Cool beans Joe, and way to be a prick about it.
So F-22s are made out of the same shit as the soda can in front of me? Sweet. Except no, they aren't. Similar maybe, but absolutely not the same.
Actually there are probably literally thousands of blends that fall under the name "Aluminum" and not all are created equal. Here is a link, you should read up on it:
Aluminium alloy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - pay extra close attention to this section:
If you want additional reading, you can also stop by:
Aluminum wire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As to where I studied metallurgy - I didn't. My father on the other hand is a retired mechanical engineer who holds plenty of patents for distribution switchgear. Not exactly a metallurgy god, but if he didn't have answers, he knew someone who did.
In my youth I did cars and construction work - Hey dad, why the fuck do the lug nuts on my friends' cheep ass Aluminum wheels seem to become loose every week or two despite having loctite on the threads? Why are those same wheels out of round after those cars have sat in the garage over the winter? He had plenty of plausible answers, but really - what the fuck would he know about it?
I take it all back, I'm a liar. Not once, let alone dozens of times, was I witness to lug nuts becoming loose despite the use of thread locking compounds when I typically used an anti-seize compound. I never saw any of those vehicles turn up with out of round wheels after sitting stagnant in a garage for the winter. I've also never worked on a single house where electrical problems were caused by loose or non-existant connections between the devices and the original Aluminum wiring. And I've never, EVER seen the threads from the head of a Camaro or Corvette LT1 come out still attached to the spark plug.
Juuuust kidding. Its all real, and it all happened.
Either that, or: Hey OP, your problems are all in your head dude. I don't think they have meds for it either. Sorry bout your luck.
ALSO - and I hope you're seated: The Stainless Steel that they make surgical tools out probably isn't the same Stainless Steel that they make your washing machine innards out of, and it certainly isn't the same Stainless Steel that they make (or used to make) the exhaust pipes of most production cars out of. SHOCKING!