Rifle Scopes I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jolly roger</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Savage110</div><div class="ubbcode-body">WOW he really is a dooche.
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=2&f=219&t=197986 </div></div>

Good God, I need a towel just from looking at all the drooling, slavish love poured all over that thread. What a bunch of sycophants......


World Class Ass Kissing if I've ever seen it.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

The IRA upper has 23MOA built in and I never saw an issue with the charging handle with a collaspable stock?

How is this a by product of the design when other rifles have it?

The mount here will remain un-named for now, but needless to say the proof will be presented in full HD demonstrating the superior design, then you all can judge on the merit of how it is presented, and most certainly attacked.


It would be interesting to know your personal experience with other AR10 type rifles because you go to extra ordinary lengths to defend your choice. I happen to have a pretty wide base in these and regardless of my feelings for ML I don't see anything that wasn't being done in 2002 here. customer service comments are usually proceeded by an explanation of a problem, 3 personal POFs, and 3 personal GAPs, not to mention the stuff I see weekly and I never once used Customer Service from either in regards to AR10s, my IRA as well.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

Now thats bad LMFAO

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Outsy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 2ndamendfan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">why????????


Cause he is the head douche of the douchiest douches? </div></div>
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: strangedays</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah, I bought an OBR, it had an A2 stock on it, which I decided needed to be converted to a CTR. I ordered everything from an ill informed board sponsor, who thought that AR-15 buffer tubes were interchangeable with AR-10 buffer tubes. The gun stopped working right, and I didn't know it was the wrong product, so I called LT. They emailed me a UPS shipping label to 2-day it to them. When they received it, they told me I had the wrong parts in my gun, they had installed the right parts, and it would be shipped back to me. They did. Total turn around time- a week and a half or so, my door to my door. Including testing at their end- because they "just wanted to make sure."

My total bill- $0.

Am I a fanboy? No. But if you are going to make a quality product and stand behind it, even when I brake it, then that says something about a company. I didn't even buy the gun from them, I bought it off Gunbroker, and they knew that.

Hate on ML because it is the current cool thing to do. Whatever. I'm not going to blindly, fan-boy like defend them, but if he is going to come out with a great product (RISR) and then give it away for free, I refuse to bash him for it, and I think you all should really step back and take a look at yourself for doing so.

Just my experience and my opinion.

-Bob </div></div>
Yeah I read your other post about this before. <span style="font-weight: bold">I have also seen their great costumer service but also Mark knew you would go around selling his product. With sales reps like you he doesn't need any.</span>
Thats what I was saying about his products not selling themselves. </div></div>

Jerry Jones, Cowboy's owner, once said, "I don't care if they're saying bad things about me, or good things about me... just as long as they are talking about me."

Regardless of what intent drives LT's great customer service, the point is that they do have it & that means something to a lot of consumers.
So are we supposed to hate on ML because he takes care of a customer & that customer tells some people about his good experience? Last time I checked word of mouth sold a lot of things for a lot of companies. Do you hate on those companies too? Because they did something right? How many threads have you seen on the net bashing a company for piss poor customer service, but when someone says LT did a good job they are just a "kool aid drinking fan boy"

ML has pride in his company... Can't say I blame him. I'm sure I've said or done some things that pissed people off over the years. Can anyone honestly say that they haven't? An outspoken owner of a company or product designer does not surprise me. I don't recall ML ever claiming to be a role model. What I do know for sure is that I have never been on an open internet forum and called another man a "douche."

LT has enough business with LE/MIL to keep gas in his plane & food on his table. If you don't like ML then don't buy his products, you have that right as a consumer. I don't need to know about it though... Unless you have a genuine concern about LT that you feel the shooting community should be aware of. This thread seems to have been started for nothing else than to bash ML. Might have been nice to actually see some discussion about mounts & learn something.

