Is abortion ok


Full Member
Jul 8, 2009
I had a child at a young age. I was a punk ass kid with a kid, pretty much. I was done being a kid when she was born and went to work. Now she is going to college in the fall. Abortion never even crossed my mind. I am a god fearing man and I was raised to work hard and take care of my shit. These people seem bound and determined to kill anything thats in thier womb thats an inconvenience. Having said all that, if they dont want it, who am I to disagree with them. I hate to be that way but I don't need them indoctrinating that child that they didn't want anyway
Rare case???......Hmmmmmmm

The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Among 34 cases of rape-related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator. Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester; 32.2% opted to keep the infant whereas 50% underwent abortion and 5.9% placed the infant for adoption; an additional 11.8% had spontaneous abortion.

When victims go to the hospital for "treatment", do you know what meds they are given??? The kind that induce an abortion.......

The argument becomes "when" does life begin and abortion becomes a non-starter??
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It's a woman's choice to decide.
People bay at the moon about individual rights, but readily deny those rights to others, because it conflicts with their own beliefs.
Hypocrisy reigns supreme with so many.
Teach your kids about contraception.

Milliradian scopes reign supreme, just to keep it firearms related.
I had a child at a young age. I was a punk ass kid with a kid, pretty much. I was done being a kid when she was born and went to work. Now she is going to college in the fall. Abortion never even crossed my mind. I am a god fearing man and I was raised to work hard and take care of my shit. These people seem bound and determined to kill anything thats in thier womb thats an inconvenience. Having said all that, if they dont want it, who am I to disagree with them. I hate to be that way but I don't need them indoctrinating that child that they didn't want anyway

If adoption were cheaper I wonder if abortion would be less popular?
Abortion was always available to women/girls who had been raped, Risk of death/health of mother, Risk of deformation or severe retardation, Incest, and incapacity of the mother (coma, mental retardation, minor).
The "Woman's Choice" came about due a liberal interpretation of Roe v. Wade. The case was a pregnant woman, who hated her husband so badly, she didn't want him to have ANYTHING, including the child. He argued, "Please, let the child live and give him/her, to me, if you really don't want it". It wasn't any of the above stated reasons, it was simply, She hated him so badly, she would kill her own child to keep him from having it.
The decision disenfranchised men from ever having a say in the life of his child. Ever, in any way. Roe v. Wade has been used to conduct genocide and wholesale slaughter.
Then along came "Planned Parenthood" an organization who's founder (SANGER), hated blacks, and wanted to develop a means of exterminating them. It is a privately owned organization, that is supported by Federal money (not only medicare/medicade, rather, cash injections), and services primarily black and hispanic people,(check the numbers, 27% black vs 10% white, for 2014, last year data is available). The majority are for "convenience, not need. Planned Parenthood is also a cash cow for the left, as much of the Federal money given is donated right back to the DNC. That, too has been documented. When investigative reporters documented the illegal sale of human body parts from abortions, by PP, Kamala Harris prosecuted... the reporters.
{The "need" test by the way, is an argument often offered by the left regarding your ownership of any weapon.}.
The "Beginning of Life " discussion does not even need to considered, since the option of "Abortion for Convenience" is morally repugnant at any stage , and "The Man has No Right to His Child", is a disenfranchisement of an entire half of humanity. "My body my choice" is a speciaous argument intended to distract from the viewer that the Child gets no say whatsoever. The fetus is NOT HER BODY, it is someone else. IN fact they acknowledge that, since they often refer to a fetus as a parasite. The lack of choice by the human baby regardless of stage of development (NOBODY has ever asked the baby how he/she feels about it) is hypocrisy.
Abortion as an industry is a heinous program. It's practitioners are serial murderers.
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Rare case???......Hmmmmmmm

The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Among 34 cases of rape-related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator. Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester; 32.2% opted to keep the infant whereas 50% underwent abortion and 5.9% placed the infant for adoption; an additional 11.8% had spontaneous abortion.

When victims go to the hospital for "treatment", do you know what meds they are given??? The kind that induce an abortion.......

The argument becomes "when" does life begin and abortion becomes a non-starter??

When they don't tell you how they got their conclusions, when everything is based on "estimates" the "study" is bullshit. This study has "cited by" instead of citations. ITs funny how often you get to the base of something and find a study that is cited everywhere has no real info on how they reached their conclusions. Just like the Steele dossier, often times everything is based on an assumptions.

Lets break down their "estimated" numbers 615,000 abortions per year, 33,000 pregnancies from rape, half that gets an abortion 16,500 out of 615,000. 2.5%.......rare.
As the federal government spends a crazy amount of money funding care for children without viable parents... Wouldn't it make sense for them to fully fund adoptions to emotionally/psychologically/financially fit parents?

If for no other reason than reducing the burden on tax payers, it would make sense.
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If a women becomes pregnant due to a rape...they know they were raped and have the ability to take a pill a few days later. This bull shit about killing a child months after a rape is dumb. Why wait months before thinking about the fetus?

I personally know people who are thr product of rape. Her mother didn't realize she was pregnant, and her conscious couldn't even begin to think about an abortion. Glad to say her mother didn't love the child any less, and she grew up to be a great woman who now has two kids of her own and puts up with my dumb ass.

Rape is horrible yes...but it isn't the child's fault. You know early on that you were raped and you have the option to do something. That "option" is gone when a fetus starts to develop.

Who is the government to say what someone can or cannot do; right?

IF that works for one conversation topic it should work for this one too.


What is easier to measure, MOA or MIL???


