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Illegals and Stimulus Checks

Funny how you hate em now but when you need your lawn mowed, house painted or just need some cheap labor they are exactly who you look for.

Oh not to mention they keep Social Security afloat.

I’m not saying I agree with being in this country illegally.

There’s a reason the government won’t just grandfather them all in. Because we need them to keep pitching and never take out.

I’m more upset by lazy ass Americans that REFUSE to work.

I see the landscapers, roofer, day laborer, cement worker, handyman out there still working all while my colleague takes sabbatical because it’s scary to work right now.

I’m not getting a check. You are all illegal immigrants to me.
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Funny how you hate em now but when you need your lawn mowed, house painted or just need some cheap labor they are exactly who you look for.

Oh not to mention they keep Social Security afloat.

I’m not saying I agree with being in this country illegally.

There’s a reason the government won’t just grandfather them all in. Because we need them to keep pitching and never take out.

I’m more upset by lazy ass Americans that REFUSE to work.

I see the landscapers, roofer, day laborer, cement worker, handyman out there still working all while my colleague takes sabbatical because it’s scary to work right now.

I’m not getting a check. You are all illegal immigrants to me.

Come on man. They didn’t take enough time to actually read what that article said beyond the headline. Shit even the quotes were carefully crafted to to ensure maximum triggering for the lowest common denominator.

I’m sure it would really piss them off to know I’ve been dropping $50 into the tip jar for the two Mexican resident aliens that make my breakfast burritos three times a week as a matter of principal... since Mar 6.
When I still owned my own house, I did my own shit around the place. Never once hired an illegal. They are illegals which means they're not US citizens, they're not paying taxes, so they can just get the fuck out of my country. No stimulus check for you!!!

And to the asshats trying to get this shit passed, pull your lame heads out of your asses for once in your life!

So if someone pays taxes into our system, isn’t entitled to their check... because, tHeY bE FoRIGneRs?

It clearly says those with an SSN and ITIN. You know many illegals paying taxes and being tracked by the IRS?

and exactly how many illegals pay taxes..........what’s the percentage to those paying taxes to those just putting more of a burden on legal residents of this country. Stop spewing your liberal BS here. It holds exactly zero water.
Yeah, I can guarantee that the illegals are not filing tax returns or paying taxes. It's doubtful they make enoughto owe any taxes. If they are filing returns, it's with stolen SSNs, claiming earned income tax credit, child tax credit etc. In other words, they are stealing from those of us who do pay taxes.
Yeah, I can guarantee that the illegals are not filing tax returns or paying taxes. It's doubtful they make enoughto owe any taxes. If they are filing returns, it's with stolen SSNs, claiming earned income tax credit, child tax credit etc. In other words, they are stealing from those of us who do pay taxes.

But how about the illegals working and doing taxes with itin numbers?They are paying taxes everytime they get a paycheck. They are paying into social security, medicare, and federal tax.
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But how about the illegals working and doing taxes with itin numbers?They are paying taxes everytime they get a paycheck. They are paying into social security, medicare, and federal tax.

Illegals can not obtain a ITIN.

An ITIN, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, is a tax processing number only available for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get a Social Security Number (SSN). It is a 9-digit number, beginning with the number "9", formatted like an SSN (NNN-NN-NNNN).

A resident and/or non-resident alien is a person legally working in the US.


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Sooo, they are either on a work visa which is fine or whatever, or they got someone else‘s ssn. Aka identify fraud. You can’t make up a bank account without a valid ID, and ssn, unless we are talking about Bank of America who was all about it. You can’t own or possess a firearm, but some illegals do. I’m pretty sure you need a ssn for health insurance. Soooo, heres the work around besides identity theft, any and all illegals who meet this low standard can obtain a SSN.

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Abolish welfare for the physically abled and a large number of illegals would be without a job.

Also, if anyone actually thinks illegals are keeping SS floating you need to put down the crack pipe for a little while.
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But how about the illegals working and doing taxes with itin numbers?They are paying taxes everytime they get a paycheck. They are paying into social security, medicare, and federal tax.
And the statistics I've seen show that they're STILL a net negative, still collecting more in benefits than they pay for.
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When I still owned my own house, I did my own shit around the place. Never once hired an illegal. They are illegals which means they're not US citizens, they're not paying taxes, so they can just get the fuck out of my country. No stimulus check for you!!!

And to the asshats trying to get this shit passed, pull your lame heads out of your asses for once in your life!

