Rifle Scopes I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wow, just wow. i love how everyone says "barcom". i think this site should be called shitheads hide.

i have seen numerous "new" people post on here with good question, get absolutley hammered about not filling out their profile(which, why is it so important to fill out your profile? if i want you to know about me, ill tell you) and using the search. i know i have tried to use the search, and it sucks, never find what im looking for. isnt a site like this(like any other forum site about any other subject) a place for people to share and learn? how is a guy supposed to learn about something he is completely new to without asking questions? ive also seen alot of new people on ar15.com, and they seem to be always welcomed and helped. im not saying that site is perfect either, its just more evident when comparing it this site. i dont post here because of this-i dont want to get ridiculed for asking a question about something i dont know, i guess ill have to come up with some magical way to learn without asking questions.

now, i do realize that the above rant had nothing to do with the whole "laure mount" discussion, but i figured with all the other crap in this thread, my rant would fit nicely. i guess ive just had enough, and needed to get it out. but i will touch breifly on the whole laure thing.

first off, i use his mounts and rails. i have a stealth upper, one of his lowers, had an OBR(regretably sold it to buy a bolt gun-plan on getting one back soon) i have used laures customer service, and it was great one time, sucked the next-same goes for any other company's customer serviced i used before-both gun related and non. but just because a companies customer serviced is use, dosent mean they are a bad company. show me a company that makes anything, or dose any kind of service work, that hasnt had some sort of problem were their customer service was used-it happens every minute of everyday-nothing is perfect in this world-inlcluding guns, ammo, optics, and evidently optic mounts.

i just dont get all the stupid he-haw about laure. if you like and use his mounts good, if you dont, also good, but who cares if you do or dont, keep it to yourself. coming on here(or any other site for that matter) and bad mouthing or prasing something is just asking for a battle-youll bring out the fans and haters guarnteed. this goes for any brand of guns, optics, mounts, ammo, whatever.

as for the thing between lowlight and laure, why is anyone else even involved? isnt it between them? why do other people need to even comment on it? yes i know, one of them posted something and thats were it started, but if everyone just leaves it be, it will go away, not to mention what i just said above, why do others need to get involved. yes i know, this brings up the whole giving a free riser deal with laure and this posin guy. i agree with some that mark kinda did that wrong, but if you havent noticed in the past, thats the way mark is(no offense mark if you read this)-im neither a fan or a hater-i just happen to use laure products because i like what i saw, tried them out and so far they work great for my uses. i also use noveske and BCM, which i have alos had great luck with, and i say luck because i know they to have had issues before(and i no, i have no fist hand experience, and im not going to base my facts on what i read on the internet, even thought its always 100% true-im just saying i know nothing is perfect and shit can break/not work no matter who makes its or how its made) and im sorry but i dont care who made the mount or how its made, i dont think any mount is truely 100% repetable zero-and yes again, i have no first had experience and i wont trust internet posts-for those of you that had tested this, and it worked for you, great you have that capability with the gear you have-for what i do and need, i dont need that, and i would bet alot of people here and on ar15.com dont either. i do know that are some people here who actually use their weapons for life and death work,and for those this matters(and for those of you who are in harms way so i can freely type this, thanks you for what you do, no one can ever repay you for what you do and sacrafice). those people have the right to complain that something dosent work, and would bet most of them dont do it on some internet forum.

it seems that these type of sites are becoming more a place to bitch then they are a place to learn and share information

and lastly, as the creator of this site, i dont think i would alow these type of post continue the way they do, but i can see why this particular one is left open, its in his favor, its on his side, its doing his fighting so he dosnet have to get his hands dirty, and in the end can say he had nothing to do with it, it was all his little brown-nosers doing it for him. someone needs to step up, be the better man, and put an end to this crap-this goes for both parties and all involved(which yes, know includes me for participating in this cluster fuck. if mark laure was the owner of this site, i would be saying the exact same thing, like i said, i just like larue products, i dont care who makes them(or if they are even called laure)

and one final thing, that has nothing do with the topic at hand, but has bugged me and i think is stupid. why put a minimum post count in order sell stuff? how can anyone "contriburte" to this site, when they post and basically get yelled at for being new? if im reading a post about something i want to know more about, and i have a questions, well im screwed. i dont dare ask it, for i should just "know" the answer, but if i do muster up the courage and ask it, the sky gets dark, the thunders cracks, the lightning streaks across the sky, and the holly wrath of the "hide" is unleased upon me! wasnt everyone on this site, included the holy of holiest lowight himself, new at one time? how is a guy to learn without asking questions? did you pop out of your mother knowing all the answers to all the questions of the world?

for those spelling nazies, deal with it
for the rest of you, this my opinion and not fact, so dont take it to the bank, and i look foward to hearing everyone elses opions </div></div>

Great post kirby. I'm glad someone has finally had the courage to post this here. I agree completely. You have my respect.

