Is abortion ok

When they don't tell you how they got their conclusions, when everything is based on "estimates" the "study" is bullshit. This study has "cited by" instead of citations. ITs funny how often you get to the base of something and find a study that is cited everywhere has no real info on how they reached their conclusions. Just like the Steele dossier, often times everything is based on an assumptions.

Lets break down their "estimated" numbers 615,000 abortions per year, 33,000 pregnancies from rape, half that gets an abortion 16,500 out of 615,000. 2.5%.......rare.

If the rapist was put to death upon conviction instead of their progeny then it would be even much more rare.

The penalty for causing someones execution by way of perjury should also be death.

Problems solved.
It's not OK. It is occasionally, like every repugnant moral decision, the least bad choice.

More problematic is the realization of how decadent a culture must be when half of its citizens literally vote only for the ability to continue to kill their own offspring at will. Nothing could be more contrary to the survival of a species, and we have reaffirmed such actions as a positive good. Science or something.
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why do people always try to back up their arguement with the rarest of ocasions? Its the same as the rape arguement. The truth is most babies are being killed because “mom” and “dad” were hot and bothered one night and now they dont want to deal with the results of their actions.
Not my argument it was just something to ponder.
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And if the unborn child could potentially kill the mother during birth does the mother not have the right to her own life?
Any unborn child could potentially kill the mother. Childbirth used to be the number one cause of death in women prior to modern obstetrical care.

Murder is murder.

The only situations in which I personally condone it are if the mother is in real danger(like has cancer and needs chemo), kid has some terminal defect (anencephaly, mitochondrial disorder etc), or mom was raped and is so distraught over it that she would kill herself otherwise. So basically almost never.

The “her body her choice” argument is worthless. It’s not her body. It’s its own body, no matter how small or different it looks. People are just ignorant.

The double standard is incredible. If I took my old Coleman stove and lodge cast iron around, and started making sea turtle or bald eagle omelets the left would have my head on a pike. But first trimester ABs are all good cause age of viability n stuff. Abortion during delivery is ok cause it’s a woman’s choice. GOF you’re no dummy. You should know better. These people are a death cult.

Who is the government to say what someone can or cannot do; right?

IF that works for one conversation topic it should work for this one too.


What is easier to measure, MOA or MIL???

the government can tell you which kids are yours and how much you must pay each month until they are adults.
do you think it is ok for somebody to kill one of them without your consent?
It is evil to kill a baby outside the womb. Why is it not evil to kill a baby while it's inside the womb! Life isn't always fair.. Bad things happen to good people. If a woman gets pregnant because of rape that's a terrible circumstance but it doesn't justify murder. Kill or castrate the rapist, that's who should be killed, not the baby...
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Any unborn child could potentially kill the mother. Childbirth used to be the number one cause of death in women prior to modern obstetrical care.

Murder is murder.

The only situations in which I personally condone it are if the mother is in real danger(like has cancer and needs chemo), kid has some terminal defect (anencephaly, mitochondrial disorder etc), or mom was raped and is so distraught over it that she would kill herself otherwise. So basically almost never.

The “her body her choice” argument is worthless. It’s not her body. It’s its own body, no matter how small or different it looks. People are just ignorant.

The double standard is incredible. If I took my old Coleman stove and lodge cast iron around, and started making sea turtle or bald eagle omelets the left would have my head on a pike. But first trimester ABs are all good cause age of viability n stuff. Abortion during delivery is ok cause it’s a woman’s choice. GOF you’re no dummy. You should know better. These people are a death cult.

Wait...we aren't supposed to make sea turtle omlettes?....oh shit.
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Any atheist that are against abortion or is it just all the religion followers?

Couples problem it's a couple's choice. It is absolutely none of my business, at least that's to say, for me personally, within the first trimester. After that I'd rather see the child offered for adoption.

Then I think that with all the children and the world that need to be adopted, why should we bring any more children into this planet? This piece of crap planted where people hate one another simply because of a different opinion. How about nobody's allowed to have a child unless it's approved by the state / government and anything else the fetus will be aborted ... How about that?

