Hunting & Fishing Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

I posted a post earlier on the first page in regards to this topic. Here is a pic of the outcome of deer vs. 168gr. Remington BTHP Match .308 @ 60 yards w/ the doe quartered towards me. Entry hole was right behind shoulder and exit wound was midways through it's rib cage. Wound was the size of my two fists. As you can see it was devastating to say the least. She weighed close to 100 lbs. & ran 15-20 yards. The way she looks is the way I found here...guts and all hanging out.

Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">you dont field dress them in the field down there?</div></div>

Not when it is a 2 minute drive back to the shop to clean'em!
Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

.308 will probably work, just be careful...
Whitetail deer are vicious blood-thirsty animals....
If given the chance they would kill you and everyone you ever cared about....

I killed a whitetail doe with my .308 at 510 yards off my oatfield last season using Berger 175gr hunting bullets.

I barely got the shot off before she attacked...
Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lucks</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.308 will probably work, just be careful...
Whitetail deer are vicious blood-thirsty animals....
If given the chance they would kill you and everyone you ever cared about....

I killed a whitetail doe with my .308 at 510 yards off my oatfield last season using Berger 175gr hunting bullets.

I barely got the shot off before she attacked... </div></div>

Glad to see that i'm not the only one that's being sarcastic.

Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JelloStorm</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I currently use a Remmy 700 30-06 for deer and I've recently scored a Remington 700 varmint 308 (action and barrel).

I'd like to use this for deer plus the recoil on my little 30-06 mountain rifle is a bit much to really enjoy shooting it.

Are there any drawbacks to going to 308 from 30-06? And how much knock-down power would I lose?</div></div>

There is <span style="font-weight: bold">NOTHING</span> living on this rock a .308win will not kill,...period. If a 65 year old Inuit woman, can drop a 750lb Griz with a 22lr I'd guess you would be safe hunting deer. Now granted she was tougher than a baked owl. I'm sure she was not wanting to go one on one with that griz an felt the 22lr had enough stand off for her. She did have a knife that most men wanted no part of, tough old bitch she was.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Searcher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">PLACEMENT > CALIBER </div></div>


my grandpa and dad grew up hunting deer with .22LR's. that was back when people actually hunted, not sit in stands and ring dinner bells lol. they would get a lot closer to the animal before making a shot, which was placed precisely to keep tracking to a minimum.
Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

My suprise is that anyone thinks a 308 has a great deal less recoil than an '06. In a rifle of the same weight, stock etc. I doubt you could tell.
Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Will Fennell</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There is not a deer walking this earth that could tell the difference between being hit with a .308 or a 30/06...... </div></div>

Or any other high powered rifle out there for that matter...
Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

308 works very well with most any bullet you and your rifle can place consistently. Here is the most recent 308 with 175 SMK at 178 yards. This is not my first choice in shot placement, but winds were gusting over 30 mph in below freezing temps (so I was stiff and cold), so I went for the safe shot.

Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Searcher</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JasonB</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think more deer fall to the lowly .22LR in professional deer culling than with any other caliber hunted...i can't substantiate this but I know there's alot of poaching going on with the same caliber... </div></div>

What he said and PLACEMENT > CALIBER </div></div>

Also, if you're a bad shot (or you're taking your wife, kid, etc, who is a bad shot), your bullet selection is very important.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

I had a Win M70 in .308, friend on bench next to me had same gun in 30-06, we both were shooting cheep federal 150s

I could def feel the dif between the two.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: uhcoog1</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Searcher</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JasonB</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think more deer fall to the lowly .22LR in professional deer culling than with any other caliber hunted...i can't substantiate this but I know there's alot of poaching going on with the same caliber... </div></div>

What he said and PLACEMENT > CALIBER </div></div>

Also, if you're a bad shot (or you're taking your wife, kid, etc, who is a bad shot), your bullet selection is very important. </div></div>

What does bullet selection matter if it is a bad shot? If it is shot in the guts with a smk it the same as being shot in the guts with a "hunting" bullet
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

You're right- a gut shot won't matter much between an smk or a hunting bullet.