P.M. me.

You, me and 2 of my babes can have a 4-way. That is something I only share with people of greatness.


Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wow, just wow. i love how everyone says "barcom". i think this site should be called shitheads hide.

i have seen numerous "new" people post on here with good question, get absolutley hammered about not filling out their profile(which, why is it so important to fill out your profile? if i want you to know about me, ill tell you) and using the search. i know i have tried to use the search, and it sucks, never find what im looking for. isnt a site like this(like any other forum site about any other subject) a place for people to share and learn? how is a guy supposed to learn about something he is completely new to without asking questions? ive also seen alot of new people on ar15.com, and they seem to be always welcomed and helped. im not saying that site is perfect either, its just more evident when comparing it this site. i dont post here because of this-i dont want to get ridiculed for asking a question about something i dont know, i guess ill have to come up with some magical way to learn without asking questions.

now, i do realize that the above rant had nothing to do with the whole "laure mount" discussion, but i figured with all the other crap in this thread, my rant would fit nicely. i guess ive just had enough, and needed to get it out. but i will touch breifly on the whole laure thing.

first off, i use his mounts and rails. i have a stealth upper, one of his lowers, had an OBR(regretably sold it to buy a bolt gun-plan on getting one back soon) i have used laures customer service, and it was great one time, sucked the next-same goes for any other company's customer serviced i used before-both gun related and non. but just because a companies customer serviced is use, dosent mean they are a bad company. show me a company that makes anything, or dose any kind of service work, that hasnt had some sort of problem were their customer service was used-it happens every minute of everyday-nothing is perfect in this world-inlcluding guns, ammo, optics, and evidently optic mounts.

i just dont get all the stupid he-haw about laure. if you like and use his mounts good, if you dont, also good, but who cares if you do or dont, keep it to yourself. coming on here(or any other site for that matter) and bad mouthing or prasing something is just asking for a battle-youll bring out the fans and haters guarnteed. this goes for any brand of guns, optics, mounts, ammo, whatever.

as for the thing between lowlight and laure, why is anyone else even involved? isnt it between them? why do other people need to even comment on it? yes i know, one of them posted something and thats were it started, but if everyone just leaves it be, it will go away, not to mention what i just said above, why do others need to get involved. yes i know, this brings up the whole giving a free riser deal with laure and this posin guy. i agree with some that mark kinda did that wrong, but if you havent noticed in the past, thats the way mark is(no offense mark if you read this)-im neither a fan or a hater-i just happen to use laure products because i like what i saw, tried them out and so far they work great for my uses. i also use noveske and BCM, which i have alos had great luck with, and i say luck because i know they to have had issues before(and i no, i have no fist hand experience, and im not going to base my facts on what i read on the internet, even thought its always 100% true-im just saying i know nothing is perfect and shit can break/not work no matter who makes its or how its made) and im sorry but i dont care who made the mount or how its made, i dont think any mount is truely 100% repetable zero-and yes again, i have no first had experience and i wont trust internet posts-for those of you that had tested this, and it worked for you, great you have that capability with the gear you have-for what i do and need, i dont need that, and i would bet alot of people here and on ar15.com dont either. i do know that are some people here who actually use their weapons for life and death work,and for those this matters(and for those of you who are in harms way so i can freely type this, thanks you for what you do, no one can ever repay you for what you do and sacrafice). those people have the right to complain that something dosent work, and would bet most of them dont do it on some internet forum.