Or, for those that are anti-abortion you pay for the mother's pain and suffering you pay for the delivery the child you pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the child. After all you're wanting to take your personal opinion and have it affect somebody else's life... You should be financially responsible for that

If it's a baby, show me where it can be breastfed as God intended. If at any point the fetus is delivered and need some magical Medical treatment... God actually intended for that fetus to die... humanity is interfering with God's intent.
My personal opinion is; No, hard stop. If any of my kids are responsible for making a baby they will take responsibility for their actions.

The only concession I’d be willing to entertain even a tiny bit is a first term abortion. As soon as baby can survive outside of the womb, baby must be delivered. Whether that’s vaginally or by c-section is up to mother. Anything other than this is murder

Outlier cases, like incest or rape, can be handled individually but would still come with consequences.
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Any atheist that are against abortion or is it just all the religion followers?

Couples problem it's a couple's choice. It is absolutely none of my business, at least that's to say, for me personally, within the first trimester. After that I'd rather see the child offered for adoption.

Then I think that with all the children and the world that need to be adopted, why should we bring any more children into this planet? This piece of crap planted where people hate one another simply because of a different opinion. How about nobody's allowed to have a child unless it's approved by the state / government and anything else the fetus will be aborted ... How about that?

Or, for those that are anti-abortion you pay for the mother's pain and suffering you pay for the delivery the child you pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the child. After all you're wanting to take your personal opinion and have it affect somebody else's life... You should be financially responsible for that

If it's a baby, show me where it can be breastfed as God intended. If at any point the fetus is delivered and need some magical Medical treatment... God actually intended for that fetus to die... humanity is interfering with God's intent.
i am not an atheist but neither do i consider myself religious.
imho, there are situations where i do not find early termination of a pregnancy morally repugnant.
there are tribes in africa that must regulate the population and number of mouths to feed based upon the amount of food available.
having too many babies during tough times can endanger the health and survival of the entire tribe, and i can see no fault in this practice.
if i can make this exception, i feel like i must also make an exception for when a child is raped. i could not in good conscience force a child, by action or inaction, to carry her rapist's child to term.

that said, i believe that the overwhelming majority of unwanted babies are the result of irresponsible adults engaging in consensual sex.
it has become an accepted form of birth control, with some women having 6 or more abortions.
i find this morally reprehensible, both on the part of the "mother" and anyone that would mate with it.

do i have the right to tell anyone what to do? nope.
do i see how this devaluation of human life is contributing to the degradation of society and morality in general? i think so.
Any atheist that are against abortion or is it just all the religion followers?

Couples problem it's a couple's choice. It is absolutely none of my business, at least that's to say, for me personally, within the first trimester. After that I'd rather see the child offered for adoption.

Then I think that with all the children and the world that need to be adopted, why should we bring any more children into this planet? This piece of crap planted where people hate one another simply because of a different opinion. How about nobody's allowed to have a child unless it's approved by the state / government and anything else the fetus will be aborted ... How about that?

Or, for those that are anti-abortion you pay for the mother's pain and suffering you pay for the delivery the child you pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the child. After all you're wanting to take your personal opinion and have it affect somebody else's life... You should be financially responsible for that

If it's a baby, show me where it can be breastfed as God intended. If at any point the fetus is delivered and need some magical Medical treatment... God actually intended for that fetus to die... humanity is interfering with God's intent.

Given your first question, i'll try to answer only for myself as a non-believer. Generally speaking, I personally remain open minded on this topic because there is so much nuance (and I know others will not see the nuance the same way as I do, and truly ok with that). But am I ok with abortions at month 9? No. Am I ok with abortions within the first few weeks, absolutely. And then there is the massive amount of nuance I see in between those time periods.

Rape, high risk pregnancies (maternal death from child birth is super low, like 0.0017% in the U.S.), or clear genetic abnormalities that will lead the baby living an extremely short life, and related situations are where I defer to the parents to make that decision. I obviously don't believe in thev popular "life at conception" concept, and even then, I view a difference between life vs personhood.