I know people who ditched multi thousand $$$ LT kits because of all the drama after the 2010 LT multi gun. Lines were drawn. Of course, there are two sides to every story. I mention this because I want it known that I have had to decide on a personal level which side of that line I stood on. What I don't do is get online & tell the whole world about what went into, & what exactly was the drama behind having to make that decision. It's no one's business but my own.

Discuss the design & functionality of a product & I will listen, I will learn, & I will make an informed decision. Name calling on the internet doesn't help me be a better consumer though. If LT turns out a bad product, we'll figure it out, & choose not to buy it. But I can also tell you that if LT turns out the next shooting miracle product I'm not going to let any personal feelings about ML get in the way of having it.

Rant over.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hattori Hanz&#333;</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Discuss the design & functionality of a product & I will listen, I will learn, & I will make an informed decision. </div></div>

Ok, try this... Larue's main product that put them on the map, the QD mounts, are inferior when compared to Bobro and ADM.

Bobro and ADM mounts do not scar up your rails, and both hold zero better than the two larue mounts I had. ADM is my favorite.

Say they all held zero, just for the sake of argument. The ADM has positive locking better than the larue, and has roughly 5 times the bearing surface on the clamp.

Now try to tell a larue fanboy any of that and see if they listen.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Killer Penguin</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hattori Hanz&#333;</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="font-weight: bold">Discuss the design & functionality of a product & I will listen, I will learn, & I will make an informed decision.</span> </div></div>

Ok, try this... Larue's main product that put them on the map, the QD mounts, are inferior when compared to Bobro and ADM.

Bobro and ADM mounts do not scar up your rails, and both hold zero better than the two larue mounts I had. ADM is my favorite.

Say they all held zero, just for the sake of argument. The ADM has positive locking better than the larue, and has roughly 5 times the bearing surface on the clamp.

<span style="font-weight: bold">Now try to tell a larue fanboy any of that and see if they listen. </span> </div></div>

You present logical information that clearly points someone in the direction of a much better product. Whether or not someone chooses that product is up to them. I like you for the information. I don't hate the companies because they may have loyal followings. All I know is that I would be buying the better product. What someone else chooses to buy, I say again, is up to them. This is why some people do better in life. This is why some of us last longer than others, we have something in the space between our ears and we choose to use it.

In short, I could care less about the existence of, or choices made by "the fanboys"

I just want to see more talk about functionality & product design & a lot less about whose got fanboys. Is that asking so much?
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hattori Hanz&#333;</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just want to see more talk about functionality & product design & a lot less about whose got fanboys. Is that asking so much? </div></div>

Yes, because no one wants to be honest these days. Even if they did, most people don't make or spend enough money on gear to where they try the different options for themselves before forming an opinion.

They get on forums like this one and read 50 threads about the items they are choosing from, and then go with the one that most people here like.

Then when someone asks the same question, they will come in saying the one they have is the best, because once upon a time they were told it was the best.

Couple that with the fact that very few people use their gear in a manner that would bring defects to the surface... and you end up with a bunch of fanboys that regurgitate whatever makes them sound cool on the forums they are posting on.

Me? I end up reading as much as I can, then buying what I think will work. If it works, I carry on. If it doesn't, I sell it and buy a different option. This is exactly what happened with my larue QD mounts. I went through 4 different companies in total, and I've settled on the ADM mounts because they fucking rock, not because I have some misguided emotional investment in them. ... and I will tell everyone about my experiences because they are my FIRST HAND accounts of how the products in question work. I didn't read about it... I did the tests for myself and the results were conclusive.

Do I care what someone else uses? Not really. I only care that I hit what I'm aiming at. If I tell someone about my experiences and they choose the one that failed me, I'll think they are a dumbass. Such is my nature.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: strangedays</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DP425</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Okay someone please put this into retard terms- what did larue say can't be done? </div></div>
Ok for retard terms, read the first post!
I have both Larue and ADM mounts and yes I even once owned arms mounts. The arms were hit and miss for me while the larue always worked. The ADM mount works just as good and it never digs into the rail like the Larue mounts. I like having mounts that return to zero when removed. </div></div>

Okay so ML says throw lever mounts can never truly return to zero? And I assume we're talking throw lever like ARMS style, not his style?
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

finally, someone explained it, instead of going on a anti-larue rant. thank you very much. I now understand, and I do believe i have heard him say that before.

if ADM or Bobro had a 10moa (or 20) I would be all over it. really if they build it i will come. But until then Larue it is. Havn't had a problem yet.