it seems that these type of sites are becoming more a place to bitch then they are a place to learn and share information

and lastly, as the creator of this site, i dont think i would alow these type of post continue the way they do, but i can see why this particular one is left open, its in his favor, its on his side, its doing his fighting so he dosnet have to get his hands dirty, and in the end can say he had nothing to do with it, it was all his little brown-nosers doing it for him. someone needs to step up, be the better man, and put an end to this crap-this goes for both parties and all involved(which yes, know includes me for participating in this cluster fuck. if mark laure was the owner of this site, i would be saying the exact same thing, like i said, i just like larue products, i dont care who makes them(or if they are even called laure)

and one final thing, that has nothing do with the topic at hand, but has bugged me and i think is stupid. why put a minimum post count in order sell stuff? how can anyone "contriburte" to this site, when they post and basically get yelled at for being new? if im reading a post about something i want to know more about, and i have a questions, well im screwed. i dont dare ask it, for i should just "know" the answer, but if i do muster up the courage and ask it, the sky gets dark, the thunders cracks, the lightning streaks across the sky, and the holly wrath of the "hide" is unleased upon me! wasnt everyone on this site, included the holy of holiest lowight himself, new at one time? how is a guy to learn without asking questions? did you pop out of your mother knowing all the answers to all the questions of the world?

for those spelling nazies, deal with it
for the rest of you, this my opinion and not fact, so dont take it to the bank, and i look foward to hearing everyone elses opions </div></div>

Great post kirby. I'm glad someone has finally had the courage to post this here. I agree completely. You have my respect.

P.M. me.

You, me and 2 of my babes can have a 4-way. That is something I only share with people of greatness.


Shankster. </div></div>

I agree w Shankster Kirby. Very good post, & makes some excellent points.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wow, just wow. i love how everyone says "barcom". i think this site should be called shitheads hide......
Too long didn't read, but I just have to ask one question though. Are you for or against the dillo sauce?
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

I use some of LaRue's products. Seem to work for me,but I'm not some kind of commando though.

Do have a question, I did think that most of LaRue's mount were supposed to hold zero, am I correct or has that changed.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Undapresha</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wow, just wow. i love how everyone says "barcom". i think this site should be called shitheads hide......
Too long didn't read, but I just have to ask one question though. Are you for or against the <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">dildo sauce</span></span>? </div></div>

Fixed it for ya.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">for those spelling nazies, deal with it
for the rest of you, this my opinion and not fact, so dont take it to the bank, and i look foward to hearing everyone elses opions</div></div> I actually prefer it when people don't know how to spell simple words, make constant grammar mistakes my 6 year old knows is wrong, and are clueless on what a shift key is. Then it actually tells you what the true intelligence level of the person is.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Poison123</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">snip </div></div>

If we wanted your long winded opinion we would have asked for it. So shut your dick sucker and go else where. </div></div>

you dont have to ask for it, its free, and i have a right to my opinion

and thanks for your opinion </div></div>

Kirby - you are the guy that came into a thread about an optic mount and started bitching about the for sale rules. Read the rules, because you are breaking them.

Keep your unrelated babble out of the threads that are on course.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Redmanss</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">for those spelling nazies, deal with it
for the rest of you, this my opinion and not fact, so dont take it to the bank, and i look foward to hearing everyone elses opions</div></div> I actually prefer it when people don't know how to spell simple words, make constant grammar mistakes my <span style="text-decoration: line-through"> 6 </span> <span style="color: #009900">six</span> year old knows is wrong, and are clueless on what a shift key is. Then it actually tells you what the true intelligence level of the person is. </div></div>

Fixed that for ya- don't want your 6 year old disappointed!
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DP425</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Redmanss</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">for those spelling nazies, deal with it
for the rest of you, this my opinion and not fact, so dont take it to the bank, and i look foward to hearing everyone elses opions</div></div> I actually prefer it when people don't know how to spell simple words, make constant grammar mistakes my <span style="text-decoration: line-through"> 6 </span> <span style="color: #009900">six</span> year old knows is wrong, and are clueless on what a shift key is. Then it actually tells you what the true intelligence level of the person is. </div></div>

Fixed that for ya- don't want your 6 year old disappointed! </div></div> <Insert face palm here>
That's what I get for trash talking first thing in the morning!
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wow, just wow. i love how everyone says "barcom". i think this site should be called shitheads hide.

