I'm a big fan of Owls personally...

LOL, I'm joking (slightly) but yeah- who doesn't love a good bear gun argument. Just been pitching that the Marlin SBL would fit awfully nice above the fireplace mantle (you know, just in case ;)).

Family is protected, I get a new (albeit slightly ridiculous rifle) under the guise of necessity that harkens back to our forefathers that colonized this great country...

Anywho that's the story I'm selling, wife isn't buying it but dollars to doughnuts, the very 1st night we have a bear in our backyard, it's going to be my "fault" that we don't have a "bear rifle" at the ready to protect (not us) but our 4 legged pets. Not joking about that either, once the trash can gets flipped and the wife is watching it happen, yep it'll be "bear rifle time" for the exact same reasons I was pitching already.

Any other married fella's out there- help me out with a nod that I'm speaking the truth.

A few years ago, 150 yards behind our house:


Coincidentally, I'll be using a 45-70 for deer.
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I live in what is definitely the suburbs in a small townhouse community...very nice townhouses but nonetheless with wild woods right behind me that are part of a city park. I've been hearing an owl hooting outside for last 2 years. When I hoot back, it seems to fuck it up for a bit...then goes back to hooting. lol I've only seen it in silhouette and have no idea what kind. But this is in Maryland so pretty sure its a smaller common owl type.

In any case, no more little bunnies or chipmunks and I used to see quite a few. Also prob due to red fox I've also seen prowling around. Too bad the owl can't take down one of these &$(%* deer that keep eating our landscaping. They are so use to not being threatened (shoot one where I live and its a long time in jail) that you have to honk your horn out them to get them to move out of the damn way.
My old place had a big oak out back with a breeding pair of bald eagles that nest in it.
A land clearing company out here clearing off property for more developement supposedly dozed down a hollow oak den tree that had been used by many generations of Great Horned Owls. They said they found small dog and cat collars, some with vet tags dating back years.

Fucking serial killer owls. Seriously, Great Horned Owls are some apex predators.
A land clearing company out here clearing off property for more developement supposedly dozed down a hollow oak den tree that had been used by many generations of Great Horned Owls. They said they found small dog and cat collars, some with vet tags dating back years.

Fucking serial killer owls. Seriously, Great Horned Owls are some apex predators.
Yeah they give zero shits lol

The craziest part is how silent owls are flying, they can go right over you and you don’t hear shit. They have serrated wing tips that break up vortices
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We have a nasty group of town-crows here that behave like a gang of angry barking dogs. During “open window season” they start in about 4:00-5:00 am and sporadically throughout the day. While outside working and enjoying a peaceful summer morning, they like to pretend to be 1%ers heckling a lone jap-bike rider…. 🐦‍⬛

Having tried a variety of recorded predator bird sounds, I have found owls sounds best to scare them off. Usually a few runs and they decide to party and smash bottle elsewhere.

I have on occasion accidentally called owls into the area, which can be heard peacefully hooting throughout the night. The neighbors always are grateful….. 🦉
My parrot mimics the local murder of crows now.
We do have at least one owl too. My little dog would refuse to do her business at night if he was out and about.
And we’re in the middle of suburbia.
We have a nasty group of town-crows here that behave like a gang of angry barking dogs. During “open window season” they start in about 4:00-5:00 am and sporadically throughout the day. While outside working and enjoying a peaceful summer morning, they like to pretend to be 1%ers heckling a lone jap-bike rider…. 🐦‍⬛

Having tried a variety of recorded predator bird sounds, I have found owls sounds best to scare them off. Usually a few runs and they decide to party and smash bottle elsewhere.

I have on occasion accidentally called owls into the area, which can be heard peacefully hooting throughout the night. The neighbors always are grateful….. 🦉
I had a bunch that would sit over my old deer stand raising hell so I bought a predator call with crow calls. They’d haul ass when I’d set off distress calls.