WOW such emotion.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: boone</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Savage110</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Bob I dont think you know the backround... this goes way back and is all because Frank said he prefers another mount other then Larue's. ML then flipped a bitch and acted like a little child all over the internet. Poison didn't want to associate himself with Larue anymore so he just sold his OBR taking a huge hit. So now that he doesn't have one anymore ML is going to give away free shit to all OBR owners. Thats a dooche bag move and he is clearly doing it just to tick off Poison, I mean look at the title of the thread...
ML has acted unprofessional this whole time and he continues to do so, and for that reason I wont own anything Larue other the the <span style="font-style: italic">"God bless our troops, especially our snipers"</span> bumper sticker on my truck. </div></div>I understand the debate and I know the story. This is not about that, from what I can tell though. However, it was p123's choice to sell his OBR, he was not forced to do anything. And I don't think ML gave away a bunch of free stuff to be a douche. Think about that really, for just a second. </div></div>

Read my response above. Do I think he gave out free stuff to be to a douche? No, it's starting to look like he gave out free stuff to fix a failure in the design. Then used poison as a scapegoat while pulling the wool over the fanboys eyes. Again am I understanding your statements correctly or is the ability to read between the lines? </div></div>

Yeah ok and every rifle out there that anyone ever had to put a stock pack on is design failure too? Give me a break.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Killer Penguin</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hattori Hanz&#333;</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Discuss the design & functionality of a product & I will listen, I will learn, & I will make an informed decision. </div></div>

Ok, try this... Larue's main product that put them on the map, the QD mounts, are inferior when compared to Bobro and ADM.

Bobro and ADM mounts do not scar up your rails, and both hold zero better than the two larue mounts I had. ADM is my favorite.

Say they all held zero, just for the sake of argument. The ADM has positive locking better than the larue, and has roughly 5 times the bearing surface on the clamp.

Now try to tell a larue fanboy any of that and see if they listen. </div></div>
You put this well, I used only Larue until getting a killer deal on ADM and ran tests on the mount. After running the same tests on the Larue/ADM the same results were found. the ADM does not scar up your rails and returnes zero even after so many times.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hattori Hanz&#333;</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: strangedays</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah, I bought an OBR, it had an A2 stock on it, which I decided needed to be converted to a CTR. I ordered everything from an ill informed board sponsor, who thought that AR-15 buffer tubes were interchangeable with AR-10 buffer tubes. The gun stopped working right, and I didn't know it was the wrong product, so I called LT. They emailed me a UPS shipping label to 2-day it to them. When they received it, they told me I had the wrong parts in my gun, they had installed the right parts, and it would be shipped back to me. They did. Total turn around time- a week and a half or so, my door to my door. Including testing at their end- because they "just wanted to make sure."

My total bill- $0.

Am I a fanboy? No. But if you are going to make a quality product and stand behind it, even when I brake it, then that says something about a company. I didn't even buy the gun from them, I bought it off Gunbroker, and they knew that.

Hate on ML because it is the current cool thing to do. Whatever. I'm not going to blindly, fan-boy like defend them, but if he is going to come out with a great product (RISR) and then give it away for free, I refuse to bash him for it, and I think you all should really step back and take a look at yourself for doing so.

Just my experience and my opinion.

-Bob </div></div>
Yeah I read your other post about this before. <span style="font-weight: bold">I have also seen their great costumer service but also Mark knew you would go around selling his product. With sales reps like you he doesn't need any.</span>
Thats what I was saying about his products not selling themselves. </div></div>

Jerry Jones, Cowboy's owner, once said, "I don't care if they're saying bad things about me, or good things about me... just as long as they are talking about me."

