What about a young man that gets his girlfriend pregnant. She ends up wanting to get an abortion. He does everything he knows to stop her from doing it. She does it anyway. He walks aways and never speaks to her again.......
Lives with the scar and regret the rest of his life.
Is he guilty?
Strictly speaking in a world of fantasy laws they are both "guilty". Unwanted pregnancy as a result of promiscuity or stupidity.
What should be done is the complicated and messy part virtually, probably actually, impossible to enforce. But I'll try to carry on the entire conversation by my lonesome. Feel free to try to interrupt me but don't get your hopes up.
Option: Force her to have the baby, put it up for adoption and force the two of them to pay child support or put them in prison? Truly a fairy tale ending.
Option: Give them the option of avoiding child support and prison by being voluntarily spayed and neutered? Unicorns really do fart rainbows.
But, honestly, that's why the word "should" appears so many times in those sentences. Because, in reality, 100% enforcement is not practical by any force less than an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being. It's like the war on drugs.
Depending on the state in the present time she may not have the option of abortion (assuming she doesn't have the means to flee to an abortion friendly state) and, I assume, she might have the option to carry the pregnancy to term and put the baby up for adoption. I don't know but don't believe any of these states provide a vehicle for either parent to pay child support even if they wanted. If the father wanted to adopt I assume he'd have to apply and go through the process to be judged suitable or not.
In a state where abortion is an option and she chooses to do so then if the father is remorseful he will have to learn to live with it or seek some therapy, I really don't care which because he fucked up and karma is a bitch. If he's not remorseful maybe maybe he'll get hit by a bus but more likely is he'll just pollinate another girl. I'm not aware of any program that would require community service from either of these people for their transgressions to benefit something like sex education but it doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Either way, in both these cases, another child will not be brought into a loveless home without the means or commitment to support it into adulthood and I'd say the world is a slightly better place because of it.
But what about the parents who had a baby out of wedlock and threw it away?
If there really is a god that will judge their immortal souls then they will pay in due time. It is not my job or my place to judge them here based on their moral fiber, I am only expected to judge them by the laws of man if called upon to do so. If the aborted baby actually has a soul then it is an innocent and I would expect it to receive its reward early without having to muddle through this experience ... truly a blessing.