Same here. I had never hired an illegal even once. Everything in this world happens on a cause and effect basis. The reason why there are so many goddamn illegals here in the first place is BECAUSE of a substantial portion of lazy American citizens who do not want to work and instead, they plop their fat asses in front of a game console jerking off and smoking weed all fucking day. And worst of all, you got a new generation of "emotional counselors" and "therapists" who are telling these fucking kids that "too much hard work is bad for you". If somebody ever gets into my face and dares to tell me that "working hard is bad for you", I will instantly curse them the fuck out and tell them to engage in various unnatural acts with farm animals or another member of their own families. A significant portion of our country's population has turned into lazy, cowardly, entitled, and weak ass emotional faggots. We are creating an environment that the illegals are only too eager to exploit and fill. When you fail to air out a coat closet during monsoon season and your expensive jackets are soon covered in mold and mildew, do you really blame the fungal spores for being what they are, or do you blame yourself for not airing the place out soon enough and installing anti-humidity deterrents? Same deal goes with the hunters who forget to clean their muzzleloaders, only to find them happily rusted by the next deer season opening day...
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Sooo, they are either on a work visa which is fine or whatever, or they got someone else‘s ssn. Aka identify fraud. You can’t make up a bank account without a valid ID, and ssn, unless we are talking about Bank of America who was all about it. You can’t own or possess a firearm, but some illegals do. I’m pretty sure you need a ssn for health insurance. Soooo, heres the work around besides identity theft, any and all illegals who meet this low standard can obtain a SSN.

So by your logic, people with a SSN shouldn’t get a check either, because there is a possibility for identity theft by illegals?

I guess if I were a selfish ass, I’d be good with this. I won’t get a check, nor will my employer, doesn’t matter to me all the poors will suffer from this, and big business gets another bag of money.
The stimulus checks are 100% US taxpayer money. If you do not pay taxes, you should not get a check. If you are not a lawful citizen, you should not get a check. I already have enough of MY hard earned money going into other people's wallets who does not deserve a single cent. Enough is enough. Predatory intrusion into the financial assets of hard working people is the number one cause of violence, revolution, coups, and retribution campaigns throughout history. What goes for the past still applies today.
LoL @ the lefty elitist attitudes we have come to expect...

I mean who is going to mow our lawns? How about doing what a vast vast majority of people in fly over country do and cut your own fucking grass...haha.

How interesting. In every single conversation I have read on this subject, the leftist argument is always the same. It shows what leftists really think about immigrants. Someone who serves you...who you can pay a non living wage...and then virtue signal how just woke you are. Sorry, its not working anymore.

And who said anything about hate? FFS, stop being so emotional and over dramatic. I dont hate anyone, nor really think myself above anyone. I do however feel strongly that if we are to contribute to the social programs and services then EVERYONE should have skin in the game. From top to bottom.

As for Americans being lazy. Sure there are plenty. Lots of reasons, from having less access to opportunity, leftists policies that perpetuate, to just being full-on lazy assholes.
I’m sure the illegals are hurting like everyone else in this, probably worse than many because they are working low wage service jobs. How about we offer them a free one way trip home if things are to bad for them here? Perhaps if they all register to receive the checks we’ll know where to send ICE to pick them up. Their legal anchor baby is welcome to go with them and legally return to the US at age 18. I’m guessing the possibility of deportation would scare most of them away from registering, at least while Trump is in office.

Illegals are here for a better life for them and their families than would be possible in the “shithole country“ from which they came. Just like the economic migrants streaming into Europe the last few years, the higher wages plus free shit is the draw. Big business is the largest benefactor of the cheap labor, especially agriculture, but Americans aren’t willing to go pick lettuce in a hot field for minimum wage (or less). I know there are plenty of illegals contributing to our system (sales tax, paying payroll taxes on a stolen SSN), but they are also taking from our system (Education, welfare, food stamps, obama phones, etc). I have seen the car wash guys throw away their W2‘s when their employer hands them out. I asked one of them about filing taxes and he laughed at the question. If they are contributing to the tax base I can understand the logic of them being entitled to certain things. The fact of the matter is that they aren’t citizens or legal residents and therefore aren’t entitled to the benefits extended to those who are. I’m not trying to vilify illegals who come here to work, instead I’d prefer a good guest worker program where they are allowed in the country up to half the year to work, and they are exempt from paying SS and Medicare taxes so there is no question they aren’t entitled to benefits later.

As for those illegals supposedly getting an ITIN and filing taxes, I think that is a farce. Filing for the ITIN requires documention of alien status. Once again, I don’t see many of them volunteering their info to the feds to get deported.