Regardless of what intent drives LT's great customer service, the point is that they do have it & that means something to a lot of consumers.
So are we supposed to hate on ML because he takes care of a customer & that customer tells some people about his good experience? Last time I checked word of mouth sold a lot of things for a lot of companies. Do you hate on those companies too? Because they did something right? How many threads have you seen on the net bashing a company for piss poor customer service, but when someone says LT did a good job they are just a "kool aid drinking fan boy"

ML has pride in his company... Can't say I blame him. I'm sure I've said or done some things that pissed people off over the years. Can anyone honestly say that they haven't? An outspoken owner of a company or product designer does not surprise me. I don't recall ML ever claiming to be a role model. What I do know for sure is that I have never been on an open internet forum and called another man a "douche."

LT has enough business with LE/MIL to keep gas in his plane & food on his table. If you don't like ML then don't buy his products, you have that right as a consumer. I don't need to know about it though... Unless you have a genuine concern about LT that you feel the shooting community should be aware of. This thread seems to have been started for nothing else than to bash ML. Might have been nice to actually see some discussion about mounts & learn something.

I know people who ditched multi thousand $$$ LT kits because of all the drama after the 2010 LT multi gun. Lines were drawn. Of course, there are two sides to every story. I mention this because I want it known that I have had to decide on a personal level which side of that line I stood on. What I don't do is get online & tell the whole world about what went into, & what exactly was the drama behind having to make that decision. It's no one's business but my own.

Discuss the design & functionality of a product & I will listen, I will learn, & I will make an informed decision. Name calling on the internet doesn't help me be a better consumer though. If LT turns out a bad product, we'll figure it out, & choose not to buy it. But I can also tell you that if LT turns out the next shooting miracle product I'm not going to let any personal feelings about ML get in the way of having it.

Rant over. </div></div>
Its funny when your claims about this thread fit Mark Larues own threads on ARFCOM where he starts them to attack a person then adds nothing to the thread thats in a positive way.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The IRA upper has 23MOA built in and I never saw an issue with the charging handle with a collaspable stock?

How is this a by product of the design when other rifles have it?

The mount here will remain un-named for now, but needless to say the proof will be presented in full HD demonstrating the superior design, then you all can judge on the merit of how it is presented, and most certainly attacked.


It would be interesting to know your personal experience with other AR10 type rifles because you go to extra ordinary lengths to defend your choice. I happen to have a pretty wide base in these and regardless of my feelings for ML I don't see anything that wasn't being done in 2002 here. customer service comments are usually proceeded by an explanation of a problem, 3 personal POFs, and 3 personal GAPs, not to mention the stuff I see weekly and I never once used Customer Service from either in regards to AR10s, my IRA as well. </div></div>
I have only had to use DPMS when a magazine broke and they fixed it ASAP, never had a single issue with the rifle. It is funny how many people are talking about their constomer service, must have alot of issues.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The IRA upper has 23MOA built in and I never saw an issue with the charging handle with a collaspable stock?

How is this a by product of the design when other rifles have it?

The mount here will remain un-named for now, but needless to say the proof will be presented in full HD demonstrating the superior design, then you all can judge on the merit of how it is presented, and most certainly attacked.


It would be interesting to know your personal experience with other AR10 type rifles because you go to extra ordinary lengths to defend your choice. I happen to have a pretty wide base in these and regardless of my feelings for ML I don't see anything that wasn't being done in 2002 here. customer service comments are usually proceeded by an explanation of a problem, 3 personal POFs, and 3 personal GAPs, not to mention the stuff I see weekly and I never once used Customer Service from either in regards to AR10s, my IRA as well. </div></div>Frank,

I am certainly no expert, that is for sure. And I was not saying that other mounts out there were not a viable option. In fact, at no point in my posts in this thread, did I say anything about one mount over another. I was merely pointing out that everyone suggesting that ML was a douche bag because he's giving away free RISR's, needs to take a step back and look at what they are saying.