However, bullet selection matters with a shoulder shot that hits the bone, where a match bullet may not make it into the chest cavity. Or, a shot in the chest cavity that misses all vitals and doesn't fragment or expand leaving a small exit wound.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">if you cant controll your shot placement do the animals a favor and dont shoot them </div></div>

The effective area is larger with a hunting bullet. Do you disagree?
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

I've said it before and I'll say it again!

<span style="font-size: 14pt"><span style="color: #FF0000">"The single most important factor in wound lethality is bullet placement. This can not be overstated."</span></span>

<span style="font-size: 8pt">Taken from: The Mechanics of Terminal Ballistics</span>

Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

My 11 year old son shot his first big game animal this summer with a 308... A red Stag in New Zealand, 168 yards. I was impressed with the 308 - no problems - no issues. The outfitter says they use a 308 all the time...
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: uhcoog1</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">if you cant controll your shot placement do the animals a favor and dont shoot them </div></div>

The effective area is larger with a hunting bullet. Do you disagree? </div></div>

Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

The effective area is the same area whether you are using a match bullet or a hunting bullet. The lungs and heart don't know the difference when they get blown apart by a bullet. That being said, if you have poor shot placement, the hunting bullet isn't going to do any black magic to make it anchor a deer or other animal any better or worse than a match bullet.

The key to this entire conversation is that if you put the bullet where it'll kill, it's going to kill.

Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

Let me get this straight- you're telling me that a target bullet (smk, scenar, etc) will do just as good as a hunting bullet designed for the game you're hunting on a poorly placed shot? Hitting the shoulder bone on a large deer, or hitting the chest area but missing the heart and lungs?

I'm not arguing that shot placement isn't the most important thing- because it is, by a long shot.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

If you miss the heart and lungs a 'hunting' bullet isn't going to magically be anymore effective than a match bullet. Hunting bullets don't suddenly change direction to hit the vital organs if you miss them.

And hitting really heavy bone with any bullet is a crapshoot on what's going to happen if/when it passes through. You can find stories anywhere on any bullet that hasn't done it's job.

If I had to personally depend on a bullet, it would be a Barnes tsx or similar all copper 'x' type bullet, however there is another thread on recovered bullets where some have recovered those bullets and they didn't perform as advertised.

Shot placement, if you can't put it where it counts, it doesn't matter what bullet you use.

Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: uhcoog1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Kurt-

Match bullets kill great. I use them.

All im saying is if you can't control your shot placement, use a hunting bullet. </div></div>

If you cant control your shot placement, dont shoot....
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dust_Remover</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you miss the heart and lungs a 'hunting' bullet isn't going to magically be anymore effective than a match bullet. Hunting bullets don't suddenly change direction to hit the vital organs if you miss them.

And hitting really heavy bone with any bullet is a crapshoot on what's going to happen if/when it passes through. You can find stories anywhere on any bullet that hasn't done it's job.

If I had to personally depend on a bullet, it would be a Barnes tsx or similar all copper 'x' type bullet, however there is another thread on recovered bullets where some have recovered those bullets and they didn't perform as advertised.

Shot placement, if you can't put it where it counts, it doesn't matter what bullet you use.

Branden </div></div>

On a chest shot in which the bullet doesn't actually pass through the heart or lungs, a controlled expansion hunting bullet has a higher probability of expanding and causing a greater hydraulic effect than a non-expanding match bullet. The larger hydraulic effect would leave a larger would channel, and would damage cells further out from the would channel as well. The area impacted would be greater, meaning a larger area in which the deer could be shot causing fatal lung/heart wounds (even though the bullet did not directly hit them).

On a shoulder bone shot, a controlled expansion hunting bullet will make it into the chest cavity with more frequency than a match bullet.

