Unpopular opinion here I know.
But imagine if the US had sent a squadron of F22s to Ukraine and said they were enforcing a no fly zone on behalf of Ukraine.
Could've tested out the shinny toys in actual combat as well as get some experience for all the crews involved.
As well as sending a message to the rest of the world of FAFO.
Obviously none of these conflicts are the Wests conflicts, but having messed up most of the regions for the past few decades (and some) they will be held responsible or atleast scapegoated.
Just going hands off seems to not have been the best idea and in the sake of Afghanistan gave the Taliban some shinny new equipment.
In the 1930s/40s it was possible for th US to sit back and say not our problem you sort it out, to the Europeans.
Not sure that'll work this time around, especially after decades to playing World Police.
But imagine if the US had sent a squadron of F22s to Ukraine and said they were enforcing a no fly zone on behalf of Ukraine.
Could've tested out the shinny toys in actual combat as well as get some experience for all the crews involved.
As well as sending a message to the rest of the world of FAFO.
Obviously none of these conflicts are the Wests conflicts, but having messed up most of the regions for the past few decades (and some) they will be held responsible or atleast scapegoated.
Just going hands off seems to not have been the best idea and in the sake of Afghanistan gave the Taliban some shinny new equipment.
In the 1930s/40s it was possible for th US to sit back and say not our problem you sort it out, to the Europeans.
Not sure that'll work this time around, especially after decades to playing World Police.