I have no experience with an IRA upper, so I cannot say that they are too high. I can say this- my OBR upper is not too high either, which coupled with the appropriate height rings. It is only when I chose to use the high OBR mount that the optic height became an issue, and I only chose that route because it was included with the rifle when I bought it off gunbroker.

As to my experience with other AR-10's, it is sadly limited. The only other one I have owned is a GAP AR-10 in .260. However, I wasn't defending the OBR over all other comers, only suggesting that it is an option.

For my customer service experience- you are right, customer service only matters when something breaks. However, if you read my post, my rifle "broke" when I installed the wrong parts on it. LT fixed it for free, including covering shipping and giving me free parts, and gave me back the wrong parts. THAT is going above and beyond, in my opinion. Anyone trying to discount that really needs to try to be more objective.

Which brings me to my next point <span style="font-weight: bold">Savage110:</span>Your comment on "they only fixed it because they knew you would act as a free sales rep" is a little bit unrealistic, to say the least. I never told them I post anywhere on the internet when I called with my issue. I am a nobody in the shooting world, and up here in Maine, how much business am I going to drum up for them spreading the good word? Up here, shooters spend an average of $150 on a hunting rifle scope, NO ONE spends $200 on a mount for an optic.

I am not saying the OBR is a better rifle than anyone else'. I am not saying that LT mounts are better than anyone else'. I am saying that their products are quality and that they will back you up if/when you choose to buy them. And my hats off to Mark Larue for giving away free RISRs, even though I won't be receiving one for free- my OBR came with an A2 stock and I bought my CTR elsewhere.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: alpha6164</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why are "certain" replies missing and completely removed and the other half "edited" from yesterday? I thought this is an open board?</div></div>

I've had some of my posts to different topics edited and/or removed, so yes, censorship abounds.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

Well I don't know who is editing anything, but I can promise you I have not edited a single word in this thread or any other... if I edit something I tell you exactly why it was edited... so I will call bullshit on that.

The edited named was removed that something between ML and my self... it tells you when someone edits a thread, so unless a mod is editing something I don;t know about -- nothing is edited.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: B. Melick</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: alpha6164</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why are "certain" replies missing and completely removed and the other half "edited" from yesterday? I thought this is an open board?</div></div>

I've had some of my posts to different topics edited and/or removed, so yes, censorship abounds. </div></div>
I think these two need to stop sniffing the paint. Sometimes we edit our comments to add something that was missed. To make claims that the mods or anyone else for that matter is editing the threads is bull shit in its purest of forms.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fUTDU3Zj6I0"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fUTDU3Zj6I0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done


Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dustin U</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Shankster, I have to hand it to you!! You know how to pour gas on a fire! </div></div>

Like a F'kin top fueler baby!!!

Great job!
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

I don't give a shit about this controversy but effin Shankster you never disappoint. This vid is hilarious & "Those of you who do not know the secret ingredients of our dillo dust spice rub leave now" has me dying!!
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Outsy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 2ndamendfan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">why????????


Cause he is the head douche of the douchiest douches? </div></div>Where do you guys come up with these great one liners!!! LOL
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

shankster said:
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fUTDU3Zj6I0"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fUTDU3Zj6I0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object> [/quote I don't know what you do for a living, but I hope you find a way to keep that up!!! One of the funniest things I've ever seen!!!! (Priceless)
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

wow, just wow. i love how everyone says "barcom". i think this site should be called shitheads hide.

i have seen numerous "new" people post on here with good question, get absolutley hammered about not filling out their profile(which, why is it so important to fill out your profile? if i want you to know about me, ill tell you) and using the search. i know i have tried to use the search, and it sucks, never find what im looking for. isnt a site like this(like any other forum site about any other subject) a place for people to share and learn? how is a guy supposed to learn about something he is completely new to without asking questions? ive also seen alot of new people on ar15.com, and they seem to be always welcomed and helped. im not saying that site is perfect either, its just more evident when comparing it this site. i dont post here because of this-i dont want to get ridiculed for asking a question about something i dont know, i guess ill have to come up with some magical way to learn without asking questions.

