If you’re hoping for the Boog, you may be a sociopath!


Nest-stirring pot-poker.
Full Member
  • Jan 17, 2014
    NO AL
    Repost of a post made by a very wise man nearly 5 years ago, predating Coronapocalypse and the term “Boogaloo.”

    I know people have problems. I know no one's life is perfect. Maybe you're unemployed. Maybe you're having a tough time making ends meet. Maybe you can't afford health insurance under our wonderful "Affordable Care Act." Maybe you can't pay your mortgage, or make rent, and you're sick and tired of just squeaking by all the time.

    Welcome to reality. Suck it up, because you're not alone.

    If you believe, even for a nanosecond, that SHTF is a preferable alternative to our imperfect, broken reality of today -- one of two things has happened to you. First, you haven't really thought it through. SHTF / WROL is a semi-romantic notion where you get to rewrite your own miserable reality, or your miserable perception of reality. You think things are at a "tipping point" and the only way to make it all better again is to have a 1776-style reset where all the traitors in government and the weak among our population are weeded out and, once again, the strong (we included, of course) can rebuild a society based upon "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." What a wonderful, almost ennobling thought.

    Dream on, Buckwheat. It ain't going down that way.

    Take the 100 absolute-worst-ever days you've experienced in your lifetime. Now, multiply that by an exponent you choose and compress it all into a single, unbearable day -- and that's your average day post-SHTFWROLTEOTWAWKI. Every. Single. Day.

    NO power. NO stores. NO hospitals. NO restaurants. NO Internet. NO TV. NO where to run or hide. NO one to trust. Friends, family, neighbors all being killed or dying of starvation. It's a time when an abscessed tooth can kill you, or debilitate you to nothing more than a burden on others.

    "That's all OK by me!" you say?

    THAT is what makes you a sociopath... or psychopath... take your pick. It's OK with you that millions, especially young children and the elderly, will suffer and die during SHTF, because, after all, they were "unprepared" for what you saw coming miles away. It was "their own bad choices" that brought the horror down upon their own heads. If they'd just listened before it was too late! The thought that they would just work their jobs, live their lives, and watch TV like nothing would ever happen somehow makes them complicit and deserving of the fate they've chosen for themselves.


    We can take stock of everything that is good in our lives today -- or at least not completely broken, like it will be if the S ever HTF. Chances are, if you're able to read this, you have Internet access, which means you likely have a warm roof over your head, clean clothes on your body, food in your stomach, and a job or some form of income to pay for it all. If you're cold you can turn up the heat. If you're thirsty you can get a glass of whatever choice of 10,000 different beverages on the market (or water). If you're hungry you have a selection of about 500 different restaurant and grocery stores within a 20-mile radius from your immediate location. If you need to get somewhere, you get in your car and go. If you want to be entertained, you turn on the TV, or the Internet, or go to a show or a movie, or just about anything under the sun. If you get sick you go see a doctor -- even if you have no insurance! If you get hurt badly enough an ambulance will take you to the Emergency Room.

    So, you're warm, clothed, fed, comfortable, entertained, living in relative health during the most (statistically) SAFE, secure, and prosperous time in our nation's history -- but it's not good enough. SHTF is what we need to "make things right again." We'd rather focus on black gangs, bad politicians, ISIS, illegal immigration, and a handful of wingnuts holed up in a building in some far-off corner of the country than rather on what matters. Because all these are clear signs the system is about to collapse all around us.

    Yeah, pontiffs gonna pontificate.

    Lastly, there's nothing at all wrong with preparing for the worst, in fact it's prudent. If it comes, then it will come (my Jack Handy Deep Thought of the day). Don't hope for it. Don't wish for it. Be willing to suffer through some intolerable crap to avoid it. SHTF is not some self-proclaimed 3%-er glorious revolution that ends well for anyone. It's when we revert to our lowest common character denominator. Our worst, basest animal instincts of self-preservation. It's not something to be romanticized or pined for. If you think it is, you're either sadly misinformed, or you're just a plain, ol' sociopath.