i have seen numerous "new" people post on here with good question, get absolutley hammered about not filling out their profile(which, why is it so important to fill out your profile? if i want you to know about me, ill tell you) and using the search. i know i have tried to use the search, and it sucks, never find what im looking for. isnt a site like this(like any other forum site about any other subject) a place for people to share and learn? how is a guy supposed to learn about something he is completely new to without asking questions? ive also seen alot of new people on ar15.com, and they seem to be always welcomed and helped. im not saying that site is perfect either, its just more evident when comparing it this site. i dont post here because of this-i dont want to get ridiculed for asking a question about something i dont know, i guess ill have to come up with some magical way to learn without asking questions.

now, i do realize that the above rant had nothing to do with the whole "laure mount" discussion, but i figured with all the other crap in this thread, my rant would fit nicely. i guess ive just had enough, and needed to get it out. but i will touch breifly on the whole laure thing.

first off, i use his mounts and rails. i have a stealth upper, one of his lowers, had an OBR(regretably sold it to buy a bolt gun-plan on getting one back soon) i have used laures customer service, and it was great one time, sucked the next-same goes for any other company's customer serviced i used before-both gun related and non. but just because a companies customer serviced is use, dosent mean they are a bad company. show me a company that makes anything, or dose any kind of service work, that hasnt had some sort of problem were their customer service was used-it happens every minute of everyday-nothing is perfect in this world-inlcluding guns, ammo, optics, and evidently optic mounts.

i just dont get all the stupid he-haw about laure. if you like and use his mounts good, if you dont, also good, but who cares if you do or dont, keep it to yourself. coming on here(or any other site for that matter) and bad mouthing or prasing something is just asking for a battle-youll bring out the fans and haters guarnteed. this goes for any brand of guns, optics, mounts, ammo, whatever.

as for the thing between lowlight and laure, why is anyone else even involved? isnt it between them? why do other people need to even comment on it? yes i know, one of them posted something and thats were it started, but if everyone just leaves it be, it will go away, not to mention what i just said above, why do others need to get involved. yes i know, this brings up the whole giving a free riser deal with laure and this posin guy. i agree with some that mark kinda did that wrong, but if you havent noticed in the past, thats the way mark is(no offense mark if you read this)-im neither a fan or a hater-i just happen to use laure products because i like what i saw, tried them out and so far they work great for my uses. i also use noveske and BCM, which i have alos had great luck with, and i say luck because i know they to have had issues before(and i no, i have no fist hand experience, and im not going to base my facts on what i read on the internet, even thought its always 100% true-im just saying i know nothing is perfect and shit can break/not work no matter who makes its or how its made) and im sorry but i dont care who made the mount or how its made, i dont think any mount is truely 100% repetable zero-and yes again, i have no first had experience and i wont trust internet posts-for those of you that had tested this, and it worked for you, great you have that capability with the gear you have-for what i do and need, i dont need that, and i would bet alot of people here and on ar15.com dont either. i do know that are some people here who actually use their weapons for life and death work,and for those this matters(and for those of you who are in harms way so i can freely type this, thanks you for what you do, no one can ever repay you for what you do and sacrafice). those people have the right to complain that something dosent work, and would bet most of them dont do it on some internet forum.

it seems that these type of sites are becoming more a place to bitch then they are a place to learn and share information

and lastly, as the creator of this site, i dont think i would alow these type of post continue the way they do, but i can see why this particular one is left open, its in his favor, its on his side, its doing his fighting so he dosnet have to get his hands dirty, and in the end can say he had nothing to do with it, it was all his little brown-nosers doing it for him. someone needs to step up, be the better man, and put an end to this crap-this goes for both parties and all involved(which yes, know includes me for participating in this cluster fuck. if mark laure was the owner of this site, i would be saying the exact same thing, like i said, i just like larue products, i dont care who makes them(or if they are even called laure)

and one final thing, that has nothing do with the topic at hand, but has bugged me and i think is stupid. why put a minimum post count in order sell stuff? how can anyone "contriburte" to this site, when they post and basically get yelled at for being new? if im reading a post about something i want to know more about, and i have a questions, well im screwed. i dont dare ask it, for i should just "know" the answer, but if i do muster up the courage and ask it, the sky gets dark, the thunders cracks, the lightning streaks across the sky, and the holly wrath of the "hide" is unleased upon me! wasnt everyone on this site, included the holy of holiest lowight himself, new at one time? how is a guy to learn without asking questions? did you pop out of your mother knowing all the answers to all the questions of the world?

for those spelling nazies, deal with it
for the rest of you, this my opinion and not fact, so dont take it to the bank, and i look foward to hearing everyone elses opions </div></div>

that's a lot of words. can you give me a readers digest condensed version because I don't have all day
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

Bevan, the precis is

1)Just because someone uses and like LaRue products doesn't mean they are brown-nosing the guy who owns the company or agree with everything he says/does.

