as visual effects films - yet every year it gets harder and harder to make it in the industry. Yes, in many ways its our own fault, but sadly the success of "Avatar" will likely hurt us further. I expect to see the majority of visual effects work leave CA in the next ten years (like Aerospace did) without a major change. There's a certain point where the model of "we want it better, faster, and cheaper" just can't be sustained.</div></div>
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

ya same thing popped into my head also ( dances with wolfs ) as a vary similar theme but maybe with a little of Disney Pocahontas and other familiar plots all thrown in. but like about everyone else say's. Even though it is lacking in the creativeness of plot and writing. It's pumped with color, action & It is "Pretty Cool" watching in 3-D & It's pretty cutting edge on the visuals. for this one movie I am convinced that seeing now in 3-D on the big screen has a Big Plus+, over waiting for it to be out on CD @ home viewing.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

Saw it and enjoyed it for what it was, a great special effects movie. As for the story line, it was adequate without the almost to be expected twists and turns of political movie. Will probably see it again.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

Well, I went saw the flick with dear ole dad during the holiday. I thought that it was extremely cool. I didn't have high expectations, and the movie surpassed them.

The story line was debated between me and my massively liberal sister, so I am sure that the same segment of society will chatter more about the story line /writing versus the superb details in the graphics.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

I thought that James Cameron's intention was to draw you in to the planets peaceful strength and innocence, then portray the humans to be thoughtless, murderous war mongers bent on stealing the planets resources... I personally thought Cameron meant to portray the humans as American, and that we take whatever we want, destroying anything in our way. Whether it's meant to compare the planets people to the American Indian or the Arabs, there were statements. When the humans unmercifully attacked the delicate balance of the planet for profit, they called it "shock and Awe", and during the attack, the female natives were squealing like Arab women. And when the plane with the enormous and way overkill bomb, hovered over the planets most valuable and spiritual icon, it looked like a B2 bomber.
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

*******************SPOILER POST

I was reminded very much of this book by the film. Great read.


That's one way to think about it though, but then what of the Marine turning his back on personal profit and fighting his once comrades to stand up for the defenseless? There is one story where some people lusting for profit will do anything to get it, and another where a human soldier risks his life for a defenseless people.

Moreso he stands up to what amount to nearly impossible odds.

I don't think it's an original story, or one that was particularly well told. If anything they went to to much trouble to define the story, but in regards to political whims I think you'd really have to pick and choose characters to drive a political agenda.

You could just as easily argue this film was a propoganda film to show that veteran soldiers were capable of insurmountable good doings, and willing to throw everything away for the good of many. I wouldn't say that, but someone could make the argument.


One thing is undeniable regardless of which story you choose to follow though in both stories the protagonist Marine and the antagonist Marine were both insanely badass!

When he busted the airlock open and ran outside to shoot at the fleeing chopper you had to grin. Also when he was working that knife on the giant Jaguar creature was brutal!

Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Nervous</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I went to the midnight showing of "Avatar" with my son last night. I was very impressed with the 3D effects. I jumped when the smoke grenade came by. The story line is one that has been used before, it still works. I recommend that you see it! I want to see it again!

Nervous </div></div>

I saw it twice and jumped both times when that smoke grenade came at me
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It cracks me up that people get so bent out of shape about these story lines, huffing and puffing about liberals/socialists/communists/elitists in Hollywood. Too many people in our country need to relax or just stay the fuck away from TV and the movies - and books for that matter.
Dog. This is all that some have. When they see it on the TEEVEE they can say they have an experience. I will probably avoid this flick due to the controversy over colonialism and dreds. Better to provide free smallpox blankets to the liberals and put them on reservations. How dare they imply that thugs capitalize on strengths and take what they must while posting about Darwin awards. This is a one-strength forum you see. Alas, I make humor. Groupthink grows everywhere while box office numbers speak the truth...
Re: I saw "Avatar" last night!

I think that their were a couple of agendas being portrayed, one about being one with nature, and the "shock and awe", then the other was about disabled people.

I went expecting not much and saw a decent film, not one I will buy but a decent film.