    All I want for Christmas is to see the traitors behind the coup attempt lined up and shot. With a real .30 caliber rifle. Multiple times. Till frigging dead. I figure the communists now coming out of their closets, will get what they have coming, one at a time. Since I am likely a sociopath, I don’t care if they get their due by Kabar, rifle or suppressed .22. I am an equal-opportunity sociopath :geek:
    All I want for Christmas is to see the traitors behind the coup attempt lined up and shot. With a real .30 caliber rifle. Multiple times. Till frigging dead. I figure the communists now coming out of their closets, will get what they have coming, one at a time. Since I am likely a sociopath, I don’t care if they get their due by Kabar, rifle or suppressed .22. I am an equal-opportunity sociopath :geek:

    Hanging by the neck until dead s a nice alternative and doesnt waste bullets. The rope is re recyclable.
    I don't know about the sociopath or psychopath, however I remember about 30 years ago, a woman I worked with posed a word puzzle about a funeral and who someone was any why they were there. There were several in the group and everyone was tossing in their answers and I just threw in mine without any hesitation. She got a shocked look on her face and told us that was how serial killers thought. Supposedly it was some kind of test. Everyone thought I failed miserably, I kind of thought I passed at the highest in my class. So I still don't know about sociopath or psychopath, but I have the serial killer nailed... so to speak.;)
    I just want to see the communists/traitors/douche-canoes take it hard and dry. Mean enough they never want to take Freedom/Liberty/Capitalism for granted again. They failed history in a safe environment - now they learn history a hard environment.

    Full-on society meltdown? Nah. No thanks. A rather ungentle lesson learned is absolutely needed for a swath of the US population. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Should have learned something in history class, at least that’s why the used to teach it... I think...
    All I want for Christmas is to see the traitors behind the coup attempt lined up and shot. With a real .30 caliber rifle. Multiple times. Till frigging dead. I figure the communists now coming out of their closets, will get what they have coming, one at a time. Since I am likely a sociopath, I don’t care if they get their due by Kabar, rifle or suppressed .22. I am an equal-opportunity sociopath :geek:
    I'd like to see Whoopi Goldberg and that four-eyed ginger hag on The View lined up too because I'm not only a sociopath... or psychopath...I'm also a misogynist. Also throw in Robert De Niro because he's a manbitch.
    All these tools/cry babies talking about wanting a civil war. Can they be more stupid? Have they actually seen war up close?
    Everyone wants “their” kind of change, but a civil war means starving children and a ruined economy for a hundred years. A hundred years! This ain’t the 1800s. Our economy goes down hard, it stays down as others take our spot!
    We are in this f-d up predicament together and that’s how we will either get out of it, or that’s how we will ruin our children’s future.
    All these tools/cry babies talking about wanting a civil war. Can they be more stupid? Have they actually seen war up close?
    Everyone wants “their” kind of change, but a civil war means starving children and a ruined economy for a hundred years. A hundred years! This ain’t the 1800s. Our economy goes down hard, it stays down as others take our spot!
    We are in this f-d up predicament together and that’s how we will either get out of it, or that’s how we will ruin our children’s future.
    If the communist Left wants to throw hard, we throw back harder. America will not become another communist shithole. Thats non negotiable. Thats what would ruin our children's future.
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    It'd be a better read if the author presented a viable means of righting the ship other than role over and go back to sleep, be comfortable in your servitude, and be thankful that it is only as shitty as it is (currently).

    Anyone who hopes for CW is dumb. Point blank. I think there is common ground there.

    There are some other willfully ignorant people that do not understand central banking, the level of corruption at home and world wide, that what is going on has been going on for more than 100 yrs and has been orchestrated to skip around the globe, that there really IS good and evil.

    Take your pick, they are both equally dumb and both routes end in the same place.

    Prayers said and fingers crossed for peace.
    I don't know about the sociopath or psychopath, however I remember about 30 years ago, a woman I worked with posed a word puzzle about a funeral and who someone was any why they were there. There were several in the group and everyone was tossing in their answers and I just threw in mine without any hesitation. She got a shocked look on her face and told us that was how serial killers thought. Supposedly it was some kind of test. Everyone thought I failed miserably, I kind of thought I passed at the highest in my class. So I still don't know about sociopath or psychopath, but I have the serial killer nailed... so to speak.;)
    Just curious, what did you say?
    BTW, I would expect a sociopath or a psychopath to believe they nailed a question that pegged them as such.
    You, comrade.
    Much obliged.