Some match bullets have a high probability of expanding/fragmenting when hitting the chest cavitiy, but those same bullets will have a low probability of making it through a direct bone hit. Other match bullets will it through bone with a high probability, but will fail to expand/fragment when hitting the chest cavity with little resistance.

For someone that can't 100% ensure they won't hit the shoulder bone and/or miss the vital organs, I vote for a hunting bullet.

When I take my younger sisters hunting (who are not hunters), we use hunting bullets. When my co-worker asks what bullets he should use on deer for himself and his 3 young boys, I suggest hunting bullets. Don't tell me you would suggest match bullets for them, or that they shouldn't be hunting.

Hunting bullets and match bullets both kill animals. Hunting bullets have a higher probability over a larger impact area of killing the animal.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

As usual, PGS has the best advice, take time to make a good shot, or don't take it.

Placement trumps all – power or bullet choice. Most any well placed bullet will work, and most any poorly place bullet will result in a mess and unpleasant ending.

Coog, with all due respect, my experience is quite different that what you are suggesting.

Match bullets with their longer and thinner noses, tend to deform and then tumble causing more dramatic damage than I have witnessed with “hunting” bullets.

I tried a Barnes TSX this year on a 220# buck and was shocked at the minimal size of the exit wound that could not be found until the deer was skinned.

Here are match bullets results from my first hand experience. I have lots more pics if needed, although I lost my camera recently, and some of this year's picture with it including the Barnes photo which I really wish I could share.

Some photos of center mass and/or bone shots are in response to your comments, as well as some of feral pigs as they have even thicker hides and denser body mass than deer, and the match bullets plow through without any trouble. The top photo is a 176 gr. Cauterucio from a 7WSM, the others are 175 gr. Sierra Match Kings from a 308.

The last photo of the pig shows best the long lengthwise exit wound of the tumbling bullet.







Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?


Thanks for the pics, saw one or two of these on the neck shot thread. And the personal experience with the Barnes- that's pretty disappointing.

What bullets do you use for young/new hunters? What about you, PGS? Have you found a bullet, match or not, that will increase their chances of getting the animal on the ground?
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?


This buck is this young lady's very first deer. She took it with my GAP .308 and a 155gr Lapua Scenar. The shot was close, maybe 60 meters. Earlier the same morning she killed her first elk with the same rifle and load. That shot was 455 meters. I've used this bullet quite a bit in the past four years on mule deer, elk, and antelope. I havent seen it fail yet. It just flat out shoots...accuracy is performance IMO. The abilty to place shots with precision is what will increase quick, clean kills...
Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

Someone must have borrowed some of my pics as I do not recall posting in that thread. Sorry to replay some of the older pics, just grabbed what was handy. Anyway.....

I let them shoot one of my heavy 308's with a muzzle brake and 175 SMK's. So far, everyone is 100% with the combo, most with DRT results.

To me, for a new hunter, a rifle they can shoot without being afraid of the recoil is the most important factor, so they can and will practice.

Have also had one use a 7-08 with 140 Barnes, which worked fine too.

Make sure then are leaning their upper body forward into the rifle with some gentle rearward pressure, and they will be good to go. Also fwiw - for the ladies, I recommend they wear sports top/bras so they do not have any buckles poking them.

Nice work Pat!!!

Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: uhcoog1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
On a chest shot in which the bullet doesn't actually pass through the heart or lungs, a controlled expansion hunting bullet has a higher probability of expanding and causing a greater hydraulic effect than a non-expanding match bullet. The larger hydraulic effect would leave a larger would channel, and would damage cells further out from the would channel as well. The area impacted would be greater, meaning a larger area in which the deer could be shot causing fatal lung/heart wounds (even though the bullet did not directly hit them).
The hydraulic effect doesn't kill, it does cause other issues, partaining to blood vessel damage, nerve damage, and brain signals to muscles for movement, hence the reactions to being shot to jump, drop, stumble, ect. If you don't hit something vital, energy from bullet pass through isn't going to damage it. You have to hit it, to destroy it. Now if you hit a rib on the way in, high velocity bone fragments can do it for you. Study ballistic gelatin videos and pictures, the temporary wound cavity is just that, temporary. The permananent cavity is seldom much larger than the bullet's diameter. Match bullets still expand, perhaps just not quite as reliably, but even still, they will deform to some degree on the way in, and likely tumble at the very least. Both of which, are very dramatic, and damaging.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: uhcoog1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">On a shoulder bone shot, a controlled expansion hunting bullet will make it into the chest cavity with more frequency than a match bullet.</div></div>
I can't argue with that statement, but we're talking about whitetail deer, and .308 caliber bullets. I can see a whitetail shoulder stopping a really light 6mm or even a really light 6.5mm bullet, but not a normal 150gr or heavier .308 bullet. I can't imagine a whitetail shoulder being any tougher on a bullet than say...a 4x4 wood board. I have yet to see a .308 bullet be stopped by a 4x4 post. I know there are stories out there about folks that say a bullet just hit the deer and stopped, but what were the ranges? There is likely another underlying issue, but that's just my opinon.

The 4x4 post seems like a good test to see if a bullet will punch through a shoulder. It's a bit of an extreme test, but it would be a good worst case scenario.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: uhcoog1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">For someone that can't 100% ensure they won't hit the shoulder bone and/or miss the vital organs, I vote for a hunting bullet.</div></div>
If you miss the vital organs, no bullet is going to help you any better than another.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: uhcoog1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hunting bullets and match bullets both kill animals. Hunting bullets have a higher probability over a larger impact area of killing the animal. </div></div>

So the heart and lungs shrink, and/or grow based on what bullet you use? That's remarkable, how does it know? I know what you're intent in your statement was, however IMO it's flawed. A hit is a hit on the heart or lungs, a hunting bullet isn't going to mean that a hit high on the lungs is going to be deadly, whereas a hit with a matchking will not. A hit from a full metal jacket right through the heart and/or lungs will be just as fatal as a expanding bullet. The deer might run a few yards farther before it expires, but die it will.

You know, if I was a cruel prick without some morals, I would demostrate this by shooting a deer with a full metal jacket bullet and see if it dies. OH wait, it's already been done (not by me). There is another poster on this site that is current Army, and has seen deer on the ranges on post get hit with military ball 7.62 ammo, and guess what....the deer died, and not after running 2 miles and bleeding out through a pencil hole in it. I'm sure there are plenty of deer hunters throughout the country that have shot deer with full metal jackets for whatever reason.

I've been wanting to do some testing on match bullets and milk jugs of water. I know it's not a super scientific test, but it's a test that's well within my budget. I've been wanting to test the expansion threshold of the bullets I use. 175 Smk's, 155 Scenars, and the Amax line of bullets. I can almost guarantee that those darn non-expanding match bullets will still do just that.


P.S. I reserve the right to edit as many times and necessary until it all makes sense.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?


Good advice Jeff!

Here's one of the first bucks I shot with a 155gr scenar. I used my Surgeon .308. The shot was 470 meters, broadside behind the shoulder. At the hit the buck ran maybe 70 meters and went down. The bullet left a golfball sized exit on the off side.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?


Thanks for the advice on the young hunter rifle/round combos. You too, PGS. I had heard bad rumors about the terminal ballistics of a scenar, so I'm glad to hear the great performance from you individually and with young hunters. I'll quit thinking poorly about certain match bullets as non-hunting bullets- it's obvious enough guys have had great success with them.

As you guys said, there is no replacement for shot placement. I'll put more effort into ensuring good shot placement for the non-hunters that I take through good rifle support and the advice that ya'll gave.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dust_Remover</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The hydraulic effect doesn't kill, it does cause other issues, partaining to blood vessel damage, nerve damage, and brain signals to muscles for movement, hence the reactions to being shot to jump, drop, stumble, ect. If you don't hit something vital, energy from bullet pass through isn't going to damage it. You have to hit it, to destroy it.

