Is abortion ok

Instead of sacrificing babies to molech, women are sacrificing their babies to the altar of convenience.
Same thing. Everyone worships something. Being conscious of the fact is immaterial.
"I didn't know" will not be a defense....mostly because deep down....everyone knows what is good and evil.
@Haney why can't you answer direct questions with simple direct answers? Is it too triggering for you?
I see you got drunk and grew some internet muscles again.:rolleyes: Incest has you all fucked up, seek help. Maybe at church this morning all will be forgotten ?


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Yet you reply, just not with a cogent answer.
Nearly 2 hours later you post this.
Once at a restaurant several years ago a young guy was stuck in a parking lot because his car wouldn't start.

I asked if it was a standard, he said yes and then it took me several minutes to explain in detail why he didn't have to wait for a tow truck because we could push start it.

I enlisted some help, we pushed it across the parking lot 3 times with no luck.

Apparently I didn't take enough minutes to explain it because he finally asked if he should turn the key. I should have dedicated at least 30 seconds to the key part instead of just mentioning it at the beginning. Millennials.
So I know you got the notification of my quote.
Why can't you post an intelligent response?