    Maybe my question wasn’t clear. I’m interested in what you think about it, why you reposted it, and what sort of person you think needs to hear those words of wisdom.
    I’ve never been in combat, or seen a civil war up close. I was in Germany during the Yugoslavian civil war, and made friends with some of the folks who fled their homelands. What a nightmare. There’s a lot of daylight between that and seeing it up close for myself, I reckon.
    The lack of ideas on what to do beyond ‘preparing’ for the possibility of widespread violence/CW2 is what prompted my question. Organizing beyond some friends/family/neighbors seems to get everybody looking over their shoulders for feds.

    well according to all the voices in my head we are a kind caring person who could not give a crap about 80% of what other people say or do or maybe it was we are a unkind , prick that cares deeply about what 80% of other people think dam it someone shut Margret up in there crazy old people lol I think i am a kind uncaring prick who could care less what other people think and just want to baNG ON DRUM ALL DAY .
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    If you've ever been to a place with a civil war going on, or even some level of lawlessness, then you'd know that the OP and the person he quoted are absolutely 100% correct. Those who fantasize about that kind of conflict have clearly never seen it.

    Despite what people think, our country is not on the brink of some sort of communist revolution. It's not a "now or never" scenario. We are always one election away of steering the country in on direction or the other. And like a sailboat tacking upwind, it will go in all directions at some point. While that happens, we are all literally in the same boat. Meanwhile, foreign actors are telling us to drill fucking holes in the hull to spite our shipmates. Do not let that happen. As compared to the rest of the world, we are sailing a damn yacht. It would be the best con-job in the history of the world to convince us all to abandon the nicest ship on Earth. Just ride this wave out, keep supporting the politicians you believe in, and keep your eye on the horizon.

    But just in case, buy more ammo.
    While a well informed opinion this sociopath will remain ready, less become
    dependent on others for some form
    of survival.

    I’d rather do the surviving than the purging.
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    Repost of a post made by a very wise man nearly 5 years ago, predating Coronapocalypse and the term “Boogaloo.”

    I know people have problems. I know no one's life is perfect. Maybe you're unemployed. Maybe you're having a tough time making ends meet. Maybe you can't afford health insurance under our wonderful "Affordable Care Act." Maybe you can't pay your mortgage, or make rent, and you're sick and tired of just squeaking by all the time.

    Welcome to reality. Suck it up, because you're not alone.

    If you believe, even for a nanosecond, that SHTF is a preferable alternative to our imperfect, broken reality of today -- one of two things has happened to you. First, you haven't really thought it through. SHTF / WROL is a semi-romantic notion where you get to rewrite your own miserable reality, or your miserable perception of reality. You think things are at a "tipping point" and the only way to make it all better again is to have a 1776-style reset where all the traitors in government and the weak among our population are weeded out and, once again, the strong (we included, of course) can rebuild a society based upon "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." What a wonderful, almost ennobling thought.

    Dream on, Buckwheat. It ain't going down that way.

    Take the 100 absolute-worst-ever days you've experienced in your lifetime. Now, multiply that by an exponent you choose and compress it all into a single, unbearable day -- and that's your average day post-SHTFWROLTEOTWAWKI. Every. Single. Day.

    NO power. NO stores. NO hospitals. NO restaurants. NO Internet. NO TV. NO where to run or hide. NO one to trust. Friends, family, neighbors all being killed or dying of starvation. It's a time when an abscessed tooth can kill you, or debilitate you to nothing more than a burden on others.

    "That's all OK by me!" you say?

    THAT is what makes you a sociopath... or psychopath... take your pick. It's OK with you that millions, especially young children and the elderly, will suffer and die during SHTF, because, after all, they were "unprepared" for what you saw coming miles away. It was "their own bad choices" that brought the horror down upon their own heads. If they'd just listened before it was too late! The thought that they would just work their jobs, live their lives, and watch TV like nothing would ever happen somehow makes them complicit and deserving of the fate they've chosen for themselves.