I wish our country's adoption program was better run, and I wish our foster homes had significantly better outcomes for the unwanted children. I also wish the world would focus on the 6,000 children who die every day from malnourishment and lack of drinking water.
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My girlfriend got pregnant unexpectedly and was talking about abortion, even went to the clinic when I was trying to talk her out of it.

She had an ultrasound on the abortion table and said that her and the nurses at the abortion clinic were all in tears, so she came home and said she was going to keep it. After the birth she saw what she was going to kill, regrets everyday that she even thought of it, and can't believe how much she loves him.

I'm a proud father of a handsome little guy
I wish our country's adoption program was better run, and I wish our foster homes had significantly better outcomes for the unwanted children. I also wish the world would focus on the 6,000 children who die every day from malnourishment and lack of drinking water.
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My girlfriend got pregnant unexpectedly and was talking about abortion, even went to the clinic when I was trying to talk her out of it.

She had an ultrasound on the abortion table and said that her and the nurses at the abortion clinic were all in tears, so she came home and said she was going to keep it. After the birth she saw what she was going to kill, regrets everyday that she even thought of it, and can't believe how much she loves him.

I'm a proud father of a handsome little guy
View attachment 7556478

It all comes down to when you think life begins.
For some people it’s when the sperm meets the egg.
For others it’s when the baby is delivered into the world.
I believe it’s when the dog dies and the kids leave home.
This my friend is one of the most appropriate intellectual responses I've read in a long time... Thank you.

It's sad these days that the kids just don't want to leave home... That tells me people are doing it wrong. When I was growing up, we couldn't wait to get the hell out.
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Couples problem it's a couple's choice. It is absolutely none of my business, at least that's to say, for me personally, within the first trimester. After that I'd rather see the child offered for adoption.

Or, for those that are anti-abortion you pay for the mother's pain and suffering you pay for the delivery the child you pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the child. After all you're wanting to take your personal opinion and have it affect somebody else's life... You should be financially responsible for that

If it's a baby, show me where it can be breastfed as God intended. If at any point the fetus is delivered and need some magical Medical treatment... God actually intended for that fetus to die... humanity is interfering with God's intent.

Holes in argument too numerous to count. How about don’t get pregnant if you don’t want or can’t afford the delivery, care, and feeding of a baby.

Is eating what defines a person? Say your wife or mom or whoever has a stroke and has to have a peg tube for nutrition. Since they can’t eat “as God intended” should I face no penalty if I kill them? If you need a heart bypass or chemo or a transplant why should we pay for you? Same argument, and it’s a bad one.
To echo something just said, you just have to decide if a pregnancy is a person. If it’s not, you can whatever you want to it. If it is, you can’t do anything to it. For me, it’s a person, day one. We all look different throughout our lives, but we are still people and deserve to live.
This my friend is one of the most appropriate intellectual responses I've read in a long time... Thank you.

It's sad these days that the kids just don't want to leave home... That tells me people are doing it wrong. When I was growing up, we couldn't wait to get the hell out.
Cultural differences, does not make it sad or incorrect.
To echo something just said, you just have to decide if a pregnancy is a person. If it’s not, you can whatever you want to it. If it is, you can’t do anything to it. For me, it’s a person, day one. We all look different throughout our lives, but we are still people and deserve to live.
i think that when it can survive outside the womb is reasonable.
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I always crack up at the hypocrisy with the pro-life advocates who are totally against abortion, but yet support the death penalty. You can't have it both ways! You're either pro-life or not. There is no middle ground.