We both agree that there are hydraulic effects, and you listed some of them. However, the hydraulic effect can kill even when not hitting a vital organ. Nerve damage can be deadly and/or debilitating. There is tissue damage at the cellular level. And there is the possibility of organ arrest.

“When it [a bullet] enters a whitetail’s body, huge accompanying shock waves send vast amounts of energy through nearby organs, sending them into arrest or shut down.”
-^ A to Z Guide to White-Tailed Deer and Deer Hunting, Randall Gilbert, 2003, Woods N’ Water, Inc., p. 106

There seem to be plenty of experts that believe hydraulic force is devistating, and I'm sure there are plenty of others that believe quite the opposite.

The real question is what amount of hydraulic force is required to cause organ arrest and cellular damage, what bullet design delivers the most traumatizing hydraulic force, and how consistently does that level of force cause incapacitation.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

Got Diesel said:
When shooting a doe I hate to damage meat so I go for the head or neck shot.

These are graphic.

This was with my .308 win shooting 155gr A-max.

Again shot placement is pretty key.

and when your shot placement is off just a little? Ever seen a deer with a jaw blown off that couldn/t eat? just sayin.
As far as the .308, yes its enough. My biggest to date was with the good ole 308.
Re: Is 308 suffiecient for whitetail?

Have I seen a deer with no jaw due to a bad shot? No I haven't but I have heard of it. I have however seen a deer with no front leg and a massive abscess. That deer was put out of it's misery. Not trying to start a pissing match by any means just saying you can wound deer and make them suffer no matter where your aiming or who you are. It can happen to any hunter. But yes the .308 is more than sufficient for a whitetail.
Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

Hey I'm not sure how this little buck I shot this year was hit in the jaw. It could've been just a bad shot, but it is risky to aim for the head or neck area in my opinion. They move their heads quite a bit the heart lung shot gives much more room for error in the event something crazy does happen.



I put this 11" wide 3 pointer down just because his jaw was broke I would've passed this little fellow had he not been wounded so bad. My .308 dropped him like a bad habit he was quartering away the Sierra 165 grain Game King took half his liver, one lung was shredded, and more than half his heart was hamburgered!

Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

Pat, you are on a roll! Congratulations.

Is that electrical tape on your barrel? Assuming the piece on the end is to cover the muzzle, why do you have the piece in the middle of the barrel?

Always like to learn from the master.

Here are some cull results from a day last week - all with 308 and 175 Sierra Match Kings. All dropped where they stood.

Wife shot this doe at 109 yards which was quartering facing at her. Entry point is just forward of the shoulder on the opposite side, this is the exit.

She shot another, when I was not around, at about 30 yards facing her and she put it center mass. It was too gory to take a picture, but the SMK went in the front chest and the abdominal muscles and skin split open from the impact. The meat was not affected thankfully, but it very graphically demonstrated the substantial power of the 308. She will pick a different point of aim next time.

Here are three Axis deer that came in together. While I did not have my scales with me, best guesstimate on weights is 185, 225, and a bit over 300# for the biggest one on the right. These are non-natives that escaped from "hunting preserves" back in the 60's and 70's and are now established. I shoot them on sight to help free up food for the whitetails.
Shots were 169, 222, and 447. The 169 was the biggest one on the right which was quartering facing me. Entry point was just forward of the shoulder and the bullet passed through exiting the rear opposing rib cage with about a 3" exit hole comparable to the one of the whitetail doe my wife shot in the photo above.

This is the wheat field where we were hunting and I feel comfortable with a 308 in these conditions.

Re: Is 308 sufficient for whitetail?

Jeff, just some spare tape for when you shoot off the piece covering the muzzle to re-wrap it...not my idea. I saw other guys had it that way.

Nice shooting BTW!!