    We can take stock of everything that is good in our lives today -- or at least not completely broken, like it will be if the S ever HTF. Chances are, if you're able to read this, you have Internet access, which means you likely have a warm roof over your head, clean clothes on your body, food in your stomach, and a job or some form of income to pay for it all. If you're cold you can turn up the heat. If you're thirsty you can get a glass of whatever choice of 10,000 different beverages on the market (or water). If you're hungry you have a selection of about 500 different restaurant and grocery stores within a 20-mile radius from your immediate location. If you need to get somewhere, you get in your car and go. If you want to be entertained, you turn on the TV, or the Internet, or go to a show or a movie, or just about anything under the sun. If you get sick you go see a doctor -- even if you have no insurance! If you get hurt badly enough an ambulance will take you to the Emergency Room.

    So, you're warm, clothed, fed, comfortable, entertained, living in relative health during the most (statistically) SAFE, secure, and prosperous time in our nation's history -- but it's not good enough. SHTF is what we need to "make things right again." We'd rather focus on black gangs, bad politicians, ISIS, illegal immigration, and a handful of wingnuts holed up in a building in some far-off corner of the country than rather on what matters. Because all these are clear signs the system is about to collapse all around us.

    Yeah, pontiffs gonna pontificate.

    Lastly, there's nothing at all wrong with preparing for the worst, in fact it's prudent. If it comes, then it will come (my Jack Handy Deep Thought of the day). Don't hope for it. Don't wish for it. Be willing to suffer through some intolerable crap to avoid it. SHTF is not some self-proclaimed 3%-er glorious revolution that ends well for anyone. It's when we revert to our lowest common character denominator. Our worst, basest animal instincts of self-preservation. It's not something to be romanticized or pined for. If you think it is, you're either sadly misinformed, or you're just a plain, ol' sociopath.

    this falls under the category of the old axiom... "Better Red, Than Dead"... remember that from the old days of the Cold War? 1950's and early 60's? Comes a point where a free man, or woman, realizes they want their progeny to experience the freedoms that we grew up with... That the founding of this country was unique and accomplished by unique men... that people fought for the preservation of what many of us have become complacent with... No OP, you are one of the apologists that would rather give it all up when pushed... you aren't the bully, you are the target of the bully and you want company... no thank you
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    No one wants a Civil War.

    The horror is unimaginable.

    What that party is advocating though is what the Jews counted on and why they willingly went to their deaths.

    They had "Hope".

    "Hope" is virtuous, a good thing.

    Both sides have "Hope" but their "Hopes" are complete opposites, unable to exist in unison.

    This guy knew the horrors of depending on "Hope". Instead of facing the danger before it could fully establish "Hope" kept them static and docile. The machine crushed them and than took them to a place where their "Hope" was removed and replaced with misery and nothing but their amygdala took keep them going.

    This should be understood....it gets posted on here enough.

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn ,
    The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

    Perhaps it is a bad example.

    This man survived his abuse.........but millions more didnt.

    As our language is volatile so is theirs. Do you doubt some mean what they say?

    Hitler posted his blue print in "Mein Kampf" for all to see and everyone ignored it.

    I believe the lefts intentions expressed here....

    It has happened in every country where "Hope" kept people from preventing it.
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    This is on the wrong website. This should be wherever ANTIFA chats, because they’re the ONLY people in the field in open insurrection!

    Wanting to restore the Constitution should not make you a revolutionary in America. Standing against communists should not get you labeled as violent or a sociopath (they’re not human beings anyway).

    These things rightly give you claim to call yourself a patriot.

    Some of us HAVE seen a civil war up close and personal. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, but I also have a low threshold to suffer evils and betray my birthright of liberty for safety and comfort. I pray every day to just stay safe and keep what I have, but if God wills it all to be gone tomorrow it will not shake my faith.

    It’s not going to be the right that resorts to violence. The left is already resorting to violence. They always do. Take ANY leftist policy and it resorts to force as the default. Expecting them to remain peaceful is to completely misunderstand who they are.
    No one but the left want Civil War. Most just want Justice. Civil War happens when there is a perceived lack of Justice. Like the document says "Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed".

    Vote like your Liberty depends on it (because it does) and we shall not worry of Civil War.
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    If "the Boog" is not at least a possibility than the government has all the power.

    As horrible as it would be for one side it would be just as bad for the other.

    It is subversion to suggest it is so horrible it is not an option.

