Independent voters...WTF?

Perhaps I can answer the question. Myself and many of the folks I know are very conservative and have never voted for a democrat. We have all "been" registered republicans. We recognize that D's are generally anti conservative policy. However, the R party has become nothing more than the Rhino party. They did their best to help torpedo the citizens President. Recall all the BS that came from "our" party when Trump was running and and after he was elected. We began to dislike the Rhinos more than the D's.

At least we knew where the D's stood and we were opposed to them and still are. We will continue to vote R, but I hate it when I have to hold my nose and turn my head away in order to vote for a rhino like Romney. After the rhinos helped pass the infrastructure bill, the gun control bill and keep giving $$$$$ to the Ukraine with no accountability, we all said enough and changed to independent.

Our values have not changed and we will continue to vote R, even when it is to oppose a D and or vote for the least of the 2 evils. The true conservative R party has left us, not the other way around.

The bottom line is that most politicians are nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. They go behind the curtain and laugh and make deals that only line their own pockets and those that own them. Then they come out from behind the curtain and put on their fake war face and talk smack on the other party/candidate etc. The simple truth is that they will do whatever makes themselves and their partners the most money--even though they are trashing our rights.

I will never vote D, but am getting disgusted voting R. I will continue to do it, but the powers that be are not our friends. I decided that I didn't want to be a registered R due to the rhino idiots. In conclusion, I am a hard core supporter of the 2nd amendment. But don't ever think the "gun industry" supports the 2nd. If in doubt, do the research to see how the worse gun control act was passed. The 68 gun control act. Also, you should have seen the number of gun industry folks who were extremely pissed off that Hillary lost. The 2017 SHOT show was a real eye opener.

Cheers, Steve
If you believe your vote matters Steve, nothing will ever change if you continue to hold your nose and vote for the “lesser of two evils”. Stop doing that. It causes far more harm than good although at this point I believe we are far to gone and it matters none how anyone votes. Too late.
Whaat?! What’s the reasoning behind wanting Rodham to win??
MONEY. If you will recall, guns, ammo and gun related products were being bought at an incredible rate--at inflated prices. Plus, add in the fact that many wholesalers, distributors, dealers and manufacturers had warehouses filled with product that they were hording. They intentionally were slowing the supply, and raising prices. They were so looking forward to a Hillary win and they could then rape the consumer with outrageous prices while the demand would continue to spike.

The last laugh was on them as Trump won and the demand came to a screeching halt. Then all the greedy gun industry folks got killed. They had excess inventory. Many took a loss and and some went BK. Hence, always follow the $$$$ and you will get the answer. At SHOT in 2017, many people were pissed off. Don't ever think the gun industry supports us or the 2nd. They only support money. If they think they can make more money from gun control, they are all in. Same as politicians. After researching how the 68 gun control law came to be, the real anger is clear.

Cheers, Steve

P.S. Remember when colt agreed with a certain President and announced they would no longer sell those nasty, horrible, black rifles to civilians? Colt figured they would get a certain government contract that they were bidding on. Guess what, it went to FN and then colt ended up in BK. Sold out by our own for the sake of money.
they stand for something but it's mostly the desire for socialism except it's not enough for them to just move to a communist country they want to ruin what you have to make what they want . Bernie Sander's buddies but at least you know where he stands rhino's are scarier the look and run like republicans but vote for the dims' idea's like a wolf in sheep's cloths two faced , and evil ( almost like a terrorist sleeper cell ) .:rolleyes::unsure::oops: besides with idependant voters every state would be blue republican's need the numbers of independant voters to come close to but never out numbering democratic numbers sadly the dims do have that advantage
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If you believe your vote matters Steve, nothing will ever change if you continue to hold your nose and vote for the “lesser of two evils”. Stop doing that. It causes far more harm than good although at this point I believe we are far to gone and it matters none how anyone votes. Too late.
I agree and disagree. Are we too far gone? Maybe. In regards to voting for the lesser of the 2 evils, I must, and will continue to do so. Perhaps by doing that nothing will change. However, by not doing that, I then contribute to the greater of the 2 evils.

Cheers, Steve
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I've been a registered independent for 20 years now and typically vote conservative. This year in OR we have a lifelong Democrat running as an independent. No republican has a shot in OR, but this lady does. She's also a class 3 FFL holder that loves full auto guns, pro LE to do their job, and sick of the homeless crap plaguing our state. If she could sway some moderate dems and the conservatives, she'd have a fighting chance. Won't happen and we'll be stuck with the ultra liberal lesbian instead.....
I'm an independent voter, and I stand for a lot of things. The most germane among them is my absolute loathing of both the democrap and republiprick parties. There are very few people serving more then a single term in either party who isn't an absolutely corrupt piece of shit.

I generally vote republican, because they are marginally less despicable, but I generally align more with what a libertarian is supposed to be. Leave me the fuck alone, stop stealing my money and wasting it, and we will all get along just fine.
The president is chosen by the dumbest voters in the country. Here me out: The Rs with vote R. The dumocrats will vote D. Nothing will change either votes and they are about 50/50.

Its the undecided that are the difference. If it is a week before the election, the candidates are polar opposites, and you still don't know who you are voting for, you are the dumbest voters in the county and you get to pick our president.
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Your can't really be an independent..... Each of the two parties has a platform.... One for America (mainly) and the other to destroy America. You agree with either one or the other. How can you flip flop between hot and cold or black and white?? The idiots that make my head explode are the ones that say I vote for the candidate I like??? Really? So if the candidate is handsome and a good speaker, but belongs to Satan, he gets your vote. Kill me....
The president is chosen by the dumbest voters in the country. Here me out: The Rs with vote R. The dumocrats will vote D. Nothing will change either votes and they are about 50/50.
There is no way that most major election outcomes have been 51/49 for the past 20-30 years. Ever since electronic voting machines hit the scenes, my trust in the process went way down. After the obvious 2020 election fraud, no one with any analytical skills should trust them at all.
I'm an independent voter, and I stand for a lot of things. The most germane among them is my absolute loathing of both the democrap and republiprick parties. There are very few people serving more then a single term in either party who isn't an absolutely corrupt piece of shit.

I generally vote republican, because they are marginally less despicable, but I generally align more with what a libertarian is supposed to be. Leave me the fuck alone, stop stealing my money and wasting it, and we will all get along just fine.
I second this... as a 20 year registered I

Both parties suck!