My stance on abortion really hasn't change at all. I put abortions in the same category as a mercy killing. You know, a last resort thing. I've never been a supporter of the argument that life begins at conception. If you can honestly look at a freshly fertilized egg and at a full term baby and say they're the same lively thing, you got issues.
The godless see the unborn as not human. Godlessness is the root of all evil, in this world.
If a human can stop another human from wrongfully killing another and it is considered justified, why do we allow a woman to kill her unborn child? Why do we, who call ourselves righteous, allow the murder of the unborn, in our own communities, cities, states and country? We might as well watch the abortionist stick a knife into the brain of our own child, or loved one. We'd do anything, in our power to stop this. A woman has the responsibility to do everything in her power to help the unborn child develop into a healthy adult, nothing less.
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The godless see the unborn as not human. Godlessness is the root of all evil, in this world.
If a human can stop another human from wrongfully killing another and it is considered justified, why do we allow a woman to kill her unborn child? Why do we, who call ourselves righteous, allow the murder of the unborn, in our own communities, cities, states and country? We might as well watch the abortionist stick a knife into the brain of our own child, or loved one. We'd do anything, in our power to stop this. A woman has the responsibility to do everything in her power to help the unborn child develop into a healthy adult, nothing less.

Soooo the priests that rape children are just doing God's work? Yes, only Godless people can commit evil acts, this fact has definitely been proven throughout history 🤣🤣🤣
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I always crack up at the hypocrisy with the pro-life advocates who are totally against abortion, but yet support the death penalty. You can't have it both ways! You're either pro-life or not. There is no middle ground.

My stance on abortion really hasn't change at all. I put abortions in the same category as a mercy killing. You know, a last resort thing. I've never been a supporter of the argument that life begins at conception. If you can honestly look at a freshly fertilized egg and at a full term baby and say they're the same lively thing, you got issues.
i am not what i would consider a "pro-life" advocate but even i can see a difference between wanting to protect the unborn and wanting to protect low-life murdering and child molesting scum of the earth.
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Soooo the priests that rape children are just doing God's work? Yes, only Godless people can commit evil acts, this fact has definitely been proven throughout history 🤣🤣🤣
Those priests are godless and use their position to prey on the innocent. They should be gutted and piked, in a public square, until the buzzards have had their fill. There always has been and always will be people who pretend to be godly, but are the most evil, among us.
Those priests are godless and use their position to prey on the innocent. They should be gutted and piked, in a public square, until the buzzards have had their fill.
Wrong, they worship your God but act on their human desires. Worshipping God does not instill morality just as the absence of God does not make someone immoral.
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I always crack up at the hypocrisy with the pro-life advocates who are totally against abortion, but yet support the death penalty. You can't have it both ways! You're either pro-life or not. There is no middle ground.

My stance on abortion really hasn't change at all. I put abortions in the same category as a mercy killing. You know, a last resort thing. I've never been a supporter of the argument that life begins at conception. If you can honestly look at a freshly fertilized egg and at a full term baby and say they're the same lively thing, you got issues.
Actually, you can have it both ways. The unborn are the most innocent, among us. The death penalty protects the rest of us, from predation.
i am not what i would consider a "pro-life" advocate but even i can see a difference between wanting to protect the unborn and wanting to protect low-life murdering and child molesting scum of the earth.

That's the universal response I always get. It doesn't matter whether it's justified or not, taking another's life is still the act of taking another's life.
That's the universal response I always get. It doesn't matter whether it's justified or not, taking another's life is still the act of taking another's life.
that is fair, cause i know what you mean, but i don't believe the death penalty is my choice.
the killer chooses his penalty when he chooses to commit that crime.
So 18 to 24 years.
Sounds about right for the current day and age.

I think the percentage of 18-24 year olds, in America today, who could literally survive on their own -- maybe 1-3%. I think that's being generous, too. Most of these kids today would die within a week of actually being completely on their own.

I jest, but I do agree with what y'all are saying there.

What's odd about the whole abortion thing is... I mean, they're targeting their constituents. Literally. Republicans aren't killing babies by the tens of millions -- just Democrats. Democrats are also reproducing less in general. Taking the ethical question out of the argument -- it's confounding; what is really their goal? Subjugation, maybe? I'm at a loss -- it's like seeing a wolf eat it's own leg. It's got a reason, but holy fuck.