Good ones from everyone.
Mine would be abolishing ATF and DEA and repealing all gun and drug laws. Anyone incarcerated for those offenses would be pardoned (for those offenses only).
All future crime will have the following penalties. Murder, rape, and child abuse/molestation will be a death sentence, with one appeal 6 months after conviction, if the appeals court confirms the conviction, execution happens within 72 hours afterwards. All other felonies will be punishable by public flogging or caning. The number will be 1 lash for every two months that would have formerly been spent in prison for the maximum sentence possible with the crime you were charged with. Misdemeanor offenses will be punished by public humiliation, such as the stocks, or by caning/flogging, at the judges discretion, and based on prior history. Repeat offenders would be declared habitual offenders, just like habitual traffic offenders, and future crimes will be handled as felonies.
Two term limits for congress, with no retirement and their pay is the national average +10% to cover travel expenses. Their travel will be standard commercial, not government funded. Congress will live under all laws they pass, no special laws for them, and no exempting themselves from any law.
End all charity programs at the federal level,including any subsidies to any entity or individual. All charity would be handled at the state/local level.
End all foreign aid.
Repeal the Patriot act and NDAA.
Repeal the 17th.
The tax code would be changed to dividing the federal budget by the number of citizens and that quotient is everyone's tax bill. Withholdings are eliminated. Your taxes are to be paid one week before election day. That would quickly make folks re-evaluate what is actually needed government services.
Build a southern wall. Find and deport every illegal in the country. A $10,000 per day, per person fine for every illegal found working at any business, for the first offense. 2nd offense is a 5 year revocation of holding ANY business license,plus the fines are tripled.
All citizens will serve a 4 year term, in the military, or as a police officer, fireman, medic, or nurse.
All lawsuits will be attached with a loser pays proviso. Repeated frivolous lawsuits would result in a felony charge for the plantiff and/or lawyer.