now, i do realize that the above rant had nothing to do with the whole "laure mount" discussion, but i figured with all the other crap in this thread, my rant would fit nicely. i guess ive just had enough, and needed to get it out. but i will touch breifly on the whole laure thing.

first off, i use his mounts and rails. i have a stealth upper, one of his lowers, had an OBR(regretably sold it to buy a bolt gun-plan on getting one back soon) i have used laures customer service, and it was great one time, sucked the next-same goes for any other company's customer serviced i used before-both gun related and non. but just because a companies customer serviced is use, dosent mean they are a bad company. show me a company that makes anything, or dose any kind of service work, that hasnt had some sort of problem were their customer service was used-it happens every minute of everyday-nothing is perfect in this world-inlcluding guns, ammo, optics, and evidently optic mounts.

i just dont get all the stupid he-haw about laure. if you like and use his mounts good, if you dont, also good, but who cares if you do or dont, keep it to yourself. coming on here(or any other site for that matter) and bad mouthing or prasing something is just asking for a battle-youll bring out the fans and haters guarnteed. this goes for any brand of guns, optics, mounts, ammo, whatever.

as for the thing between lowlight and laure, why is anyone else even involved? isnt it between them? why do other people need to even comment on it? yes i know, one of them posted something and thats were it started, but if everyone just leaves it be, it will go away, not to mention what i just said above, why do others need to get involved. yes i know, this brings up the whole giving a free riser deal with laure and this posin guy. i agree with some that mark kinda did that wrong, but if you havent noticed in the past, thats the way mark is(no offense mark if you read this)-im neither a fan or a hater-i just happen to use laure products because i like what i saw, tried them out and so far they work great for my uses. i also use noveske and BCM, which i have alos had great luck with, and i say luck because i know they to have had issues before(and i no, i have no fist hand experience, and im not going to base my facts on what i read on the internet, even thought its always 100% true-im just saying i know nothing is perfect and shit can break/not work no matter who makes its or how its made) and im sorry but i dont care who made the mount or how its made, i dont think any mount is truely 100% repetable zero-and yes again, i have no first had experience and i wont trust internet posts-for those of you that had tested this, and it worked for you, great you have that capability with the gear you have-for what i do and need, i dont need that, and i would bet alot of people here and on ar15.com dont either. i do know that are some people here who actually use their weapons for life and death work,and for those this matters(and for those of you who are in harms way so i can freely type this, thanks you for what you do, no one can ever repay you for what you do and sacrafice). those people have the right to complain that something dosent work, and would bet most of them dont do it on some internet forum.

it seems that these type of sites are becoming more a place to bitch then they are a place to learn and share information

and lastly, as the creator of this site, i dont think i would alow these type of post continue the way they do, but i can see why this particular one is left open, its in his favor, its on his side, its doing his fighting so he dosnet have to get his hands dirty, and in the end can say he had nothing to do with it, it was all his little brown-nosers doing it for him. someone needs to step up, be the better man, and put an end to this crap-this goes for both parties and all involved(which yes, know includes me for participating in this cluster fuck. if mark laure was the owner of this site, i would be saying the exact same thing, like i said, i just like larue products, i dont care who makes them(or if they are even called laure)

and one final thing, that has nothing do with the topic at hand, but has bugged me and i think is stupid. why put a minimum post count in order sell stuff? how can anyone "contriburte" to this site, when they post and basically get yelled at for being new? if im reading a post about something i want to know more about, and i have a questions, well im screwed. i dont dare ask it, for i should just "know" the answer, but if i do muster up the courage and ask it, the sky gets dark, the thunders cracks, the lightning streaks across the sky, and the holly wrath of the "hide" is unleased upon me! wasnt everyone on this site, included the holy of holiest lowight himself, new at one time? how is a guy to learn without asking questions? did you pop out of your mother knowing all the answers to all the questions of the world?

