Tried to grab a random example so no one feels I am 'targeting'
I see this kind of thing all the time for 'Groups' and it bugs the hell outta me. One of things I am always focusing on is making sure I hit exactly where I aim.
Now I know sometimes in ladder tests, everything isn't zero'd, but if you are shooting for a group, why do we always see this stuff off-target? This guy (first pic) is 1'm guessing 1MOA+ Right and 0.5 MOA DOWN--thats 4 and 2 clicks! (3 and 1 for us mil type--I don't have my ruler, so math).
So when I say I can shoot 1MOA groups, I mean I can hit a 1MOA target with 5 shots, not put 5 shots in a 1MOA range.....
Am I just being an ass or is anyone else seeing this all the time and thinking ADJUST YOUR ZERO!
I see this kind of thing all the time for 'Groups' and it bugs the hell outta me. One of things I am always focusing on is making sure I hit exactly where I aim.
Now I know sometimes in ladder tests, everything isn't zero'd, but if you are shooting for a group, why do we always see this stuff off-target? This guy (first pic) is 1'm guessing 1MOA+ Right and 0.5 MOA DOWN--thats 4 and 2 clicks! (3 and 1 for us mil type--I don't have my ruler, so math).
So when I say I can shoot 1MOA groups, I mean I can hit a 1MOA target with 5 shots, not put 5 shots in a 1MOA range.....
Am I just being an ass or is anyone else seeing this all the time and thinking ADJUST YOUR ZERO!