In retrospect talking about the CLI was very dumb. I often forget how most regular people are quite averse to terminal commands.
All that said, I would probably be interested in buying a few if it's a T-Deck with GPS added and in a nice case.
All good totally understand

I encourage collaboration and help with like minded individuals as yourself. We just have to be on the same page from the get go so the thread stays tame and uncomplicated; confusion due to complexity can cause disinterest. Plus I don't want to hoard the for sale thread section lol.
The custom firmware is already done. There are just differences from this firmware, and I don't want to refer meshtastic too often to avoid confusion.
Meshtasic firmware is a viable option but the chat capabilities won't be as enjoyable. And we both know that's what this devices use case is

I'll be placing an order for 50+ shortly and I already have 30 boxes of 3d printing filament. I'll be using a higher end Prusa printer.
3000 mah battery instead of the 500mah in these listed devices; Do to the GPS and screen consumption. The 18650 version will be slightly different but will appease those that want the removable quick swap option. I'll keep this listing updated as parts come in.
I will be posting photos of the 18650 case design and easy access battery door to make sure everyone likes the latching mechanism.
Thank you for your response; your reply was awesome

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