Personally, I would never be OK with aborting a pregnancy I had a hand in starting. I'm not particularly religious, and this has nothing to do with the Bible. I'm a father. My son was planned and I was married when that planning happened, but even if that weren't the case, I couldn't imagine terminating the pregnancy. I couldn't imagine not having him around.

I believe that using abortion for birth control is abhorrent and wrong.

That said, there are many "what if" scenarios that I wouldn't want to face. If the doctor told me I had to choose between my wife and my child because only one would survive, I don't know what I'd do. If my wife was raped by another person, I don't know what I'd do.

So I admit that there are situations where the line is fuzzy and as a result, I don't know that outright banning it is the right answer.

Like many issues it's not clear cut.

To quote what was a remarkably good show (even if it was left leaning): "Abortion is a tragedy. It should be legal, it should be safe; it should be a lot rarer than it is now."
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If you murder a pregnant are charged with her death AND the death of her unborn baby.....

...Kind of answers the question right there...

We can't in one breath claim a fetus is a living things that needs legal protection.......but then in the next breath claim a fetus is "just a sack of cells" and it a-okay to abort don't get to choose based on convenience

If that's the logic we are using....arent we all technically "sacks of cells"?.....if that's the argument to greenlight abortions.....what's the argument against me performing a post birth abortion on some asshole who cut me off in traffic because he inconvenienced me?
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Is abortion ok? No.

Circumstances are irrelevant. Murder is murder.
Killing a helpless baby because they’re an inconvenience?? If that is justifiable, then I have a long list of people that inconvenience me.

How about deliver the child and put him/her up for adoption.

The one comment I have is that most who want to, and can afford to adopt want to adopt a white child, the ones that come up least often. That leaves the majority to end up in foster care where they are highly likely to end up in sex trafficking. Very sad state of affairs.

Yeah, I know of one in the state mentioned in the article, New Mexico. A red hot poker up his ass just before cutting his throat would make me smile.
Yea....I hope you never have to think about your daughter being raped by some POS, getting pregnant, giving birth, then having to share custody with his family, at worst he does minimal time gets out and has visitation rights.

Think before you respond.
Accidents happen
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This is the same mindset that is running the abortion machine today:

They are currently pushing hard for late term abortion, up to and including "after" delivered.
Take a good long look at those atrocities pictures from WW2.
We are going there again, this time it'll be even worse.
It's a woman's choice to decide.
People bay at the moon about individual rights, but readily deny those rights to others, because it conflicts with their own beliefs.
Hypocrisy reigns supreme with so many.
Teach your kids about contraception.

Milliradian scopes reign supreme, just to keep it firearms related.
On this youre wrong, GOF.

Once the sperm penetrates the egg its always 'human' in form just as and acorn is always 'oak' in form. Left un molested (aborted) it will go through all its stages, gamete, embryo, fetus, newborn, child etc, just as the acorn will be a sprout, sapling, young tree, mature tree, etc.

Since it is human, it has the same right to life as the mother. it had NOTHING to do with the mothers\'s rights, it has to do with protecting the life and rights of the unborn HUMAN inside her body.

Want to drive the fucking abortion supporters wild, jsut give them that argument and stand fast.
On this youre wrong, GOF.

Once the sperm penetrates the egg its always 'human' in form just as and acorn is always 'oak' in form. Left un molested (aborted) it will go through all its stages, gamete, embryo, fetus, newborn, child etc, just as the acorn will be a sprout, sapling, young tree, mature tree, etc.

Since it is human, it has the same right to life as the mother. it had NOTHING to do with the mothers\'s rights, it has to do with protecting the life and rights of the unborn HUMAN inside her body.

Want to drive the fucking abortion supporters wild, jsut give them that argument and stand fast.

And if the unborn child could potentially kill the mother during birth does the mother not have the right to her own life?
Nope, life from conception. Lots of childless couples would giving loving homes to unwanted newborns. As to the above post, the mother does have a right to her own life, but that is between her and her God, I am glad I will never have to make that choice. Women get a raw deal when it comes to this aspect.

Who is the government to say what someone can or cannot do; right?

IF that works for one conversation topic it should work for this one too.


What is easier to measure, MOA or MIL???

Put that bullshit back where you found it. Murder is illegal. Should the government permit murder? In the case of abortion it already does.
And if the unborn child could potentially kill the mother during birth does the mother not have the right to her own life?

why do people always try to back up their arguement with the rarest of ocasions? Its the same as the rape arguement. The truth is most babies are being killed because “mom” and “dad” were hot and bothered one night and now they dont want to deal with the results of their actions.

Who is the government to say what someone can or cannot do; right?

IF that works for one conversation topic it should work for this one too.


What is easier to measure, MOA or MIL???


Murder has been against the law in the United States since the first laws were written. That is why a constitutional republic has such a benefit over a pure democracy.
Somehow justifying that a child in the womb is not a human is quite interesting from the people "who believe in science", BUT only when convenient....

Many people are confused on this. Many people say a lot of really stupid stuff.
I had a child at a young age. I was a punk ass kid with a kid, pretty much. I was done being a kid when she was born and went to work. Now she is going to college in the fall. Abortion never even crossed my mind. I am a god fearing man and I was raised to work hard and take care of my shit. These people seem bound and determined to kill anything thats in thier womb thats an inconvenience. Having said all that, if they dont want it, who am I to disagree with them. I hate to be that way but I don't need them indoctrinating that child that they didn't want anyway

Absolutely......under specific circumstances! Never abort ( unless severely malformed) an unborn baby!

I do believe in “post birth abortions”! If by the age of, lets say 25, the person has proven to be a worthless POS, showing zero to little hope to become a productive member of is time to abort! For the good of the human race! There are exceptions to to above rule, but pretty rare! memtb