for those spelling nazies, deal with it
for the rest of you, this my opinion and not fact, so dont take it to the bank, and i look foward to hearing everyone elses opions
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">snip </div></div>

If we wanted your long winded opinion we would have asked for it. So shut your dick sucker and go else where.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
and one final thing, that has nothing do with the topic at hand, but has bugged me and i think is stupid. why put a minimum post count in order sell stuff? how can anyone "contriburte" to this site, when they post and basically get yelled at for being new?</div></div>

so what are you wanting to sell.............?

P.S. we only use garbage here on shitheads hide so maybe you should hang at barfcom to unload you highspeed gear.....the real braintrust operators chill there......savy?
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Poison123</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">snip </div></div>

If we wanted your long winded opinion we would have asked for it. So shut your dick sucker and go else where. </div></div>

you dont have to ask for it, its free, and i have a right to my opinion

and thanks for your opinion
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cpt.creedmoor</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
and one final thing, that has nothing do with the topic at hand, but has bugged me and i think is stupid. why put a minimum post count in order sell stuff? how can anyone "contriburte" to this site, when they post and basically get yelled at for being new?</div></div>

so what are you wanting to sell.............?

P.S. we only use garbage here on shitheads hide so maybe you should hang at barfcom to unload you highspeed gear.....the real braintrust operators chill there......savy? </div></div>

when did i say i use hightspeed gear? when did i say people hear use garbage? i was just pointing out its hard to for a new guy to contibute and feel welcome hear(i know my original post will make that much more difficult now

and im done on this one
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cpt.creedmoor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i've never not felt welcome here.....even when i was a newb

maybe its you................? </div></div>

Me neither, I wish I could have all the nights back that I spent crying, beaten and broken by the ruffians that frequent this forum....
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cpt.creedmoor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i've never not felt welcome here.....even when i was a newb

maybe its you................? </div></div>

i feel more welcom now, thanks
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

Kirby, if you like I can ban you as you don't like the site or feel welcome and you don't have to worry about posting or reading here again? Your call. Seeing as you don't like "Shithead Hide".

And when did you get yelled at for being new? 14 of your 19 posts has been in the for sale sections of this board buying stuff and 4 more are in this thread and the only other thread was you chastising another member. Seems like you're really not contributing at all except to complain.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Which brings me to my next point <span style="font-weight: bold">Savage110:</span>Your comment on "they only fixed it because they knew you would act as a free sales rep"
When did I say that, you are confusing my posts with someone else's Bob.
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Savage110</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Which brings me to my next point <span style="font-weight: bold">Savage110:</span>Your comment on "they only fixed it because they knew you would act as a free sales rep"
When did I say that, you are confusing my posts with someone else's Bob.
-Felipe </div></div>You're right! My bad, it wasn't yours. I guess I read too fast, lol!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: strangedays</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Yeah I read your other post about this before. I have also seen their great costumer service but also Mark knew you would go around selling his product. With sales reps like you he doesn't need any.
Thats what I was saying about his products not selling themselves. </div></div>
Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Poison123</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kirby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">snip </div></div>

If we wanted your long winded opinion we would have asked for it. So shut your dick sucker and go else where. </div></div>

Re: I Wittnessed what LaRue Said Cannot Be Done

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Savage110</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Which brings me to my next point <span style="font-weight: bold">Savage110:</span>Your comment on "they only fixed it because they knew you would act as a free sales rep"
When did I say that, you are confusing my posts with someone else's Bob.
-Felipe </div></div>You're right! My bad, it wasn't yours. I guess I read too fast, lol!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: strangedays</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Yeah I read your other post about this before. I have also seen their great costumer service but also Mark knew you would go around selling his product. With sales reps like you he doesn't need any.
Thats what I was saying about his products not selling themselves. </div></div> </div></div>
No worries bud.