To obtain an ITIN, you must complete IRS Form W-7, IRS Application for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. The Form W-7 requires documentation substantiating foreign/alien status and true identity for each individual. You may either mail the documentation, along with the Form W-7, to the address shown in the Form W-7 Instructions, present it at IRS walk-in offices, or process your application through an Acceptance Agent authorized by the IRS. Form W-7(SP), Solicitud de Número de Identificación Personal del Contribuyente del Servicio de Impuestos Internos is available for use by Spanish speakers.
Funny how you hate em now but when you need your lawn mowed, house painted or just need some cheap labor they are exactly who you look for.

Oh not to mention they keep Social Security afloat.

I’m not saying I agree with being in this country illegally.

There’s a reason the government won’t just grandfather them all in. Because we need them to keep pitching and never take out.

I’m more upset by lazy ass Americans that REFUSE to work.

I see the landscapers, roofer, day laborer, cement worker, handyman out there still working all while my colleague takes sabbatical because it’s scary to work right now.

I’m not getting a check. You are all illegal immigrants to me.
They are not legally married. "wife" goes on welfare claiming she doesn't know who the father is. That's one paycheck. "husband" works under the table, or steals a ssn to work. That's two paychecks. Couple filed for their kids with the child tax credits. That's three paychecks. All while the US pays for the kids education, meals and subsidized housing thru section 8. They think the US is full of stupid gringos and take and take.
FYI, my grandparents came to the US, legally from Mexico, worked the fields, gained their US citizenship and never took dime one from the government. They worked and bartered. This whole thing pisses me off to no end.
The Dems see their black house niggers getting educated and turning on them so the Dems need new niggers to replace them with.
LoL @ the lefty elitist attitudes we have come to expect...

I mean who is going to mow our lawns? How about doing what a vast vast majority of people in fly over country do and cut your own fucking grass...haha.

How interesting. In every single conversation I have read on this subject, the leftist argument is always the same. It shows what leftists really think about immigrants. Someone who serves you...who you can pay a non living wage...and then virtue signal how just woke you are. Sorry, its not working anymore.

And who said anything about hate? FFS, stop being so emotional and over dramatic. I dont hate anyone, nor really think myself above anyone. I do however feel strongly that if we are to contribute to the social programs and services then EVERYONE should have skin in the game. From top to bottom.

As for Americans being lazy. Sure there are plenty. Lots of reasons, from having less access to opportunity, leftists policies that perpetuate, to just being full-on lazy assholes.

Just got done mowing the yard. Did it myself. But I did use slave labor (my kids) to weedeat and till the little garden.

Trying like the devil to find the Lord
Working like a n....
Funny how you hate em now but when you need your lawn mowed, house painted or just need some cheap labor they are exactly who you look for
Funny how you assume most of us need someone to mow our lawn, paint the house or need someone to do things around the house. Can’t say I’ve ever hired an illegal to get shit done for me. Don’t have any friends who’ve done it either now that I think about it. We just roll up our sleeves and get it done ourselves.
Funny how you assume most of us need someone to mow our lawn, paint the house or need someone to do things around the house. Can’t say I’ve ever hired an illegal to get shit done for me. Don’t have any friends who’ve done it either now that I think about it. We just roll up our sleeves and get it done ourselves.

but you sure dont mind getting served by illegals when you go out to eat and stuff your face. Buying vegetables and fruits at the store picked by illegals. Illegals have done shit for you. If you dont like that then dont go out to eat. Dont buy shit in stores. Grow all your fruits and vegetables. Im not for illegals. But its hilarious that just because you havent hired one to mowe your lawn you think they havent done shit for you. So unless youre self sufficient and grow all your own food, sit your ass down and dont make that argument.

and i agree. Illegals should not get a dime of this stimulus check. And they should not expect it. The job of the government is to look after its people. Thats why we love TRUMP. Because he puts Americans First.

but i also dont believe every American should be getting a stimulus check either. If youve been affected by the virus fine. But for the rest of the bunch that is still working hard, it should be business as usual.this is just going to fuck all of us when we file our taxes next year. Nothing is FREE.
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Sounds awfully familiar...
:unsure: :rolleyes:

Those fields are going to rot in place. LoL.

How about paying a wage that will entice employment. And yes, it will raise the cost of those fruits and veggies. But at the same time increase tax revenue possibly decrease tax burden needed for social services...but cant have that. Master needs his profits!