2) If there are issues between two individuals WTF does it have to do with anyone else and why does anyone else feel the need to perpetuate the problem by continually referring to it?

3) Why is SH sometimes a fairly intolerant and unforgiving environment for newbies seeking help/knowledge? Other sites are more warm and fuzzy!

4) Why do you have to have 50 posts before you can sell anything?

5) What is so important about grammar and spelling when trying to communicate with others?

6) "Forget my profile....if I want you to know more about me, I'll tell you!"

7) It's a piss-off that sites like this are becoming nothing more than a bitching arena (even though kirby's post seems to have had a fair "bitching" content itself?).

Think that's about it.....all reasonable points , if a little off-topic?
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Redmanss</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DP425</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Redmanss</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">for those spelling nazies, deal with it
for the rest of you, this my opinion and not fact, so dont take it to the bank, and i look foward to hearing everyone elses opions</div></div> I actually prefer it when people don't know how to spell simple words, make constant grammar mistakes my <span style="text-decoration: line-through"> 6 </span> <span style="color: #009900">six</span> year old knows is wrong, and are clueless on what a shift key is. Then it actually tells you what the true intelligence level of the person is. </div></div>

Fixed that for ya- don't want your 6 year old disappointed! </div></div> <Insert face palm here>
That's what I get for trash talking first thing in the morning! </div></div>

Couldn't help it- it was really out of humor since using "6" instead of "six" has NOTHING on kirby's refined writing technique!
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BasraBoy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Bevan, the precis is

1)Just because someone uses and like LaRue products doesn't mean they are brown-nosing the guy who owns the company or agree with everything he says/does.

2) If there are issues between two individuals WTF does it have to do with anyone else and why does anyone else feel the need to perpetuate the problem by continually referring to it?

3) Why is SH sometimes a fairly intolerant and unforgiving environment for newbies seeking help/knowledge? Other sites are more warm and fuzzy!

4) Why do you have to have 50 posts before you can sell anything?

5) What is so important about grammar and spelling when trying to communicate with others?

6) "Forget my profile....if I want you to know more about me, I'll tell you!"

7) It's a piss-off that sites like this are becoming nothing more than a bitching arena (even though kirby's post seems to have had a fair "bitching" content itself?).

Think that's about it.....all reasonable points , if a little off-topic?</div></div> Ok so here's some answers:

1) Don't care. Doesn't effect or have anything to do with the site although like anywhere people have their opinions.

2) I agree that a problem between two people is just that. Piling on just makes more internet drama but as most who have been here know that is part of the internet. The bad that goes with the good. But you the members can take care of this easily by moderating yourself and not piling on.

3) SH doesn't suffer fools lightly. Ask the same question three posts up from the same question that was asked a few days earlier then you are going to get told to scroll down or search. Come in here acting like an ass and you will be called on it. Very rarely have I seen a new member come in not doing one of the above two and get welcomed with anything but open arms when trying to learn.

4) Because that is the owner of the site's rules. You don't need to know anymore than that. Don't like it? There are other places to post.

5) Some people get hung up on grammer and spelling. As long as I can get the jist of what is being said I don't really care. Just part of the internet.

6) Because it's actually a rule on the site that to sell you have to have a full profile filled out. From rules for posting items for sale:
"2. You must fill out your profile with a city, state, and email address in your profile."

Most members like to know who they are dealing with and where they are so that for standard postsings you might be near members and possibly be able to help in person or pass on local info.

7) Yes people bitch alot more then they used to and I can tell because i have been on this site for a long time. But it's an easy fix. DON'T BITCH IN YOUR POST! Think before you post. And if you want to bitch then do it in the right section like the Bear Pit. Don't fill up tech forums with complaining. Kirby did just what he was bitching about. Make sense to anyone?

So there are some quick answers. I am sure they wont make everyone happy but such is life.