    If anyone really understood what the Founding Fathers gave up for their boog there would be more respect for what they built.

    The Revolution is thought of a "clean" affair with rectangular formations of uniform troops meeting on the field.

    My CW history teacher, a transplanted Virginian, gave an anecdote from the Revolution period of an irregular attack on a loyalist family that left the woman of the house severed breasts nailed to a wall in the house as warning to other loyalists - Nazi type shit? No just base humanity ugliness committed by "the good guys".

    Our govt should daily fear "the boog".

    The issue is they have no fear and are pushing the abuse.

    This is from the Declaration of Independence....

    "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-- "

    Boog is not a lighthearted endeavor and it is only after a period of abuse or when it is determined the abuse will not be corrected.

    That excerpt is exactly why we have 2A.

    The People should not fear the conditions of Boog. Our politicians should fear that they be the target of Boog.
    What is wrong with being a psychopath or sociopath? I mean if you were born that way. It is 2020 embrace who you are and let everyone else deal with it.

    In his book "On Killing" dave Grossman posits that the most effective peeps in combat are sociopaths that can control the condition.

    I dont think so much that they are sociopaths its just that they have rationalized the situation and have come to terms with it in order to function.

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    Yep 100 years of economic depression guaranteed, just like from 1860-1960. :ROFLMAO: :LOL: :ROFLMAO:

    Where the fuck do people come up with this shit?

    Really there were no stores and hospitals during the civil war? :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::rolleyes: And why are the county power COOP's in my area going to stop making power? No one to trust either, jeez......

    I think whomever wrote that is full of shitakke, and clearly wrote it for social engineering purpose, and not because any of it is remotely reasonable or true. Some if it will be true for some, it is just fear mongering for most of us, whose lives I am sure would change somewhat, but to act like its some post apocalyptic hell scape where robots roam the earth killing everyone in their path. Na, most of us would never even see any shots fired.
    If it takes war, whatever form that's required, then so be it.

    Any American not willing to defend this country, defend the Constitution or their families and communities doesn't deserve to live here.

    Personally, I hope this can be avoided. Maybe it will, but today NObody can say either way with certainty.

    As far as the psychology... I'll take a sociopath in my fire team over a fucking commie anytime.

    The world needs killers. It's a plain and simple fact. Some fuckers need killing.

    But maybe..after the smoke settles from this election we can attempt to actually repair this country without the primal violence and destruction it would require to go hard against these commies.

    Either way, we win. Unless our side would rather just stay at home under their roof, warm,fed and self medicated.

    I could go on, but I'm sure I've already given the Fusion center enough.

    Don't get me started on Bush or the Republicans and their patriot act garbage.
    All I want for Christmas is to see the traitors behind the coup attempt lined up and shot. With a real .30 caliber rifle. Multiple times. Till frigging dead. I figure the communists now coming out of their closets, will get what they have coming, one at a time. Since I am likely a sociopath, I don’t care if they get their due by Kabar, rifle or suppressed .22. I am an equal-opportunity sociopath :geek:
    I'm more sociopath than you. I want them slowly immersed starting with the feet in a giant acid vat. Completely erased.
    If it takes war, whatever form that's required, then so be it.

    Any American not willing to defend this country, defend the Constitution or their families and communities doesn't deserve to live here.

    Personally, I hope this can be avoided. Maybe it will, but today NObody can say either way with certainty.

    As far as the psychology... I'll take a sociopath in my fire team over a fucking commie anytime.

    The world needs killers. It's a plain and simple fact. Some fuckers need killing.

    But maybe..after the smoke settles from this election we can attempt to actually repair this country without the primal violence and destruction it would require to go hard against these commies.

    Either way, we win. Unless our side would rather just stay at home under their roof, warm,fed and self medicated.

    I could go on, but I'm sure I've already given the Fusion center enough.

    Don't get me started on Bush or the Republicans and their patriot act garbage.

    Cant be any worse than going to iraq or Afghanistan.....🤣🤣🤣🤣
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    Yeah, yeah, yeah.
    Civil war, kill leftards, commies, people that don't smell like fried chicken.

    Do any of you really believe a civil war is a viable option?

    I do agree though, that MOA adherents, are a very strange kind of peculiar.🙃

    Looking forward to your election saga today.
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